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研究生(外文):Wei-Ren Jhuang
論文名稱(外文):Chaos Synchronization and Chaos-Excited Hyperchaos, for Integral and Fractional Order Rotational Machine System with Centrifugal Governor
指導教授(外文):Zheng-Ming Ge
外文關鍵詞:ChaosChaos SynchronizationChaos controlHyperchaos
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Chaos synchronization and chaos-excited hyperchaos, for integral and fractional order rotational machine system with centrifugal governor are studied in this thesis. By applying numerical analysis such as phase portrait, bifurcation diagram and Lyapunov exponent, periodic and chaotic motions are observed. Chaos synchronization for integral order system is accomplished by employing both linear feedback control and adaptive control based on Lyapunov first approximation theorem and asymptotical stability theorem. Then a new concept of chaos driven by states of chaotic system instead of driven by sinusoidal time function is put forward. This research is a completely new field, hyperchaos and broader ranges of chaos are obtained. Finally, it is found that chaos exists in the fractional order system with order less and more than number of states of the system. By utilizing the similar scheme as that for their integral order correspondence, chaos control and chaos synchronization are accomplished.
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1. 整數階與分數階電動機系統混沌同步與混沌控制
2. 應用模糊運算於勞倫茲主動同步控制之研究
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4. 應用GYC部分區域穩定理論於新Froude-Duffing系統之廣義同步與控制,以Bessel函數為參數的Rössler系統之超渾沌,陰陽Rössler系統的渾沌及實用混合投影廣義同步
5. 新延遲Ikeda-Mackey-Glass系統的渾沌、渾沌同步、渾沌控制、參數估測,與應用GYC部分區域穩定理論實現新Ikeda-Lorenz系統之渾沌廣義同步及渾沌控制
6. 新Duffing-VanderPol系統的渾沌現象,實用渾沌廣義同步,辛同步,應用GYC部分區域穩定理論的渾沌同步及控制
7. 量子胞神經網路奈米系統之超渾沌、渾沌控制、渾沌化與同步研究
8. 由本身系統之增項及代換達成之Lorenz系統超渾沌,渾沌控制及渾沌同步
9. 整數階與分數階雙Mackey-Glass系統的渾沌,延遲,超前,非耦合渾沌同步及控制
10. 整數階與分數階變革式心搏系統的渾沌及其同步與反控制
11. 六邊形離心調速器的旋轉機械之渾沌控制及渾沌同步
12. 陀螺體系統的渾沌、渾沌控制、同步及渾沌反控制研究
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14. 彈簧單擺系統之穩定性,渾沌,渾沌控制與同步研究
15. 測震儀之穩定性,渾沌,渾沌控制與同步研究