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論文名稱(外文):Classifying Defect Patterns in Semiconductor Fabrication by Statistical Learning Models
外文關鍵詞:pattern recognition
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By examining and inspecting the defect patterns on trouble wafers, experienced semiconductor engineers can usually identify the candidate manufacturing processes that caused the problem. This is of the important diagnosis methods in IC manufacturing industry to enhance fabrication efficiency and yield. In this thesis, the pattern recognition approach is used to classify defect patterns automatically instead of human inspection. In our study, five different defect patterns have been identified and categorized by human experts. After reviewing the geometric characteristics of these detect patterns, we extracted eight different features, three of them containing control parameters. To achieve optimal parameter setting, we adopted Fisher’s linear discriminant criterion, which is not common in conventional pattern recognition systems. And the experimental results showed that it did improve the system performance effectively. Our study included 135 simulated samples, implying that the classification models should not require massive training data. Thus we chose the following methods: the decision tree, naïve Bayesian classifier, and K-nearest-neighbor classifier. The results of cross validation showed that both naïve Bayesian and K-nearest-neighbor classifiers achieved extremely high accuracy, above 96%, while the decision tree only reached 89% of accuracy.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表列 vi
圖列 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究步驟和分類系統介紹 2
第二章 晶圓瑕疪圖之特徵抽取 5
2.1 邊環型晶圓瑕疪之特徵 7
2.2 底部型晶圓瑕疪之特徵 8
2.3 線型晶圓瑕疪之特徵 9
2.4 環帶型和弦月型晶圓瑕疪之特徵 13
第三章 特微選擇方法和因素分析 15
3.1 Fisher 線性判別式 15
3.2 因素分析 19
第四章 分類方法 23
4.1 決策樹 23
4.2 樸素的貝氏分類法 28
4.2.1 貝氏定理 29
4.2.2 樸素的貝氏分類法的流程 29
4.3 K-最鄰近分類法 31
4.3.1 機率密度之估測 31
4.3.2 KNN之機率密度之估測 33
4.3.3 KNN的分類規則 33
第五章 實驗 35
5.1 參數選擇 35
5.1.1 之 選定 36
5.1.2 之 選定 40
5.1.3 之 選定 43
5.1.4 哈克轉換門檻值 選定 46
5.2 實驗結果 47
5.2.1 晶圓瑕疪樣本之特選擇與因素分析 47
5.2.2 各種分類法之實驗結果 55
第六章 結論 70
參考文獻 72
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