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研究生(外文):Chad Lee
論文名稱(外文):Looking at the comparison of carious IPC business models from the viewpoint of Value Chain
外文關鍵詞:industrial PCStatisticsFinancialbusiness modelsValue Chain
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1. 工業電腦產業是提供客戶整合服務的利基產業,整合的程度依個別企業的核心能力有所不同,有專注於板卡領域,也有提供系統整合,依據資源及核心能力提供不同的整合服務。

2. 企業資源的投入必須衡量自身於產業價值鏈的定位及核心能力,資源能力無法兼顧整合發展時必須有所取捨,不應貿然改變資源投入比例及經營模式。

3. 研發導向是工業電腦產業在中小企業階段比較適合的營運模式,尤其是在企業自身資源能力不足時,應該加重研究設計的資源投入比例,不宜貿然採行業界典範的整合策略。
Taiwan’s industrial PC (IPC) industry has been in existence for nearly 20 years, and evolved now into the mature stage. Statistics released by Pan-Asia Cultural Center shows that there are currently over 112 companies in the line. As its name implies, IPCs are specifically designed for both industrial and enterprise use, not for personal use. They are all IPC suppliers but their profiles from resources, capabilities or technologies are very different from one another.

As I have been in this field for over 10 years, knowing the ins and outs of these companies is my expertise. The analysis of the comparison of these companies categorizes the IPC firms by the expenditures of the employment of sales/marketing and R&D personnel, and production facilities. The analysis is based on the 8 companies that were listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange before 2001.

When it comes to revenues, even Taiwan’s No. 2 to No. 5 companies together cannot match with those of Advantech as the latter is wholly equipped with well-established human resources like R&D, marketing and production. Moreover, it has a sophisticated R&D team, good production facilities in Kun Shan, China, and owns the brand name. Financial reports on these 8 companies in 2001, 2002 and 2003 have been collected. They were compared with those of Advantech from various perspectives of strategies, profitability and growth.

Conclusions of the analysis are as follows:

1.IPCs are supplied to customers with integrated services. The difference in the degree of integration has to depend on the capability of each enterprise. Some specialize in boards while the others in system integration. Thus, different integrated services are offered in accordance with individual firms’ capabilities.

2.Concentrating on enterprises’ resources is what strategy really means. If a firm’s resources or capabilities cannot be properly developed, the firm should give up, instead of changing the proportion of the concentration of the resources, and business models.

3.Focusing on R&D is the key, especially the scale of enterprise is small in the IPC industry.
中文摘要----------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要----------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝--------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄--------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄------------------------------------------------- vii
圖目錄------------------------------------------------- ix

第一章 緒論---------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究動機及目的--------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究範圍--------------------------------------- 2
1.3 研究流程--------------------------------------- 3

第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------ 4
2.1 工業電腦產業概況------------------------------- 4
2.1.1工業電腦概述------------------------------ 4
2.1.2工業電腦的特性---------------------------- 4
2.1.3工業電腦產品主要分類---------------------- 11
2.1.4資訊電腦產品市場規模及生命週期產品分佈圖-- 12
2.1.5工業電腦上、中、下游的關聯性-------------- 14
2.1.6我國工業電腦廠商概況---------------------- 15
2.1.7工業電腦產值------------------------------ 18
2.2 工業電腦廠商之關鍵成功因素--------------------- 22
2.3 價值鏈的概念及應用----------------------------- 24
2.4 企業競爭優勢、價值鏈與微笑曲線之關聯性--------- 27
2.5 研發、製造及行銷導向之營運模式差異------------- 29
2.6 企業實力矩陣----------------------------------- 30

第三章 研究方法------------------------------------ 32
3.1研究架構---------------------------------------- 32
3.2研究範圍與對象---------------------------------- 32
3.3資料收集---------------------------------------- 32
3.4研究變數---------------------------------------- 33
3.5研究限制---------------------------------------- 34

第四章 個案介紹及分析------------------------------ 35
4.1 產業個案分析----------------------------------- 35
4.1.1 研揚 (AAEON) ---------------------------- 35
4.1.2 凌華 (Adlink) --------------------------- 37
4.1.3 研華 (Advantech) ------------------------ 39
4.1.4 寶晟 (Boser) ---------------------------- 44
4.1.5 廣積 (iBase) ---------------------------- 46
4.1.6 威達電 (IEI) ---------------------------- 48
4.1.7 立端 (Lanner) --------------------------- 50
4.1.8 瑞傳 (Portwell) ------------------------- 52
4.2 不同經營模式之分析比較 ------------------------ 54
4.2.1財務報表分析歸納 ------------------------- 54
4.2.2工業電腦企業生命週期與成長限制--------------- 58
4.2.3不同資源策略三年平均值比較---------------- 60
4.2.4企業實力矩陣------------------------------ 64

第五章 結論與建議----------------------------------- 67
5.1 研究結論--------------------------------------- 67
5.2 研究限制與建議--------------------------------- 68
參考文獻---------------------------------------------- 69
一. 中文部份

1. 李芳齡、李田樹譯,創新者的解答,(The Innovator’s Solution,作者Clayton M. Christensen and Michael E. Raynor)
2. 巫宗融譯,價值鏈管理,(Managing the Value Chain,作者Carliss Y. Baldwin等)
3. 洪堯勳(1990),「從交易成本觀點探討價值鏈管理創新」,國立交通大學經營管理研究所博士論文
4. 洪瑞璘譯,彼得.杜拉克管理研究所教你學策略,培生教育出版,2005
5. 施振榮,再造宏�痋A1996,天下文化出版社
6. 徐作聖,策略制勝,1999,遠流出版公司
7. 章向昕(1990),「競爭法對策略聯盟之規範-科技產業之競爭且合作思維論競爭者合作在競爭法上之規範」,國立台灣大學法律研究所碩士論文。
8. 陳正平譯,龍捲風暴-矽谷的高科技行銷策略,(Inside The Tornado-Marketing Strategies from Silicon Valley’s Cutting
Edge,作者Geoffrey A. Moore)
9. 莊永順(2002),「國際化策略研究-以台灣工業電腦為例」,國立台大學企業研究所碩士論文
10. 統一投資週報(2003/10/16),專題報導-工業電腦市場及廠商評析
11. 趙偉時 (2004),「產業計算機市場分析及大陸凌華營銷策略研究」,復旦大學碩士學位論文
12. 廖漢雄(2002),「工業用電腦主機板的快速客製化服務之研究-以研華科技為例」,國立政治大學經營管理碩士論文
13. 翟大銓(2004),「工業電腦產業之資源能力與國際化動機,對其國際化策略影響之研究」,淡江大學管理科學研究所碩士論文
14. 齊思賢、楊又蘭譯,應變,天下文化,2004
15. 賴宣名,全球供應鏈管理,遠擎管理顧問,2002
16. 蔡宏明譯,從供應鏈看管理,梅霖文化,2004
17. 增廣宜,「石材產業根留台灣競爭策略之研究-價值鏈與微笑曲線的個案實例」,國立東吳大學企業管理碩士論文,2001
18. 蕭羨一譯,高科技產業管理,(Managing High-Tech Industries,作者Charles H. Ferguson等)
19. 謝綺蓉譯,touch Dell的秘密,(Direct from Dell, Strategies That Revolutionized and Industry,Catherine Fredman協作)

二. 英文部分

1. Alex Miller and Gregory G. Dess, Strategic Management, 1996
2. Business Growth Strategies for Asia Pacific, Willie Chien, Stan Shih, Po-Young Chu, 2005
3. Competitive Advantage, Michael E. Porter, 1985
4. Gabor Garai, Leveraging the Rewards of Strategic Alliances, Journal of Business Strategy, 1999, Vol 20.No2
5. Harvard business School(November 15,1987),「R&R」
6. Supply Chain Management SE,Sunil Chopra、Peter Meindl,2004

三. 網站部份
1. http://www.aaeon.com.tw
2. http://www.adlink.com.tw
3. http://www.advantech.com.tw
4. http://www.boser.com.tw
5. http://www.ibase.com.tw
6. http://www.iei.com.tw
7. http://www.lannerinc.com.tw
8. http://newsmops.tse.com.tw
9. http://www.portwell.com.tw
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