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研究生(外文):Lee, Peiting
論文名稱(外文):The Value Creation Process of an Electronic Component Distribution Company--- A Case Study of Promate Electronic Co, Ltd.
指導教授(外文):Chu, Po-Young
外文關鍵詞:electronic component distributoradded valuemoduletotal solutionstakeholder analysismass customizationform of postponementadded -value electronic component distributor
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Electronic components provide the key elements for the electronic industry. The electronic industry utilized these components for applications like Computer, Communication, Consumer, Car (4C) and other embedded industry products.

An electronic component distributor’s upstream consists of manufacturers for all kinds of electronic components including semiconductors, passive components, and all kinds of modules such as TFT panel modules, backlit modules, and power modules. The downstream of a component distributor consists of manufactures of 4C and other embedded industry products. In between, electronic component distributors used to play a role of delivering components from their buffer inventory, collecting money, but now shifting into a more aggressive role, They collaboratively help customers’ engineers to design products, and even provide total solutions to customers in order to create more value in the overall industry supply chain.

Purpose of this thesis is to classify the development strategy of Electronic Component Distributor. The Study first analyzed the trend in the electronic industry of low margin in Manufacturing ( EMS, ODM, OEM), and the trend of Electronic Component Distributor industry. In response to this low margin trend of the whole electronic Industry, an electronic component distributor should discover how to increase the added value offered to customers and component makers, in order to prevent itself being squeezed further from both sides.

This research is a qualitative and descriptive study, through stakeholder analysis, we could discover how an electronic component distributor could provide a total solution in a certain application, in terms of value created to component makers, customers and the distributor itself. The studies explored 3 real case studies happened in Promate Electronic Co., via systematically analyzing the value creation process.
中 文 摘 要 i
序 言 & 誌 謝 v
目 錄 vi
圖 目 錄 ix
表 目 錄 x
第一章、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究步驟 3
第二章、 文獻探討 4
2.1 普遍縮短的產品生命週期 4
2.2 供應鏈管理面臨的基本問題 6
2.3 產銷結構之延遲理論 6
2.4 技術採用生命週期 9
2.5 微笑曲線 10
2.6 五力分析 12
2.7 大量客製化(Mass Customization) 13
第三章、 研究方法 15
3.1 研究方法 15
3.2 研究限制 16
第四章、 產業分析 17
4.1 電子產業現況 17
4.1.1 供過於求 17
4.1.2 微利時代 17
4.2 電子零件通路產業現況 18
4.3 電子零件通路商之發展趨勢 20
4.3.1 追求經濟規模,大者恆大 20
4.3.2. 業務涵蓋地域的擴張 20
4.3.3. 差異化 20
4.3.4. 不求合併或差異化者面對優勝劣敗的淘汰賽 21
4.4 同業分析 21
4.4.1 零件通路商類型與運作模式 21
4.4.2 不同類型通路商整體(Overall) KPI的比較 24
4.4.3. 加值型通路商的進入障礙 28
第五章、 研究結果 30
5.1 傳統的電子零件通路商技術服務過程 30
5.2 加值型電子零件通路商創造附加價值的技術服務過程 31
5.3 電子零件通路商提供附加價值後產生的產業價值鏈變化 32
5.4 軟體/硬體模組化的優點 33
5.5 可複製性分析: 34
5.6 Stakeholder 分析 36
5.6.1 模式前後KPI之變化: 37
第六章、 個案分析 38
6.1 可攜式DVD 光碟播放機(Portable DVD Player)個案 38
6.1.1 產業分析: 38
6.1.2 Stakeholder 分析 39
6.1.3 價值鏈的變化 41
6.1.4 電子零件通路商的服務,創造價值的分析: 42
6.1.5 客戶願意與豐藝配合的原因: 42
6.1.6 對客戶的好處: 42
6.1.7 對豐藝電子的好處: 43
6.1.8 個案分析 43
6.2 個案二、汽車電視(CAR TV) 43
6.2.1 產業分析: 43
6.2.2 Stakeholder分析 44
6.2.3 價值鏈的變化 46
6.2.4 電子零件通路商的服務,創造價值的分析: 47
6.2.5 客戶願意與豐藝配合的原因: 48
6.2.6 對客戶的好處: 48
6.2.7 對豐藝電子的好處: 48
6.2.8 個案分析 49
6.3 個案三、液晶電視 49
6.3.1 產業現況 49
6.3.2 Stakeholder 分析 50
6.3.3 價值鏈的變化 52
6.3.4 電子零件通路商的服務,創造價值的分析: 53
6.4 成功模式複製性分析 53
第七章、 結論 55
7.1 發展整體解決方案,提供價值 55
7.2 複製成功經驗 56
7.3 知易行難 56
7.4 加值型通路商成功關鍵因素(Critical Success Factor) 57
附註:參考文獻 58
自傳 61
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