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論文名稱(外文):Study of electric and magnetic properties
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發現多層膜結構在室溫下能獲得最大的交換耦合偏壓場約180 Oe,在350 K時,亦能達到90 Oe。而本文利用特殊的蝕刻方式確實能改善蝕刻後樣品的表面型態,但在電性的表現上並不如預期,相信透過更大角度的斜向蝕刻方式,能對其表現大大改善。
This thesis mainly focuses on the research of the characteristics of tunneling magnetoresistance multiplayer. Through magnetron sputtering system to manufacture magnetic multilayer. we can probe into the exchange coupling phenomenon in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic system. In the meantime, by using sample with different thickness, we are able to compare the influences on magnetic property of multilayer before and after anneal, and get to know the changes under different temperatures.
Also, through photo-lithography and ion-milling to manufacture MTJ devices, to observe the surface texture and try to resolve the redeposition which is caused by etching process. By measuring the I-V characteristic and magnetoresistance, factors which cause device damages in the fabrication process can be found.
It was discovered that the largest exchange bias of the magnetic multilayer can reach is around 180 Oe at RT. It can also reach 90 Oe at 350K. In this thesis, it’s confirmed that the sample surface texture do get improved by using special etching method. However, it’s electric property will not be as good as expected. We believe the performance can be greatly improved by applying oblique etching method with wider angle.
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………1
第二章 理論及文獻探討………………………………………… 8
2-2 交換磁異向性……………………………………………… 11
2-3 交換磁異向性相關模型………………………………………13
2-3-1 一般交換耦合模型……………………………………13
2-3-2 反鐵磁磁壁模型………………………………………16
2-3-3 無序場模型……………………………………………18
2-3-4 Spin-flop 正交界面耦合模型………………………21
2-3-5 Uncompensate界面模型探討…………………………23
2-4 Simmon’s 模型………………………………………………26
2-5 自旋相關穿隧效應……………………………………………32
2-6 Julliere's 模型…………………………………………… 35

第三章 實驗設備與實驗步驟……………………………………40
3-1 前言……………………………………………………………40
3-2 實驗設備………………………………………………………41
3-2-1鍍膜系統……………………………………………… 41
3-2-2離子束蝕刻系統……………………………………… 49
3-2-3超導量子干涉儀……………………………………… 51
3-2-4 原子力顯微鏡…………………………………………53
3-2-5 曝光機…………………………………………………55
3-2-6 掃描電子顯微鏡之應用………………………………57
3-3 樣品製程與量測………………………………………………60
3-3-1 樣品的清洗……………………………………………60
3-3-2樣品的製程…………………………………………… 61
3-3-2-1 交換耦合作用之磁性多層膜製作……………61
3-3-2-2 磁性穿隧結之蝕刻製程………………………62
3-3-3 樣品的量測……………………………………………68
3-3-3-2 磁性穿隧結之量測……………………………68

第四章 實驗結果與討論………………………………………… 70
4-1 前言……………………………………………………………70
4-2 交換耦合偏壓研究……………………………………………70
4-2-1 不同FeMn厚度……………………………………… 70
4-2-2 不同NiFe厚度……………………………………… 75
4-2-3 不同CoFe厚度……………………………………… 78
4-2-4 討論……………………………………………………81
4-2-5 交換場偏壓與溫度的關係……………………………84
4-3 自旋閥式MTJ蝕刻結果………………………………………85
4-3-1 蝕刻遮罩製作結果……………………………………85
4-3-2 60度側向蝕刻結果……………………………………86
4-3-3 樣品量測結果…………………………………………90
第五章 結論…………………………………………………………… 91
參考文獻……………………………………………………………… 93
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