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研究生(外文):Hue-ru Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Junior High School EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices on Listening Instruction in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Janet Yu-gi Chao
外文關鍵詞:EFLteachers' beliefslistening instruction
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The importance of listening instruction has been highly advocated by scholars in the field of second and foreign language teaching. Nonetheless, the questions about EFL teachers’ perception of listening instruction in language teaching and how they conduct listening instruction in their classrooms are relatively unexplored. This study aimed to investigate teachers’ beliefs in listening instruction and how they conducted listening instruction. The background factors influencing teachers’ beliefs and techniques were then explored. It is hoped that through this study, more attention will be drawn to the listening instruction in junior high schools, which will also enrich students’ English learning experience and lead to better English learning outcomes.
Through a convenience sampling technique, 297 valid questionnaires were returned from junior high schools in Taichung County, Taichung City, Changhua County and Changhua City. In addition to the descriptive statistics, the independent-samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the quantitative data collected from the questionnaire. Twenty subjects were then randomly selected from the sample to be interviewed. The interview data were transcribed verbatim and served as basis for qualitative analysis.
The results revealed that the subjects in this study generally held positive attitudes toward listening instruction and different teaching techniques were employed at different stages. In the pre-listening stage, the most popular one was to explain the tasks that will follow to let students know what to listen for. In the while-listening stage, referring back to the passage or replaying parts of the recording to clarify certain points was the most frequently used in helping students to comprehend. As to the post-listening stage, many of the teachers asked students the main idea of a passage to evaluate their comprehension. As to the background factors which might influence the teaching of listening, the results appeared that teachers’ age, years of teaching, self-training of listening ability, and ways to receive new information were the strongest differentiators of the teachers’ responses to the questionnaire.
This finding confirms that teachers’ learning experiences and teaching experiences had significant influences on their beliefs and techniques in listening instruction. It is suggested that not only teachers should strengthen their own listening ability, but also more teacher training for listening instruction should be provided by the education authorities. It is hoped that teachers’ knowledge and techniques in teaching listening will be enhanced.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement……………………………………………….. i
Chinese Abstract………………………………………………. ii
Abstract………………………………………………………….. iii
Table of Contents……………………………………………… v
List of Tables And Figures………………………………….. viii
Chapter One: Introduction………………………………….. 1
Background of the Study…………………………… 1
Rationale and Motivation of the Study……………... 2
Purpose of the Study……………………………….. 4
Research Questions………………………………………… 4
Significance of the Study……………………………… 4
Definition of Terms……………………………………… 5
Chapter Two: Literature Review…………………………… 8
Introduction……………………………………………… 8
Teachers’ Belief……………………………………….. 8
The Importance of Listening in L2 Teaching………. 10
The Direct Method…………………………………... 10
The Audiolingual Method……………………………… 11
Total Physical Response…………………………... 12
The Natural Approach……………………………….. 12
Communicative Language Teaching…………………… 13
Pedagogical Methods to Listening…………………. 14
A Review of Studies on L2 Listening Instruction…. 15
Listening First……………………………………….. 15
The Application of Both Bottom-up and Top-down Activities………… 16
Visual Aids………………………………………... 17
A Micro-skills View toward Listening……………. 18
A Strategic View toward L2 Listening……………. 19
Authentic Materials…………………………………. 22
Variety of Modes and Topics……………………… 24
The Teaching Procedures in a Listening Course…… 25
Pre-listening Stage…………………………………… 27
While-listening Stage……………………………... 29
Post-listening Stage……………………………….. 30
Studies Related to Listening Activities………. 31
The Teacher’s Role in a Listening Course…………. 31
Selecting Materials……………………………….. 32
Selecting Tasks………………………………… 35.
Organizing Teaching Activities…………………………… 40
Conclusion………………………………………………….. 43
Chapter Three: Methodology…………………………………. 44
Population of the Study……………………………….. 44
Subjects of the Study………………………………….. 44
Instruments…………………………………………………. 45
Questionnaire Construction……………………….. 45
Content of the Questionnaire……………………… 45
The Interview Questions…………………………….. 47
Procedures……………………………………………….. 48
Data Analysis………………………………………………. 48
The Pilot Study…………………………………………... 49
Data Collection Procedures of the Pilot Study…. 49
The Findings of the Pilot Study…………………… 50
A Reflection on the Problems of Conducting the Pilot Study………….. 60
Chapter Four: Results………………………………………. 62
Demographic Information of the Subjects……………. 62
Descriptive Statistics of Teachers’ Beliefs and Techniques………… 65
Beliefs on the Importance of Listening……… 65
Beliefs on the Importance of Listening Instruction……….. 66
Beliefs on Listener’s Proficiency Level……... 66
Beliefs on the Purpose of Listening Instruction……... 67
Beliefs on Strategy Instruction…………………. 67
Beliefs on Selecting Listening Materials or Using equipment…………. 68
Evaluation of Listener’s Proficiency Level….. 69
The Usage of Equipment………………………….. 69
Techniques in the Pre-listening Instruction….. 70
Techniques in the While-listening Instruction………………………….. 71
Techniques in the Post-listening Instruction…. 72
Teaching Resources……………………………….. 73
Inferential Statistics of the Effect on Teachers’ Beliefs and Techniques 76
Interview Results……………………………………… 95
Summary……………………………………………………… 123
Chapter Five: Discussion and Conclusion………………… 125
Discussion of the Findings……………………………. 125
Research Question One……………………………… 125
Research Question Two………………………………… 128
Research Question Three………………………….. 130
Conclusion…………………………………………………….. 131
Pedagogical Implications and Suggestions………… 133
To English Teachers…………………………………. 133
To Institutions of Teacher Education…………… 134
To Secondary School Authorities…………………. 135
To EFL Listening Material Designers…………….. 136
Limitations of the Study………………………………. 137
Suggestions for Further Studies………………………. 137
Bibliography………………………………………………….. 140
Appendix A: Questionnaire for the Pilot Study…………. 150
Appendix B: Formal Questionnaire (Chinese Version)…. 156
Appendix C: Formal Questionnaire (English Version)….. 161
Appendix D: Interview Questions (Chinese Version)…… 166
Appendix E: Interview Questions (English Version)……. 167
Appendix F: Interview Transcript………………………….. 168

List of Tables And Figures
Table 2-1: Comparison of the Audio-lingual Method and Communicative Language Teaching………………………………………………... 14
Table 2-2: Microskills of Listening Comprehension…………………………. 19
Table 2-3: Principles of Strategy-Based Listening Instruction……………….. 22
Table 2-4: The Function of Three Stages in Listening Instruction……………. 27
Table 2-5: Techniques for Teaching Listening Comprehension………………. 39
Table 3-1: The Categorization of the Items in the Listening Instruction Questionnaire……………………………………………………… 47
Table 3-2: The Critical Ratio of the Items in the Questionnaire……………… 51
Table 3-3: Age and Educational Background of the Subjects………………… 52
Table 3-4: Career Background of the Subjects………………………………... 53
Table 3-5: Descriptive Statistics of Teachers’ Beliefs in the Importance of Listening Instruction………………………………………………. 54
Table 3-6: Descriptive Statistics of While-listening Activity Practice………... 55
Table 3-7: ANOVA of Age on Beliefs in the Importance of Listening Instruction…………………………………………………………. 55
Table 3-8: ANOVA of Years of English Teaching on Beliefs in the Importance of Listening Instruction………………………………. 56
Table 3-9: ANOVA of Means to Receive Information on Beliefs in the Importance of Listening Instruction………………………………. 57
Table 3-10: Pedagogical Methods Adopted to Teaching Listening Comprehension……………………………………………………. 57
Table 3-11: Criteria for Selecting Listening Materials………………………… 58
Table 3-12: Frequently Used Task Types………………………………………. 58
Table 3-13: School Support Needed in Improving Listening Instruction……… 58
Table 4-1: Gender and Age of the Subjects…………………………………… 62
Table 4-2: Educational Background of the Subjects………………………….. 63
Table 4-3: Career Background of the Subjects………………………………... 64
Table 4-4: Subjects’ Learning Experiences…………………………………… 65
Table 4-5: Teachers’ Beliefs on the Importance of Listening…………………. 66
Table 4-6: Teachers’ Beliefs on the Importance of Listening Instruction…….. 66
Table 4-7: Teachers’ Beliefs on Listener’s Proficiency Level………………… 67
Table 4-8: Teachers’ Beliefs on the Purpose of Listening Instruction………… 67
Table 4-9: Teachers’ Beliefs on Strategy Instruction…………………………. 68
Table 4-10: Teachers’ Beliefs on Selecting Listening Materials or Using Equipment…………………………………………………………. 69
Table 4-11: Teachers’ Evaluation of Listener’s Proficiency Level…………….. 69
Table 4-12: Teachers’ Usage of Equipment……………………………………. 70
Table 4-13: Teachers’ Techniques in the Pre-listening Instruction……………... 71
Table 4-14: Teachers’ Techniques in the While-listening Instruction………….. 72
Table 4-15: Teachers’ Techniques in the Post-listening Instruction……………. 73
Table 4-16: Pedagogical Methods Adopted to Teaching Listening Comprehension……………………………………………………. 74
Table 4-17: Criteria for Selecting Listening Materials…………………………. 74
Table 4-18: Frequently Used Task Types………………………………………. 75
Table 4-19: School Support Needed in Improving Listening Instruction……… 75
Table 4-20: T-test of the Mean Score in Gender and Belief on Listening Strategy Instruction………………………………………………... 76
Table 4-21: ANOVA of Age on Teachers’ Beliefs in Listening Instruction……. 77
Table 4-22: ANOVA of Age on Teachers’ Techniques in Listening Instruction.………………………………………………………… 78
Table 4-23: ANOVA of Educational Background on Beliefs in Listening Instruction…………………………………………………………. 80
Table 4-24: ANOVA of Educational Background on Techniques in Listening Instruction…………………………………………………………. 81
Table 4-25: ANOVA of Major on Beliefs in Listening Instruction…………….. 82
Table 4-26: ANOVA of Major on Techniques in Listening Instruction………... 83
Table 4-27: ANOVA of Position in School on Techniques in Listening Instruction…………………………………………………………. 84
Table 4-28: ANOVA of Years of Teaching on Beliefs in Listening Instruction... 85
Table 4-29: ANOVA of Years of Teaching on Techniques in Listening Instruction…………………………………………………………. 86
Table 4-30: ANOVA of Grade Mainly Taught on Beliefs in Listening Instruction…………………………………………………………. 87
Table 4-31: ANOVA of Grade Mainly Taught on Techniques in Listening Instruction…………………………………………………………. 88
Table 4-32: ANOVA of Residential Experiences on Beliefs in Listening Instruction…………………………………………………………. 89
Table 4-33: ANOVA of Self-training Time of Listening on Beliefs in Listening Instruction……………………………………………. 90
Table 4-34: ANOVA of Self-training Time of Listening on Techniques in Listening Instruction……………………………………………… 91
Table 4-35: ANOVA of Ways to Receive Information on Beliefs in Listening Instruction…………………………………………………………. 93
Table 4-36: ANOVA of Ways to Receive Information on Techniques in Listening Instruction………………………………………………. 94
Table 4-37: Twenty Interviewees’ Background Information…………………… 95
Figure 1: Teaching procedures in a listening phase of a class………………. 26
Figure 2: Richards’ functions/processes chart……………………………… 38
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