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研究生(外文):Hsiang-chun Yu
論文名稱(外文):Dream Allegory in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol and Its Application to Englsih Teaching
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-chen Chiang
外文關鍵詞:dream allegoryCharles DickensA Christmas Carol
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本論文試圖以寓言夢來詮釋狄更斯Charles Dickens的《小氣財神》(A Christmas Carol),並且將它應用於英語教學上,因此本論文的前半探討寓言夢特質如何呈現於《小氣財神》中,而後半部則重於教學的研究。本論文主要分為以下六章。
第一章是概論,說明狄更斯Charles Dickens的《小氣財神》成為研究主題的理由,及文學如何協助英語教學,並且進一步指出小說在英語教學的好處,此外第一章也呈現了本研究的結構。
第二章主要是說明寓言夢的特質。寓言夢的特質有以下五項:夢的結構、雙重意義及寓言化的名字、危機、旅程和頓悟。這些特質在本章分別做深入的探討,並且以重要的寓言夢作品如班楊John Bunyan的《天路歷程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress)及霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne的 <年輕的布朗大爺> (“Young Goodman Brown”)作為例證說明此五項特質。第三章則以寓言夢的觀點,用其五項特質探討《小氣財神》,以提升讀者對該作品的了解。
The thesis attempts to interpret Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol in terms of dream allegory and to apply it to English teaching. Thus the former part of the thesis is applying dream allegory characteristics to interpret Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and discusses how the characteristics are presented in this novel, and in the latter part of the thesis the researcher focuses on the teaching of the concept of dream allegory in A Christmas Carol. Initially some methods and activities for teaching novels will be covered and then an experiment will be conducted to teach A Christmas Carol. The whole thesis is divided into seven chapters.
Chapter One is the introduction, including thesis statement, literature review and organization of the thesis. Chapter Two focuses on discussing the characteristics of dream allegory and it also includes the motivation as well as methodology of this research. Characteristics of dream allegory are found to contain: a dream framework, dual meaning and allegorical names, crisis, journey and epiphany. These characteristics are discussed respectively and examples, like works of The Pilgrim’s Progress and “Young Goodman Brown” are presented to account for the characteristics. In Chapter Three, A Christmas Carol is analyzed through dream allegory’s point of view. The characteristics of dream allegory are applied to provide profound insight to the understanding of the novel.
Chapter Four is analysis of the teaching material. It offers guidelines in teaching novels and it also discusses the appropriateness of teaching A Christmas Carol. Chapter Five is about the application of A Christmas Carol to the EFL Vocational High School classroom in Taiwan. It presents the two research questions: 1. What are vocational high school students’ perceptions about reading English novels before and after the teaching of A Christmas Carol? 2. What is the effect of the concept of dream allegory in A Christmas Carol on EFL vocational high school students in Taiwan? Chapter Four also provides description of the subjects, instruments, text, lesson plan, teaching procedures, and data collecting procedures.
Chapter Six presents and discusses the results of the teaching application. It is found that though before the teaching experiment most students think that reading English novels is helpful to learn English, but they think reading English novels is not easy. However, after the teaching experiment some have conquered their fear of reading English novels. The teaching of A Christmas Carol is approved by over sixty percents of students agreeing that the content of the book is suitable for them to read. The students were found to understand the dream allegory presented in the novel. Chapter Seven summarizes major findings of the study, discusses limitations of the present study and also provides suggestions for further study.
Table of Contents

Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables viii

Chapter One: Introduction 1
1.1 Charles Dickens and His Time 1
1.2 Literature Review of A Christmas Carol 6
1.3 Literature in Facilitating Language Learning 12
1.3.1 Providing a Basis for Extending Language Usage 12
1.3.2 Fostering an Overall Increase in Reading Proficiency 14
1.3.3 Promoting a Greater Tolerance for Cultural Differences and Promoting Students’ Creativity 17
1.4 Organization of the Thesis 19

Chapter Two: Concepts of Dream Allegory 23
2.1 Characteristics of Dream Allegory 23
2.1.1 Dream Framework 25
2.1.2 Dual Meanings and Allegorical Names 28
2.1.3 Crisis 38
2.1.4 Journey 41
2.1.5 Epiphany 47

Chapter Three: Characteristics of Dream Allegory in A Christmas Carol 52
3.1 Dream Framework: A Philanthropic Dream and Enjoyable Nightmare 53
3.2 Dual Meanings and Allegorical Names 56
3.2.1 Ebenezer Scrooge 56
3.2.2 The Three Christmas Spirits 57 The Ghost of Christmas Past 58 The Ghost of Christmas Present 59 The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come 60
3.3 Crisis 61
3.4 Journey 65
3.4.1 Traveling to the Past 65
3.4.2 Traveling to the Present 67
3.4.3 Traveling to the Future 69
3.5 Epiphany 71

Chapter Four: Analysis of the Teaching Material 74
4.1 Guidelines in Teaching Novels 74
4.1.1 Distinctive Features of Novels 75
4.1.2 Tasks and Activities for Use with Novels 77 Pre-reading Activities 77 Reading Activities 77 Post-reading Activities 78
4.2 Appropriateness of Teaching A Christmas Carol 79
4.2.1 A Novel with Dramatic Plot, Adequate Vocabulary and Comprehensible Narrator 80
4.3 The Pilot Study 81

Chapter Five: The Application of A Christmas Carol to English Teaching: A Case Study 85
5.1 Introduction to the Research 85
5.1.1 Motivations 85
5.1.2 Purpose and Research Questions 86
5.1.3 Significance 86
5.2 Research Design 87
5.2.1 Participants 87
5.2.2 Instruments 87
5.2.3 Data collection Procedure 89
5.2.4 Text and Lesson Plan 89 Text 89 Lesson Plan 102
5.2.5 Teaching Procedure 124

Chapter Six: Findings of the Teaching Application 145
6.1 Vocational High School Students’ Perceptions about Reading English Short Stories 145
6.1.1 Analyses of the Findings from the Results of the Pre-instructional Questionnaires 146
6.1.2 Analyses of the Findings from the Results of the Pre-Instructional and Post-Instructional Questionnaires of the Experimental Group 153
6.1.3 Analyses of the Findings Regarding Applicability of A Christmas Carol from the Results of Post-Instructional Questionnaires of the Experimental Group 160
6.2 The Effect of the Concept of Dream Allegory in A Christmas Carol on the Students 165
6.2.1 Results of Descriptive Statistics 165
6.3 Discussion 166
6.3.1 Students’ Perceptions about Reading English Short Stories 166
6.3.2 Students’ Opinions on the Applicability of A Christmas Carol
6.3.3 The Effect of the Concept of Dream Allegory in A Christmas Carol on the Students 171

Chapter Seven: Conclusions and Pedagogical Implications 172
7.1 Major Findings of the Study 172
7.2 Pedagogical Implications 173
7.3 Limitation of the Study 175
7.4 Suggestions for Further Study 176

References 178

Appendices 178
Appendix I Pre-Instructional Questionnaires 178
Appendix II Post-Instructional Questionnaires 179
Appendix III Pre-/Post Test of the Concept of Dream Allegory 181
Appendix IV Supplementary Teaching Material #1: About the Author 183
Appendix V Supplementary Teaching Material #2: Characters List of A Christmas Carol 185
Appendix VI Supplementary Teaching Material #3: Summary of A Christmas Carol 186
Appendix VII Supplementary Teaching Material #4: Chinese Summary of A Christmas Carol 188
Appendix VIII Supplementary Teaching Material #5: Assignments 189
Appendix IX Supplementary Teaching Material #6: Song --I Will Follow Him 191
Appendix X Vocabulary List 192

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