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論文名稱(外文):A study on error patterns of "findings and effects in trial balance" of accounting of vocational high school students
外文關鍵詞:misconceptionerror patternslinguistic knowledgeschema knowledgestrategic knowledgeprocedural knowledge
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摘 要
The purpose of the study is to investigate the error patterns and the causes of error when students of vocational high schools learn the chapter: Findings and Effects in Trial Balance in the Basic Accounting class, so as to provide teachers with the effective teaching or the reference of make-up class. The methodology adopts paper test instead of non-constitutional interview. With the paper test the teacher realizes students’ errors in the chapter: Findings and Effects in Trial Balance, and does classification according to Mayer’s four knowledge patterns. Meanwhile the teacher interviews the students to further understand students’ thoughts and reasons why they make mistakes during the process of problem solving. The paper test is edited by the researcher herself. A total of 172 senior three students from a National Vocational High School in Chai-yi participated in the study. Results of the study find that in addition to the basic concept of the trial balance, the percentage of misconception in the errors that the trial balance can or can’t find and the methods to check out errors are over 49.91%. Results of the study of students’ error patterns and causes are as follows.
1. Linguistic knowledge: (1) not able to completely understand the meaning of the question (2) the mistakes caused by neglect (3) misunderstand the meaning of the question owing to lack of basic concept
2. Schema knowledge: (1) wrong judgment caused by lack of correct basic concept (2) wrong conception of the credit side and the debit side (3) mistakes in account caused during journalizing or posing, assuming that the mistakes in account won’t make any difference as long as the sum of money is correct (4) lack of the concept that if debit account is on credit or credit account is on debit, it means the decrease of money (5) judge only by the errors without considering whether it’s the credit side or the debit side
3. Strategic knowledge: (1) The question already mentions the posting error but students still make judgment with journalizing (2) Can not tell debit account from credit account (3) only deal with the wrong journalizing without considering the correct journalizing at the same time (4) figure out the sum of the credit side by calculating the wrong sum of the debit side rather than the correct sum
4. Process knowledge: (1) already figure out the influence of sum and the credit or the debit side, but make errors in the final additional or less recording (2) computation error
Finally, the results of the study are analyzed and pedagogical recommendations for the accounting teacher’s teaching or make-up class are provided.
Keyword: misconception, error patterns, linguistic knowledge, schema knowledge, strategic knowledge, procedural knowledge
目 次
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 待答問題 3
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
壹、研究範圍 4
貳、研究限制 4
第五節 名詞解釋 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 學習理論與教學 7
壹、行為學派 10
貳、認知學派 11
參、建構主義 12
第二節 錯誤概念之相關研究 13
壹、概念(concept) 13
貳、錯誤概念(misconception) 19
第三節 錯誤類型之相關研究 27
第三章 研究方法 33
第一節 研究流程 33
第二節 研究對象 37
第三節 研究工具 37
第四節 信度與效度 40
壹、效度 40
貳、信度 41
第五節 資料處理 43
第四章 研究結果與討論 45
第一節 錯誤情形之分析 45
壹、試題之錯誤情形 45
貳、概念之錯誤情形 55
參、知識類型之錯誤情形 56
第二節 錯誤概念之原因及類型 57
第五章 結論與建議 123
第一節 研究結論 123
壹、錯誤情形 123
貳、錯誤類型及錯誤原因 124
第二節 研究建議 126
參考文獻 129
附錄一 「餘額試算表錯誤之發現及影響」預試試卷 135
附錄二 「餘額試算表錯誤之發現及影響」正式試卷 141


表2-1 行為學派、認知學派和建構論之比較 9
表2-2 錯誤概念與迷思概念比較表 20
表2-3 各學者提出之錯誤類型 27
表3-1 「餘額試算表錯誤的發生與影響」單元雙向細目表 35
表3-2 樣本人數 37
表3-3  錯誤概念編碼 42
表3-4  錯誤的知識類型編碼 43
表4-1 錯誤率及空白佔有率分析表 46
表4-2  第一大題錯誤率50%以上之試題 47
表4-3  第二大題錯誤率50%以上之試題 49
表4-4  第二大題空白佔有率50%以上之試題 52
表4-5 錯誤率分佈情形表 54
表4-6 錯誤率分佈情形分析表 55
表4-7 概念之錯誤情形 56
表4-8 知識類型之錯誤情形 57
表4-9  A1錯誤類型及原因 58
表4-10 A2錯誤類型及原因 60
表4-11 A3錯誤類型及原因 63
表4-12 A4錯誤類型及原因 66
表4-13 A5錯誤類型及原因 68
表4-14 A6錯誤類型及原因 70
表4-15 A7錯誤類型及原因 72
表4-16 A8錯誤類型及原因 75
表4-17  A9錯誤類型及原因 77
表4-18  A10錯誤類型及原因 79
表4-19  A11錯誤類型及原因 82
表4-20  A12錯誤類型及原因 86
表4-21  A13錯誤類型及原因 87
表4-22  A14錯誤類型及原因 89
表4-23  B1錯誤類型及原因 92
表4-24  B2錯誤類型及原因 94
表4-25  B3錯誤類型及原因 97
表4-26  B4錯誤類型及原因 101
表4-27  B5錯誤類型及原因 104
表4-28  B6錯誤類型及原因 107
表4-29  B7錯誤類型及原因 110
表4-30  B8錯誤類型及原因 113
表4-31  B9(1)錯誤類型及原因 115
表4-32  B9(2)錯誤類型及原因 117
表4-33  B10(1)錯誤類型及原因 119
表4-34  B10(2)錯誤類型及原因 121


圖2-1 錯誤概念的概念背景 22
圖3-1 研究流程 36
圖3-2 「餘額試算表錯誤的發生與影響」單元學習架構圖 38
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