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研究生(外文):Shu-Ling Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Relationships among Thinking Styles, Classroom Goal Structure, Approaches to Studying and Achievement of Senior High School Students
指導教授(外文):Der-Hsiang Huang
外文關鍵詞:thinking stylesclassroom goal structureapproaches to studying
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摘 要


The Relationships among Thinking Styles, Classroom Goal
Structure, Approaches to Studying and Achievement of
Senior High School Students

Shu-Ling Chang


The main purposes of this study were to explore the relationships among variables of thinking styles, classroom goal structure, approaches to studying and academic achievement of senior high school students. The subjects of 903 senior high school students in central Taiwan completed a set of instruments used included “The Thinking Styles Inventory”, “The Classroom Goal structure Inventory”, and “The Approaches to Studying Inventory”. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA, two-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-moment Correlation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression. Finally, some suggestions for schools, teachers, counselors, and further study were made according to the findings.
A variety of analyses indicated that there were significant differences in legislative, executive, judicial, hierarchical, anarchic, global, local, internal, external, and liberal thinking styles based on gender level. Grade level were significant different in executive, monarchic, anarchic, local, liberal, and conservative thinking styles. There were no significant interaction effects in gender or grade level of senior high school students regarding classroom goal structure and approaches to studying. Performance-approach classroom goal structure, deep learning, and surface learning were affected significantly by gender; mastery, performance-avoid classroom goal structure, and strategic learning weren’t affected significantly by gender. Grade level has significant difference in performance-approach goal structure and strategic learning; mastery goal structure, performance-avoid goal structure, deep learning, and surface learning hasn’t. There were significant correlations between different thinking styles and different classroom goal structure, between different thinking styles and approaches to studying, and between different classroom goal structure and approaches to studying. Finally, senior high school students’ mathematics academic achievement can be predicted by strategic learning, performance-approach classroom goal structure, surface learning, internal thinking style, deep learning, and external thinking style.

Keywords: Thinking Styles, Classroom Goal Structure,
Approaches to Studying.
目 次

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………01
第二節 待答問題與研究假設……………………………………08
第三節 重要名詞詮釋……………………………………………10
第四節 研究範圍與限制…………………………………………14
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 思考風格與其理論基礎…………………………………17
第二節 教室目標結構理論與其相關研究………………………41
第三節 學習方式策略與其理論基礎……………………………55
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構…………………………………………………75
第二節 研究對象與取樣方法……………………………………78
第三節 研究工具…………………………………………………80
第四節 研究步驟…………………………………………………102
第五節 資料處理與統計方法……………………………………104
第四章 研究結果與討論
第一節 不同背景變項之高中學生在不同思考風格上的差異分析
第二節 不同背景變項之高中學生在教室目標結構上的差異分析
第三節 不同背景變項之高中學生在學習策略上的差異分析
第四節 高中學生各種思考風格與教室目標結構之相關析……137
第五節 高中學生各種思考風格與學習策略之相關分…………143
第六節 高中學生各種教室目標結構與學習策略之相關分析…150
第七節 高中學生不同思考風格、教室目標結構與學習策略對學
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論………………………………………………………158
第二節 建議………………………………………………………163

中文部分 …………………………………………………………168
英文部分 …………………………………………………………170

附錄一 預試試題分類表……………………………………… 189
附錄二 學習經驗調查預試量表……………………………… 195
附錄三 學習經驗調查正式量表……………………………… 204
附錄四 施測指導語…………………………………………… 211

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