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論文名稱(外文):An Approximated Global Optimization Inventory Model for Improving Buyer-supplier Linkage in JIT
外文關鍵詞:Just-in-time manufacturingbuyer-supplier cooperationfrequent deliveriesintegrated inventory model
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本文延伸 Kim and Ha (2003)模型,針對在JIT的環境下,供應商和買方協同合作,考量整合存貨模式,以訂購數量、每次訂購運送次數,及每次運送的運送數量為決策變數,並進一步考量多家買方的情形;且利用作業研究中的整數規劃方法改善傳統計量方法複雜的求解過程;延伸的模型能夠改善傳統模型僅能求得區域解的問題,並且能使用一般商用運算軟體求解,增加實務運用的方便。最後,透過範例驗證所提模型的實用性和正確性。

In order to reduce buyer-supplier coordination and inventory costs, this paper proposes a novel model, which is the extension of the Kim and Ha (2003) model. The proposed model integrates total relevant costs of both supplier and buyer to develop an optimal buyer-supplier coordination system in a JIT context. In the system, order quantity, the number of deliveries, and shipping quantity are decision variables. In addition, the proposed model can be used as a decision tool to help decision-maker to solve multiple buyers problem. For the purpose of the above-mentioned, we derive a mixed integer optimization approach to reduce the coordination and purchasing costs. The extended model improves the practical utility of the traditional model. Additionally, the decision maker can easily use common commercial program to solve such problems to obtain the global optimal solution. Finally, numerical examples are also included to demonstrate the usefulness and the correctness of the proposed model.

Keywords: Just-in-time manufacturing; buyer-supplier cooperation; frequent deliveries; integrated inventory model
目 錄

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 研究流程與架構 5
1.3.1 研究流程 5
1.3.2 研究架構 6
1.4 研究範圍和限制 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 廠商的整合與協同關係 8
2.2 JIT系統 12
2.3 存貨模型比較 15
第三章 模型建立一 18
3.1 Kim and Ha Model (2003) 19
3.1.1 符號定義與假設說明 19
3.1.2 模型建立 21
3.1.3 範例 23
3.1.4 Kim and Ha 可改進之處 25
3.2 改進之模型 26
3.2.1 符號與假設說明 26
3.2.2 模型建立 26
3.2.3 小結 34
第四章 模型建立二 35
4.1 假設及符號定義 36
4.2 模型建立 38
4.3 範例 41
4.4 小結 44
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 45
5.1 研究成果 45
5.2 未來研究方向 47

表 次

表2-1:相關文獻存貨模型比較 15
表3-1:範例分析結果彙總 23
表3-2: 表達訂購批次, 表達運送次數結果彙總 24
表3-3:( , )表達訂購批次, ( , )表達運送次數結果彙總 30
表3-4:結果彙總 30

圖 次
圖1-1 研究流程圖 5
圖3-1 Kim and Ha (2003) SSMD 求解結果(1次整備3次運送) 32
圖3-2 本研究所提之模型SSMD求解結果(1次整備3次運送) 33
附錄圖 供應商訂購週期期間累積的生產量和運送量 52
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