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研究生(外文):Yang, Zi-you
論文名稱(外文):A Study of SIP-based Mobile Game Development
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Heien-kun
外文關鍵詞:SIPUbiquitous ComputingMobile DeviceHandoffMobile Game
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因此,本研究試圖利用SIP (Session Initiation Protocol,會議初始協定)來設計並實作一個多人共玩的行動網路遊戲以監控遊戲狀態,同時也利用HTTP與TCP實作本研究的遊戲伺服器,並比較三種不同通訊協定下的遊戲伺服器的效能。本研究利用NOKIA的JSR 180 (SIP for J2ME) 的開發工具與模擬器來建構行動設備端的遊戲,並實作出二款遊戲來驗證SIP可應用於多人共玩的網路遊戲上。同時,本遊戲也運用Ethereal工具對遊戲進行中的封包進行分析,並與TCP與HTTP的遊戲伺服器做個比較。結果顯示TCP的遊戲伺服器能最有效率地運用頻寬,其效能也最好,而SIP server所消耗的頻寬最多,效能也是最底的。

In the past decade, there have been numerous researches in ubiquitous computing, making computational resources and communication more widely available and life more convenient. With the development of GPRS, 3G, and WLAN, the bandwidth of wireless communication has been improved. Playing multi-player online game through mobile device is now achievable.
Hence, this research tried to design and implement a multi-player mobile networked game with SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) for game state management. This research also built a simple HTTP game server and a TCP game server. The game client was built using NOKIA’s reference implementation of JSR 180 (SIP for J2ME). Two games had been developed to prove that SIP could be applied to multi-player mobile networked games. Meanwhile, the performance and overall traffic of SIP, TCP and HTTP servers were analyzed to compare the merits and demerits. The results showed that the traffic of TCP game server was the least and its performance was the most efficient. The traffic of SIP server was the largest and its performance is the worst.

Keywords: SIP, Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Device, Handoff, Mobile Game
Table of Contents
摘要 3
Abstract 4
Acknowledgement (誌謝) 5
Table of Contents 6
List of Tables 8
List of Figures 9
Chapter 1 - Introduction 11
1.1 Research Background 11
1.2 Research Motivations and Purpose 14
1.4 Research Scope and Limitations 15
1.5 Research Methods and Procedures 15
Chapter 2 - Literature Review 17
2.1 HTTP Tunneling 17
2.2 SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) 19
2.3 Network Gaming 28
2.4 Brief Summery 33
Chapter 3 - System Architecture 35
3.1 Game Client Flow Control 35
3.2 Gaming Server 35
Chapter 4 - System Implementation and Experiments 43
4.1 System Implementation 43
4.2 Experiments 45
Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Discussion 55
Future Work 56
References 58

List of Tables
Table 2- 1 The request methods of SIP 22
Table 2- 2 The differences between SIP and H.323 [11] 24
Table 2- 3SIP-based applications 25
Table 2- 4 Comparison of SIP, TCP and HTTP 34

List of Figures
Figure 2- 1 An example of SIP-based terminal mobility in pre-call (Modified from [17]) 27
Figure 2- 2 An example of SIP-based terminal mobility in mid-call (Modified from [17]) 28
Figure 2- 3 Client/server communication flow. 33
Figure 3- 1 The game client flow control 37
Figure 3- 2 Game application architecture 38
Figure 3- 3 A flow chart of a player joining a game 40
Figure 3- 4 Call flow of a game session 41
Figure 3- 5 A player joins an existing game session 42
Figure 4- 1 A screen shot of the Bingo game 44
Figure 4- 2 A screen shot of the Road Run game 45
Figure 4- 3 Experiments testbed 46
Figure 4- 4 The stress test of the SIP server 47
Figure 4- 5 The stress test of the simple HTTP game server 49
Figure 4- 6 The stress test of the simple TCP game server 49
Figure 4- 7 The performance of SIP server when using one computer to produce threads or truly multiple computers 50
Figure 4- 8 The performance of HTTP game server when using one computer to produce threads or truly multiple computers 51
Figure 4- 9 The performance of TCP game server when using one computer to produce threads or truly multiple computers 51
Figure 4- 10 The performance of the SIP server 52
Figure 4- 11 The performance of the HTTP game server 52
Figure 4- 12 The performance of the TCP game server 53
Figure 4- 13 Performance comparison 53
Figure 4- 14 Accumulated overall traffic 54
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