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研究生(外文):Huang, Yu Jen
論文名稱(外文):Vector Quasi-Equilibrium Problems and Vector Quasi-Variational Inclusion Problems With Applications to Common Fixed Point Theorems and Optimization Problems
指導教授(外文):Lin, Lai Jiu
外文關鍵詞:maximal pseudomonotoneequilibrium problemgeneralized u-hemicontinuous (l-hemicontinuous)upper (lower) semicontinuous multivalued mapvariational inclusion problembilevel problemmathematical program with equilibriumcommon fixed point
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在這一篇論文裡,我們首先建立廣義向量擬平衡問題的存在定理,由這問題的存在結果,我們應用到多值映射的加權混和型向量變分不等式問題的存在定理、兩個多值映射的共同固定點定理和平衡限制條件下的 mathematical program 的存在性定理。


在這一篇論文裡,我們建立了系統向量擬變分包含問題的存在定理和系統向量變分包含限制條件下mathematical program的存在定理。由這些問題的存在結果,我們考慮了 bilevel 問題、系統平衡限制條件下 mathematical program 以及兩群多值映射的共同固定點定理。由共同固定點結果的特殊情況,我們考慮了一群 l.s.c. 或nonexpansive 或 k-contractive 多值映射的固定點定理。最後,我們將結果應用到建立系統 Minty 型態和 Stampacchia型態廣義隱變分不等式問題的存在定理。

In this paper, we first establish the existence theorems of generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems. From the above results, we establish the existence theorems of weighted mixed vector variational-like inequality problems for multivalued maps, common fixed point theorems for two multivalued maps and mathematical program with equilibrium constraint as applications.


In this paper, we establish the existence theorems of system of vector quasi-variational inclusion problems and the existence theorems of mathematical program with system of variational inclusion constraints. From above results, we study the bilevel problem and mathematical program with system of equilibrium constraints, and we also consider common fixed point theorems for two families of multivalued maps. For the special case, we study the fixed point theorems for a family of lower semicontinuous or nonexpansive or k-contractive multivalued maps. We also study the existence theorems of system of Minty type generalized implicit quasi-variational inequality problems (SMGIQVIP) and system of Stampacchia type generalized implicit quasi-variational inequality problems (SSGQVIP) as applications.
(I)Generalized Vector Quasi-Equilibrium Problems With Applications to Common Fixed point Theorems and Optimization Problems

3.The existence theorems of maximal pseudomonotonicity....9
4.The existence theorems of generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems.....................................13
5.Applications to weighted mixed vector variational-like inequality problems......................................22
6.Applications to common fixed point theorems............31
7.Applications to mathematical program with equilibrium constraint...............................................35

(II)System of Vector Quasi-Variational Inclusion Problems With Applications to Common Fixed Point Theorems and Optimization problems

3.The existence theorems of system vector quasi-variational inclusion problems and mathematical program with system of variational inclusion constraint........................52
4.Applications to common fixed point theorems...........67
5.Applications to system of Minty type and Stampacchia type generalized implicit quasi-variational inequality problems................................................74

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