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研究生(外文):Wen-Tse Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):The studies of the dynamic accuracy inspection and two-dimension error compensation for feeding system in PCB CO2 Laser drilling machine
指導教授(外文):Ming-Fei Chen
外文關鍵詞:pre-compensation technologystep responsecurve fittingcircular testsystem identification
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本論文為探討PCB CO2雷射鑽孔機XY精密進給平台之動態精度檢驗與預補償技術。包括精密運動平台之PID參數調整、精度校驗與補償技術等為主要研究議題。在控制器方面以Borland C++ Builder軟體發展PC-Based控制程式,藉以控制XY線性馬達平台。其次,利用頻譜分析儀以實驗方式求出系統自然頻率,進而鑑別系統動態方程式。最後利用HP 5529A雷射干涉儀測量單軸線性馬達之系統步階響應,藉由暫態響應結果獲得進給系統較佳之PID參數值。
在預補償技術方面,分別利用一維曲線與二維曲面擬合技術,求得雷射干涉儀與CCD影像處理系統所量測到之曲線與平面誤差補償方程式。利用誤差方程式與發展之PC Based控制器程式,完成進給系統高精度進給控制技術。最後完成進給系統垂直度誤差量測、循圓測試,最後印證平台動態精度,藉此瞭解PCB雷射鑽孔機X-Y平台誤差情形。本研究探討所得結果如下:
The aim of this thesis is the dynamic precision test and pre-compensation technology for the precision XY movable table in Printed Circuited Boards CO2 laser drilling machine. There are several works which are PID tuning, accuracy calibration and pre-compensation technology in this research. First, the PC Based control system for XY linear motor system which was developed by the Borland C++ Builder program. Second, the better PID parameter for the single axis linear motor system could be obtained by the step response that is measured by the Hewlett Packard 5529A laser interferometer.
In the pre-compensation technology, the one-dimension curve and two-dimension surface interpolation technology obtained the curve and surface error functions which were measured by the laser interferometer and CCD image processing system. Therefore, the high-precision feeding system would be developed by our control system which used the pre-compensation technology. In addition, the verticality error, circular testing, and system identification of this system would be also presented in this paper. According to these test, the causes of the system errors would be found. There are several results of this research as shown in the following:
1. In the linear position precision measurement, the position error of X axis linear motor decreased from original 21.541 microns to 7.552 microns, and Y axes decrease from original 57.947 microns to 6.013 microns.
2. In the surface position error measurement, the X axis position error decreased form original 375 microns to 2.8 microns, and Y axes was from original 373 microns to 2.6 microns.
3. The verticality error of this movable table which was measured by the CCD image processing system was 0.033401 microns/mm.
4. In the circular test, the circularity error of this system was 59.2 microns at the feeding speed of 1200 mm/min.
5. The mathematic model of this movable table would be obtained by the system identification, and it could be one of the design parameters for this system.
口試簽名頁............................................. Ⅰ
博碩士論文授權書....................................... Ⅱ

第一章 緒論
1-1 前言.......................................1
1-2 研究目的與方法.............................1
1-3 相關文獻回顧...............................3
1-3-1 PC-Based控制器...........................3
1-3-2 雷射加工系統.............................3
1-3-3 PID參數調整..............................6
1-3-4 定位精度量測與補償.......................6
1-3-5 循圓測試量測.............................7
1-4 論文架構..................................10
第二章 PCB 雷射鑽孔機系統架構
2-1 印刷電路板簡介............................12
2-2 PCB雷射鑽孔機系統組成單元介紹.............15
2-2-1 PC-BASED控制系統........................16
2-2-2 光學系統................................17
2-2-3 線性伺服馬達與光學尺....................19
2-2-4 精密進給Z軸系統.........................24
2-2-5 雷射單元................................24
第三章 線性馬達系統模型建立
3-1 單軸線性馬達系統模型建立..................25
3-2 系統建模實驗............................................27
3-2-1 線性馬達系統參數鑑別....................28
3-3 線性馬達PID控制與調整方法.................33
3-3-1 線性馬達PID參數調整步驟.................37
第四章 進給系統動態精度檢測
4-1 循圓測試原理..............................42
4-1-1 誤差原因分析............................45
4-1-2 精密進給平台主要誤差來源................46
4-2 進給系統動態循圓測試結果分析與討論........54
第五章 直線與平面定位精度量測與補償
5-1 雙頻雷射干涉儀原理........................62
5-2 定位誤差量測與補償方法介紹................69
5-2-1 定位誤差量測原理........................70
5-2-2 補償方法介紹............................72
5-3 進給平台垂直度量測原理....................78
5-4 實驗結果分析與討論........................81
5-4-1 補償前直線定位精度量測..................81
5-4-2 補償後直線定位精度量測..................84
5-4-3 補償前平面精度量測......................94
5-4-4 補償後平面精度量測.....................100
5-4-5 進給平台垂直度量測.....................102
第六章 結論與展望
6-1 結論.....................................104
6-2 展望.....................................105
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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
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