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論文名稱(外文):Optical Characterization of Cadmium Sulfide Crystal
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This thesis is devoted to the study on the optical properties of Cadmium Sulfide (CdS) crystal by taking temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL), reflectance (R), and transmission (T) measurements. From the temperature-dependent PL spectra, a redshift of the PL peaks was observed as the temperature increased. The temperature dependence of CdS energy gap, determined from the PL spectra, was fitted according to Varshni, O’Donnell, and Pässler relations. Good fit was obtained using the Pässler relation. From the Pässler’s fit, the average phonon temperature and phonon dispersion coefficient of the CdS crystal were determined. The free exciton and bound exciton activation energies of A-exciton of the CdS crystal were determined by the plots of integrated PL intensity versus temperature. The temperature-dependent broadening of the PL linewidth was also investigated. The LA- and LO- phonon scatterings were found to be the dominant broadening mechanisms at low and high temperatures respectively. From the R and T spectra, the energies of A, B, and C excitons of the CdS crystal were identified. The R data were also used to perform the Kramers-Kronig transformation. The optical coefficients of the CdS crystal, such as the reflective index, the dielectric function, and the absorption coefficient, were determined.
第一章 緒論
1.1 硫化鎘的晶體結構
1.2 硫化鎘晶體的材料特性
1.2.1 能帶結構
1.2.2 發光特性與能隙大小
1.2.3 縱向光學聲子
1.2.4 吸收特性與激子

第二章 實驗基本原理
2.1 X光繞射
2.2 光激螢光基本原理
2.2.1 激子
2.2.2 施子-受子對與縱向光學聲子
2.2.3 溫度對能隙的影響
2.2.4 溫度對光激螢光光譜積分強度的關係
2.2.5 溫度對光激螢光光譜譜線寬度的影響
2.3 光學反射率
2.3.1 克拉馬-克羅尼關係式
2.3.2 諧振子模型理論
2.4 穿透光譜

第三章 實驗方法與儀器原理
3.1 硫化鎘晶體的來源與製備方法
3.2 儀器基本原理
3.2.1 單光儀
3.2.2 鎖相放大器
3.2.3 封閉式循環冷卻系統
3.3 光譜量測方法
3.3.1 光激螢光光譜量測
3.3.2 反射光譜量測
3.3.3 穿透光譜量測

第四章 實驗結果與討論
4.1 X光繞射實驗結果
4.2 低溫的光激螢光光譜
4.3 變溫光激螢光光譜
4.3.1 溫度對能隙的關係討論
4.3.2 光激螢光光譜積分強度對溫度的關係
4.3.3 光激螢光光譜譜線寬度對溫度的關係
4.4 反射光譜
4.4.1 反射光譜中激子訊號隨溫度變化的情形
4.4.2 偏振光對反射光譜的影響
4.4.3 克拉馬-克羅尼轉換
4.4.4 諧振子模型的擬合
4.5 穿透光譜與吸收光譜

第五章 結論

第六章 參考文獻
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