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研究生(外文):Yan-Zhu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Improvement of Qualities and Sensory Characteristics of the Pork Cubes with Polyols
指導教授(外文):Tsai-Fuh Tseng
外文關鍵詞:pork cubespolyolswater activitynon-enzymatic browning
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本研究之目的在探討豬肉角製程中添加山梨醇、甘油及丙二醇等多元醇,對豬肉角品質及感官特性之影響。試驗一為市售豬肉角品質特性之比較,於超市及傳統市場購買一般加工廠生產(A與B,非CAS認證品牌)及有CAS認證品牌(C與D)之豬肉角。分析pH值、水分含量、色澤、非酵素性褐化、蛋白質溶解度、TBA值、水活性及截切值等項目。結果顯示,市售不同品牌之豬肉角pH值以B品牌顯著較其他品牌為高(P<0.05),而A品牌之pH值則顯著最低(P<0.05)。在水分含量方面,有CAS認證品牌之豬肉角,其水分含量顯著較非CAS認證者為高(P<0.05)。色澤方面,D品牌之L值顯著較其他品牌為高(P<0.05),a值及b值在各品牌間則無顯著差異。C品牌在非酵素性褐化有最高的褐化情形,而D品牌則顯著最低(P<0.05)。C及D品牌之蛋白質溶解度顯著較A及B品牌為高(P<0.05)。C品牌之水活性為0.82,顯著較其他品牌為高(P<0.05),且其TBA值亦顯著最高(P<0.05)。截切值方面,B品牌則是顯著較其他品牌為高(P<0.05)。試驗二為多元醇改善豬肉角品質及感官特性之研究。取豬後腿之大腿四頭肌(和尚頭, tetraceps femoris m.),於製作豬肉角過程中之注射醃漬液、滷煮液及乾燥時分別添加原料肉重3%、4%及3%之山梨醇(Sorbitol)、甘油(Glycerol)及丙二醇(Propylene glycol),對照組則無添加。分析製品之pH值、水分含量、色澤、非酵素性褐化、蛋白質溶解度、TBA值、水活性、截切值及官能品評。結果顯示,各組間之pH值、a值、TBA值及總生菌數皆無顯著差異。丙二醇組之水分含量及非酵素性褐化皆顯著較其他組為高(P<0.05),對照組之水分含量則是顯著最低(P<0.05)。甘油組及丙二醇組之L值及b值顯著較對照組及山梨醇組為低(p<0.05)。蛋白質溶解度方面,對照組顯著低於各處理組(P<0.05)。水活性方面,丙二醇組與山梨醇組顯著高於甘油組及對照組。截切值方面,對照組顯著較其他組為高。官能品評結果顯示,外觀及色澤評分在各組間無顯著差異(P>0.05)。對照組之質地顯著較各處理組為低(P<0.05)。風味方面,丙二醇組之評分則顯著較其他各組低(P<0.05)。總接受性方面,山梨醇組及甘油組顯著較對照組及丙二醇組之評分為高(P<0.05)。
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of polyols (such as sorbitol, glycerol and propylene glycol)on the quality and sensory characteristics of the pork cubes. Experimentation 1 was to compare the qualities of different brand pork cubes. Different brand pork cubes of A, B( no CAS authentication brand) and C, D( CAS authentication brand) were purchased from the traditional markets and supermarkets, respectively. The pH value, moisture content, color, non-enzymatic browning, protein solubility, TBA value, water activity and shear value were measured. The results showed that the pH value of the A and B brand pork cubes was the lowest and highest (P<0.05), respectively. The moisture content of the pork cubes with CAS authentication brand were higher than that of non CAS authentication brand (P<0.05). L value of D brand was the highest (P<0.05). However, a and b values were no difference among the brands. The non-enzymatic browning of the C brand was the highest (P<0.05), and the D brand was the lowest (P<0.05). The protein solubility of C and D brands was higher (P<0.05) than that of A and B brands. The water activity and TBA value of C brand were the highest (P<0.05). Experimentation 2 was to examine the effects of polyols on improving quality and sensory characteristics of the pork cubes. The tetraceps femoris m. was use to prepare the samples of pork cubes. Sorbitol, glycerol or propylene glycol was added stepwisely (3% in pickle solution, 4% in boiling and 3% in drying ) during the sample preparation. The control group has not added. The pH value, moisture content, color, non-enzymatic browning, protein solubility, TBA value, water activity, shear value, total plate count and sensory evaluation were measured. The results showed that the pH value, a value, TBA value and total plate count were no difference among the treatments. The moisture content and non-enzymatic browning of the propylene glycol group were the highest (P<0.05), but the moisture content of the control group was the lowest (P<0.05). The L and b values of the glycerol and propylene glycol groups were lower (P<0.05) than those of control and sorbitol groups. The protein solubility of the control was the lowest (P<0.05). The water activity of the propylene glycol group and sorbitol group was higher than the glycerol group and the control (P<0.05). The shear value of the control was the highest (P<0.05). The results of sensory evaluation showed that the appearance and color were no difference among the treatments. The texture of the control was the lowest (P<0.05). The flavor of the propylene glycol group was the lowest (P<0.05). Overall acceptability of the sorbitol and the glycerol groups were higher than those of the control and propylene glycol groups (P<0.05).
一、中式半乾性肉製品(Chinese style intermediate moisture meat)……….5
(一) 簡介………...………….……….……………….…….….5
(二) 種類…………………………….……………….…….….5
1. 中式乾醃火腿(Chinese style dry-cured ham)…..…….…..5
2. 中式臘肉(Chinese style cured meat) .....………….………6
3. 中式香腸(Chinese style sausage)..............................7
(1) 濕式香腸…...……………………….…………………7
(2) 半乾式香腸……..………….……….………………....7
(3) 乾式香腸.…….…………….……….……………..…..7
4. 肉乾 (Dried, Sliced Meat) ….........……...……………….8
(1) 原料肉……….…………………………………….….8
(2) 豬肉乾(Dried, Sliced Pork)..………………………….8
(3) 牛肉乾(Dried, Sliced Beef)..………………………….9
(4) 水分含量……..……………………………………….9
5. 肉角(Meat cube). ………………………………………...9
6. 肉絨(Dried pork fiber)……………………………………9
7. 肉酥(Fried pork fiber)…………………………………...10
(一) 食品乾燥之目的…………………..…………………...…13
(二) 乾燥食品之優點…………………..…………………...…13
(三) 乾燥肉之性質………………………..……………...……13
(四) 乾燥之定義及其機制……………..…………………...…14
1. 定義….…..…………………………..............................…14
2. 乾燥機制…………………………………......................…14
3. 乾燥速度…………………………………......................…19
(1) 乾燥速度與被乾燥食品……..…………………………19
(2) 乾燥作用與熱…………..……………………............…20
(3) 乾燥作用及排濕………..…………………………....…21

三、多元醇(Polyhydric alcohol, polyol) ..…………………………22
1. 定義…….……………………………..................................…22
2. 食品添加物中目前可使用之多元醇………….……………..23
(1) 山梨糖醇 (sorbitol) .…….………………………………..23
(2) 甘油(glycerol) ……………………..……………………...23
(3) 丙二醇(propylene glycol)………..………………………...24
(4) 甘露醇 (mannitol) …………..…………………………….24

1. 反應概述……………………………………………………...25
2. 單糖與胺基酸之反應.…..………….………………………...26
3. 影響梅納反應之因子..….……………….…………………...31
(1) 糖的種類……………..……..……………………………...31
(2) 胺基酸之種類…………..…………………….....................32
(3) 溫度與時間……………..……………………………….....32
(4) pH值……………………………………………..……….33
(5) 水活性……………………………..……………………….35
(6) 其他因子…………………..……………………………….36
4. 梅納反應之反應動力學……..……………………………….38

(一) 定義….……..……………………………………………...38
(二) 水活性與食品的化學性質及安定性之關係…..………….41
(三) 製造半乾性食品時改變水活性的方法….………………..44

(一) 豬肉角之製備………………………………………………..45
(二) 分析項目及方法…..…………………………………………45
1. pH值(pH value) ……..………….…………………………..45
2. 水分(Moisture content) ………..……………………………45
3. 色澤(Color) …………………………………………………46
4. 非酵素性褐化(Non-enzymatic browning) …………………46
5. 蛋白質溶解度(Protein solubility) ………………………….46
6. 二-硫巴比妥酸值(2-thiobarbituric acid value)……………..47
7. 水活性(Water activity) ……………………………………..49
8. 截切值(Shear value) ………………………………………..49
(三) 統計分析(Statistical Analysis)…..…………………………...49
(一) 試驗材料之製備……………………………………………..50
(二) 試驗處理……………………………………………………..50
(三) 豬肉角之製作流程………………………..…………………50
(四) 分析項目及方法…………………..…………………………55
1. pH值 (pH value) ……………………………………………55
2. 水分 (Moisture content) ……………………………………55
3. 色澤(Color) …………………………………………………55
4. 非酵素性褐化(Non-enzymatic browning) …………………56
5. 蛋白質溶解度(Protein solubility) .…..……….…………….56
6. 二-硫巴比妥酸值(2-thiobarbituric acid value).....................57
7. 水活性(Water activity) …………………………………..…58
8. 截切值(Shear value) ………………………………………..58
9. 官能品評(Sensory evaluation)…….……………………..…59
10. 總生菌數(Total plate count)……………………………….59
(五) 統計分析(Statistical Analysis) …………………..……..……59

1. 市售不同品牌豬肉角pH值、水分含量及色澤之比較……………………………………60
2. 市售不同品牌豬肉角非酵素性褐化、蛋白質溶解度及TBA值之比較……………………63
3. 市售不同品牌豬肉角水活性及截切值之比較…………...…66

1. 多元醇對豬肉角pH值、水分含量及水活性之影響……….68
2. 多元醇對豬肉角色澤及非酵素性褐化之影響……………...70
3. 多元醇對豬肉角截切值及蛋白質溶解度之影響…………...72
4. 多元醇對豬肉角TBA值及總生菌數之影響……………..…74
5. 多元醇對豬肉角官能品評之影響…………………………...76


圖1. 加熱時食品中水分移動之示意圖……………………………….15
圖2. 恒定乾燥條件下的乾燥速率圖………………………………….17
圖3. 梅納反應之概述圖……………………………………………….28
圖4. 以[1-C13]-glucose 為反應物之梅納反應產物…………………..29
圖5. 阿瑪德烈(Amadori)產物在酸性、中性及鹼性下於梅納反應進階期的降解情形…………………………………………………....30
圖6. 未調整pH 值之xylose-lysine 水溶液(a)迴流60 分鐘,(b)迴流15 分鐘後於40℃保溫三週之HPLC 分析圖譜..……………..34
圖7. 水分含量對glucose-cysteine A420nm吸光值之影響………….37
圖 8. 豬肉角之製作流程圖…..……………….………………………51
圖 9. 市售不同品牌豬肉角pH值之比較……..……………………….60
圖10. 市售不同品牌豬肉角水分含量之比較………………………...61
圖11. 市售不同品牌豬肉角色澤之比較……………………………...62
圖12. 市售不同品牌豬肉角非酵素性褐化之比較…………………...63
圖13. 市售不同品牌豬肉角蛋白質溶解度之比較…………………...64
圖14. 市售不同品牌豬肉角TBA值之比較…………………………...65
圖15. 市售不同品牌豬肉角水活性之比較…………………………...66

表 1. 濕式、半乾式及乾式中式香腸組成份之比較…..……………..8
表 2. 肉酥及肉絨組成份之比較………………………..…………….12
表 3. 微生物生長和孢子發育之最小水活性(Aw)…......…………….42
表 4. 豬肉角醃漬液之配製…………..……...………………………..52
表 5. 豬肉角滷煮液之配製…………..……………………………….53
表 6. 豬肉角之乾燥流程……………..……………………………….54
表 7. 市售不同品牌豬肉角截切值之比較…..…..…………………...67
表 8. 多元醇對豬肉角pH值、水分含量及水活性之影響………....69
表 9. 多元醇對豬肉角色澤及非酵素性褐化之影響………..…….....71
表10. 多元醇對豬肉角截切值及蛋白質溶解度之影響……………...73
表11. 多元醇對豬肉角TBA值及總生菌數之影響.…….……………75
表12. 多元醇對豬肉角官能品評之影響..…………………………….77
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