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研究生(外文):Pei-Chun Yao
論文名稱(外文):Handoff Mechanisms for Bluetooth Network Services
指導教授(外文):Jiann-Liang Chen
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近年來,無線通訊已經成為大眾普遍使用之技術,不受空間限制存取網路資源正是其大受歡迎之原因。由於藍芽低價格、低耗電量、小體積的特性,使得它被大量的使用在行動裝置上,例如筆記型電腦、PDA以及智慧型手機。為了能夠更方便存取大眾網路的資源,Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG)在2003年訂定了Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol (BNEP),此協定提供了藍芽設備可以和網際網路上的設備相互溝通的能力,彼此交換訊息及資料,使得藍芽的通訊不再侷限在一個狹小的Piconet。並且進一步訂定了 Personal Area Network(PAN) Profile,定義了藍芽無線裝置組成個人區域網路的方法,並提出如何將BNEP協定實現在PAN中,使藍芽無線裝置可以透過Network Access Point (NAP) 取得網際網路上的資源。
� � 由於藍芽通訊距離有限,導致藍芽無線裝置換區的次數頻繁,而面臨傳輸效能低落甚至服務中斷。針對以上問題,本論文提出一個“無縫隙換區機制”,在藍芽的Link Management Protocol (LMP) layer建立一個快速換區的機制以達到無縫隙換區。此換區機制是建構在藍芽通訊協定中,相當於OSI中的資料連結層。它針對藍芽提供了一個快速換區方式,有效縮短handoff delay time,以達成無縫隙換區的目標。提出的機制包含三個主要部分:Preliminary Procedure、Handoff Procedure 以及Update BS。在 Preliminary Procedure中提出藍芽無線設備與無線基地台如何快速的建立環境和適當的連線,以達成快速的Handoff Procedure。經過實驗驗證,Preliminary Procedure大約花費2415.58毫秒完成,而Handoff Procedure大約花費57.75 毫秒完成。
Bluetooth is a standard for short-range, low-power and low-cost wireless communication radio technology. Low price and small size mobile have made current mobile devices very successful for personal mobile communication. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) PAN working group have defined Personal Area Network (PAN) Profile, which describes how to access a remote network through a network access point to facilitate access to the extensive resource on the internet. Bluetooth mobile devices can access public IP network through an access point or base station. The short radio range of Bluetooth technology causes mobile device to require frequent handoffs when they move within the Bluetooth public access network. The high handoff frequency causes users to suffer severe performance degradation. This study proposes a new scheme is to improve the handoff performance of Bluetooth services. The scheme involves layer 2 handoff to resolve the severe performance degradation problem. It consists of three procedures- preliminary procedure, handoff procedure, and update procedure. They are all implemented in the Bluetooth Link Management Protocol (LMP) layer and the Host Controller Interface (HCI) layer without any modifications of Bluetooth specification or the upper layers. The Inquiry_Scan_Interval, Inquiry_Scan_Window, Page_Scan_Interval, and Page_Scan_Window are the most strongly influence making connection in the preliminary procedure, so these are analyzed to reduce the connection delay. The simulation results reveal that the connection time is around 2415.58 milliseconds and is efficiently reduced. The proposed handoff procedure is simulated to prove that the handoff delay can be decreased efficiently in that way. Simulation results also show that the new scheme significantly reduces handoff delay. The handoff time is approximately 57.75 milliseconds.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Organization of Thesis 5
Chapter 2 Backgrounds and Related Work 6
2.1 Introduction to Bluetooth Technology 6
2.1.1 Basic Concepts 6
2.1.2 Fundamental Operational Procedures 8
2.1.3 Bluetooth Connection State 9
2.2 Bluetooth-IP Services 14
2.3 Existing Handoff Schemes 18
Chapter 3 Proposed Handoff Mechanisms 21
3.1 Preliminary Procedure 22
3.2 Handoff Procedure 27
3.3 Updating Base Stations 29
Chapter 4 Experimental Results 32
4.1 Simulation of Preliminary Procedure 32
4.1.1 Inquiry Delay Analysis 33
4.1.2 Paging Delay Analysis 35
4.1.3 Simulation Results 38
4.2 Simulation of Handoff Procedure 40
4.2.1 Handoff Procedure Analysis 40
4.2.2 Simulation Results 41
Chapter 5 Performance Comparisons 45
5.1 Mobile Bluetooth Public Access Protocol (mBPAC) 45
5.2 Comparisons with mBPAC Protocol 49
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work 51
6.1 Conclusions 51
6.2 Future Work 51
References 53
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