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研究生(外文):Ke-Pong Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Vocational High School Students' English Reading
指導教授(外文):Liang-Tsu Hsieh
中文關鍵詞:合作學習同儕評量低成就學 習者
外文關鍵詞:low English proficiency studentspeer evaluationcooperative leraning
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1. 控制組及實驗組於閱讀能力後測成績,並無顯著的差異。
2. 閱讀能力後測成績顯示,低學習成就高職生中,實驗組高水準的學生表現優於控制組,但統計結果未達顯著差異,兩組中等水準的學生也無顯著的差異,但控制組低水準的學生,卻顯著表現地比實驗組低水準的學生優異。
3. 英文學習動機態度的問卷分析顯示,實驗組的學生較控制組的學生對英文學習抱持較正面的看法,但兩組統計結果並無顯著差異。
4. 實驗組的學生認為合作學習有益於英文學習也很有趣,不過仍有一些缺點,學生對於同儕評量亦持正面態度,但須考量評分的公平性。
5. 高水準、中等水準、及低水準的學生對於合作學習或是同儕評量持有顯著不同的態度。

This study is to explore the effects of cooperative learning (CL) on vocational high school students’ English reading and their learning attitudes. The participants were 66 vocational high school third-year students in Pingtung County. Subjects were randomly assigned into the experimental group receiving CL methods and the control group having traditional lecture instruction. The instructional design for the experimental group was adapting the cooperative learning method of Student Teams-Achievement Division (STAD) combined with role-assignment and peer evaluation to reinforce CL effects. The instruments for data collection were a pretest (the reading part of GEPT Elementary Level Test), a reading proficiency posttest, and a questionnaire about students’ motivation and attitudes toward English learning and cooperative learning. The researcher implemented two-way ANOVA and one-way ANOVA to analyze the data. The findings indicated that:
1. The results of the posttest showed that there was no significant difference of students’ reading proficiency between the experimental and control groups after CL intervention.
2. The low English proficiency students with high level (LH) in the experimental group performed better than those in the control group in the posttest though there was no significant difference. The low English proficiency students with intermediate level (LI) in the two groups did not have significantly different performance, either. However, the low English proficiency students with low level (LL) in the control group significantly outperformed than those in the experimental group.
3. The results of students’ responses toward English learning in the questionnaire show that there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups but students in the experimental group held more positive attitudes than those in the control group.

4. The results of students’ responses show that cooperative learning instruction was helpful and interesting but there were still some pitfalls. Students held positive attitudes toward peer evaluation, but fair scoring should be put into consideration.
5. There were significant differences among LH, LI, and LL students’ motivation and attitudes toward cooperative learning and peer evaluation.
Based on the study results, the author offers some valuable pedagogical implications and recommendations for cooperative learning and instruction, especially for vocational high schools.
Table of Contents

Abstract (Chinese)…………………………………………………………………………. i
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………v

Introduction 1
Background and Rationale 1
Purpose of the Study 4
Research Questions 5
Significance of the Study 5
Limitation of the Study 5
Definition of Terms 5
Literature Review 5
The Definition of Cooperative Learning 5
The Theoretical Foundation of Cooperative Learning 5
The Features of Cooperative Learning 5
Methods of Cooperative Learning 5
A Typology of Cooperative Learning 5
Previous Studies 5
Task-Based Reading Comprehension 5
Cooperative Learning for Reading 5
The Effects of CL on Different Levels of Achievers 5
Cooperative Learning and Peer Evaluation 5
Methodology 5
Subjects 5
Instruments 5
Procedures 5
Data Analysis 5
Results and Discussions 5
Introduction 5
The Comparison of Reading Proficiency of the Experimental and Control Groups 5
The Comparison of Reading Proficiency of LH, LI and LL Students 5
Students’ Responses and Motivation toward English Learning and Cooperative Learning 5
The Effects and Influences of Peer Evaluation 5
Students’ Problems and Difficulties in Cooperative Learning Group Processing 5
Conclusions, Implications, and Suggestions 5
Conclusions of This Study 5
Implications of This Study 5
Limitations of This Study and Suggestions for Future Studies 5

References: 5
Appendix A: The Reading Proficiency Posttest (Chinese) 5
The Reading Proficiency Posttest………………………………………….121
Appendix B: The Form of Role Assignment (Chinese) 5
The Form of Role Assignment…………………………………………….124
Appendix C: Peer-Evaluation Checklist (Chinese) 5
Peer-Evaluation Checklist…………………………………………………126
Appendix D: Questionnaire of English Learning and Cooperative Learning (Chinese) 5
Questionnaire of English Learning and Cooperative Learning……………131
Appendix E: The Distribution of Scores of GEPT Reading Pretest 5
Appendix F: The Team Summary Sheet of the Experimental Group 5
Appendix G: Quiz Score Sheet and Improvement Points (Chinese) 5
Quiz Score Sheet and Improvement Points………………………………..138
Appendix H: The Distribution of Scores of Reading Proficiency Posttest 5
Appendix I: The Examples of Students’ Responses of Open-Ended Questions 5
Appendix J: The Output of SPSS Analysis of Reading Proficiency Posttest 5
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1. 14. 林光、倪安順(1998),”世界海運發展趨勢與我國營運環境分析”,航運季刊,第七卷第四期, pp.1-29。
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