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研究生(外文):CHUNG, Kuo-Jan
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Organization Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Emotion Expression Behavior: Mediating Role of the Impression Management
指導教授(外文):LIN, Cheng-Chen
外文關鍵詞:Organization JusticeImpression ManagementLMXJustice SensitivityOrganization Political perceptionRole PressureOrganizati
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總頁數: 143 頁
學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所)別:企業管理系(所)
研究生:鍾 國 仁 指導教授:林 鉦 棽 博士
在研究設計方面,以屏東縣各鄉鎮市公所公務人員為研究母體對象。總計發出589份問卷,經回收確認有效問卷為529份。針對研究結果,本研究提出下列建議供參考:1.機關內應就經驗閱歷豐富的員工,賦予使命,使其願將經驗傳授年資淺的員工,使工作傳承不斷;而對於年資久未具備與時精進的知識與能力之員工,採取補強式教育訓練方式,增強其工作績效。2. 機關內主管人員應朝自我充實及加強與部屬間的關係兩方面去著手。3.機關內應朝充份授權、暢通溝通管道及落實陞遷與獎勵制度等方面去著手。4.機關在人員甄選上應著重對組織有高度認同感與服務熱誠方面著手,且應針對服務人員施以情緒表現行為技巧的訓練。
Student ID: N9258013
Title of Thesis: Effect of Organization Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Emotion Expression Behavior: Mediating Role of the Impression Management
Total Page: 143 Pages
Name of Institute: National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Graduate Date: June 2005 Degree Conferred: Master
Name of Student: CHUNG, Kuo-Jen Adviser: Dr. LIN, Cheng-Chen
The contents of abstract in this thesis:
Since 2000s, every circle and field has had greater expectation on the government under the circumstance of the change and complexity of the society. In view of upgrading the service quality and raising the working intention, the personnel of the administrative authorities have to change their attitude. They should fully understand that their roles have changed from “administrator” in the past to “service provider”. Besides they should offer more updated and better service to the public. Due to the aforesaid reasons, this study is thereby designed to explore whether the employee’s perception of the organization justice would be affected by the LMX and the justice sensitivity. As well, it studies if the relation of the organization justice to the behavior of adopting the impression management will be under the influence of the organization political climax and the intensity of the role pressure and furthermore whether the behavior of adopting the impression management makes influence on the organizational citizenship behavior and the emotion expression behavior. Under the influence of the individualism of the organization members, is the evaluation system of the organization just or not? Will the organizational citizenship behavior of the employees and their emotion expression behavior be affected by the employee’s individual qualities? As far as these problems are concerned, this study will undertake an in-depth investigation for further clarification and reference of the infrastructure authorities in their management practices.
In respect of the study design, the main study subjects are the government employees of each countryside, town and city offices in Pingtung County, Taiwan, R.O.C. Total 589 questionnaires are sent out with 529 valid ones recovered. As a result of the study, the following suggestions are proposed for one’s reference: 1. The experienced employees in the institution should be assigned with the mission to pass their experience of their own will to the junior employees on and on; as for those senior employees who do not have the up-to-date knowledge and ability, the institution should take up the reinforced educational training to strengthen their work performance. 2. The managerial personnel in the institution should strive to enrich themselves and enhance their relationship with the subordinates. 3. The institution should make efforts in the full authorization and smooth communication channel as well as the implementation of the promotional and incentive system. 4. With regard to the selection of the newcomers, the institution should focus on their high sense of identification and service enthusiasm and further conduct the training on the skills of the emotion expression behavior for the service providers
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機……………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………………3
第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………4
第一節 印象整飾定義、分類及相關研究…………………………4
第二節 組織公正理論………………………………………………13
第三節 情緒勞務理論………………………………………………21
第四節 組織公民行為理論…………………………………………24
第五節 領導理論與公正敏感度……………………………………29
第六節 角色壓力理論………………………………………………35
第七節 組織政治知覺理論…………………………………………43
第三章 研究方法………………………………………………………48
第一節 研究架構及假設推導………………………………………48
第二節 研究對象與抽樣方法………………………………………54
第三節 研究變數之操作性定義及測量工具………………………57
第四節 資料分析方法………………………………………………65
第四章 資料分析………………………………………………………66
第一節 描述性統計分析……………………………………………66
第二節 差異性分析…………………………………………………84
第三節 主效果迴歸分析……………………………………………98
第四節 調節效果迴歸分析…………………………………………101
第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………109
第一節 研究結果及討論……………………………………………109
第二節 管理實務意涵與建議………………………………………118
第三節 研究限制與後續研究………………………………………121


圖 2-7-1 角色中介模式………………………………………………42
圖 2-8-1 組織政治知覺模型…………………………………………45
圖 3-1-1 研究架構圖…………………………………………………48
表 2-5-1 組織公民行為之構面分類…………………………………27
表 2-7-1 角色衝突定義………………………………………………38
表 2-7-2 角色模糊定義………………………………………………40
表 2-8-1 組織政治知覺的定義………………………………………43
表 3-1-1 組織公正與個人特質變項關係的後設分析………………50
表 3-2-1 問卷發出及回收統計表……………………………………54
表 3-2-2 樣本基本特性表……………………………………………56
表 4-1-1 各變數之平均數、標準差及變異數統計表………………66
表 4-1-2 性別與各變數之關係………………………………………67
表 4-1-3 年齡與各變數間關係………………………………………69
表 4-1-4 教育程度與各變數間之關係………………………………71
表 4-1-5 婚姻與各變數間關係………………………………………73
表 4-1-6 主管職務與各變數間關係…………………………………74
表 4-1-7 職等與各變數間之關係……………………………………75
表 4-1-8 服務年資與各變數間關係…………………………………77
表 4-1-9 共事年資與各變數間關係…………………………………79
表 4-1-10 各變數相關係數分析表……………………………………83
表 4-2-1 性別與各變項間之t檢定表………………………………84
表 4-2-2 年齡與各變項之單因子變異數分析表……………………86
表 4-2-3 教育程度與各變項之單因子變異數分析表………………88
表 4-2-4 婚姻與各變項間之t檢定表………………………………89
表 4-2-5 主管職務與各變項間之t檢定表…………………………90
表 4-2-6 職等與各變項之單因子變異數分析表……………………92
表 4-2-7 服務年資與各變項之單因子變異數分析表………………94
表 4-2-8 共事年資與各變項之單因子變異數分析表………………96
表 4-3-1 人口統計變項對組織公正之主效果分析表………………98
表 4-3-2 組織公正對印象整飾之主效果分析表……………………99
表 4-3-3 印象整飾對組織公民行為之主效果分析表………………100
表 4-3-4 印象整飾對情緒表現行為之主效果分析表………………100
表 4-4-1 LMX在人口統計變項與組織公正間之調節效果分析
表 4-4-2 公正敏感在人口統計變項與組織公正間之調節效果
表 4-4-3 組織政治氣候在組織公正與印象整飾間之調節效果
表 4-4-4 角色壓力在組織公正與印象整飾間之調節效果分析
表 5-1-1 研究之假設及驗證結果表彙整……………………………116
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