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研究生(外文):Wen-Shin Lo
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of E-commerce Adoption on Firm’s Performance
指導教授(外文):Diana HweiAn Tsai
外文關鍵詞:transaction efficiencyplant’s boundariesE-commercehazard rate
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The focus of this paper is to examine the determinants explaining the timing of E-commerce adoption in Taiwan manufacturing industries through the use of a duration model. This paper also investigates whether there have any difference in determining the utilization of E-commerce among different industries. And construct the measurement of E-commerce spillover effect, vertical integration and diversification to see how the E-commerce affects the plant’s boundaries and transaction efficiency by changing the transaction costs among plants.
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 3
2.1 The Stylized Facts of E-commerce 3
2.1.1 E-commerce Definition 3
2.1.2 The Structure of E-commerce 4
2.1.3. The Types of E-commerce 5
2.1.4. The Features of E-commerce 5
2.2 Relative Literature of E-commerce Adoption 7
2.2.1 Relative Literatures of E-commerce with Innovation and diffusion 8
2.2.2 Relative Literatures of E-commerce and productivity, transaction efficiency 10
3. Data Specification and E-commerce Indicator 14
3.1 Data Source 14
3.2 The E-commerce Indicator 14
3.3 Variable Specification 17
4. The Determinants of E-commerce Adoption 18
4.1. Theoretical Model of Underlying Determinants of E-commerce Adoption 18
4.2. Empirical Model of E-commerce Adoption 21
4.3. Variable Specification 22
4.4. Empirical Results of E-commerce Adoption 23
4.5. The Comparison of Four Different Industries 25
5. The Impact of E-commerce on Firms’ Performance 27
5.1. E-commerce Impact Firm’s Innovation Investment 27
5.1.1. Empirical Model of Innovation 27
5.1.2. Innovation Empirical Results 28
5.2. The Impact of E-commerce to Firm’s Productivity 30
5.2.1. Productivity Empirical Model 30
5.2.2. Productivity Empirical Results 32
5.3 Vertical integration and diversification with E-commerce 35
5.3.1. Empirical Model of Firm Boundaries 35
5.3.2. Firm Boundaries Expected Empirical Results 37
6. Conclusion 40
Reference 42
Appendix 49
Figure and Table Catalog

Table 3.1 Use of the E-commerce system 15
Table 4.1 Estimate for adoption time to E-commerce 24
Table 4.2 Estimate for adoption time to E-commerce of four types industries 25
Table 5.1 The determinants of firm’s innovation expenditure degree 30
Table 5.2 Estimation of production function 32
Table A.1 Two-digit SIC sectors 49
Table A.2 Correlation matrixes of the first six Components for the E-commerce variables and factor weight 50
Table A.3 Eigenvalue for the E-commerce variables 51
Table A.4 Decomposition of the first six Components for E-commerce variables 52
Table A.5-1 Variable definitions and descriptive statistics 53
Table A.5-2 Variable definitions and descriptive statistics 54

Figure 3.1 E-commerce adoption indexes 16
Figure 3.2 E-commerce adoption growth rates 17
Figure 5.1 Total Factor Productivity 34
Figure 5.2 Trend of TFP 34
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