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研究生(外文):Chi-wei Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Development of Strategic Performance Management in Healthcare Organizations:Based on the Hemodialysis Center of Community Hospital
指導教授(外文):Kim-jean Chow
外文關鍵詞:healthcare organizationstrategic performancebalanced scorecard
  • 被引用被引用:10
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In recent years, the healthcare policies and medical environment in Taiwan are changing, many hospitals face the pressure of their operating, and the surviving problems encounter many hospitals, especially for community hospitals. Because the development of hospitals in Taiwan is polarized, the number of community hospitals decreases abruptly in recent years. Foreseeably, community hospitals will face more difficult challenges and surviving problems. Therefore, the case study hospital wants to build a strategic performance system by using balanced scorecard (BSC) and chooses the hemodialysis center as the first unit to implement BSC. To introduce BSC into the hospital, we expect that BSC can transform organization’s objectives into real actions, increase the competitive ability, and establish the foundation of the hospital’s everlasting operation.
In the initial stage of the research, we developed a BSC team through SWOT analysis and group thinking to make the mission, core value, and vision of the community hospital and hemodialysis center, developed the strategies of the hemodialysis center, and completed the components of BSC. Afterwards, according to the four perspectives of BSC: customer, finance, internal processes, and learning and growth, we made some measurable indicators of performance to evaluate the performance of the hemodialysis center through the paper review and team discussion. Moreover, the strategy goals are achieved, and the strategies are successfully implemented to help the hemodialysis center fulfill the mission, vision, and core value on the basis of the balance status of the performance measurement inside and outside.
The research used some measurable indicators to measure the performance of the hemodialysis center, and compared the information that is before and after BSC has been implemented. In addition to showing the implemented results, we also correct and update the BSC of the homedialysis center through the learning and feedback processes and make a more efficient BSC to build a better strategic performance management system. We also take care about the issue of resource invested and cost, and make some brief discussions. The most important thing is, during the research time, that we recorded some problems and obstacles when implementing BSC, and the information can provide some following researches as reference resources. Through the experience sharing, we hope that other community hospitals wanting to use BSC to build a strategic performance management system can reduce some obstacles and implement BSC more efficiently.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 績效管理 5
第二節 醫療機構績效衡量 8
第三節 平衡計分卡理論與實例 12
第四節 平衡計分卡於醫療機構 18
第三章 研究方法 25
第一節 研究架構 25
第二節 研究階段與步驟 27
第三節 研究限制 30
第四章 血液透析中心平衡計分卡 31
第一節 平衡計分卡規劃 31
第二節 SWOT分析 34
第三節 使命、核心價值、願景與策略 38
第四節 策略目標與績效衡量指標 41
第五節 策略地圖 51
第六節 績效衡量指標之權重、門檻、中點、擴展 53
第五章 研究結果 56
第一節 平衡計分卡績效衡量指標表現 56
第二節 平衡計分卡修正與更新 61

第六章 結論與建議 74
第一節 研究結論 74
第二節 研究建議 77
參考文獻 80
附錄 86

表 2-1 Mayo Clinic績效種類與指標 11
表 2-2 平衡計分卡構面與概括性量度 14
表 2-3 醫院平衡計分卡主要績效指標 20
表 2-4 醫院平衡計分卡的參考構面及績效指標 21
表 3-1 研究階段與步驟 29
表 4-1 血液透析中心平衡計分卡團隊 32
表 4-2 血液透析中心策略主題與策略目標 42
表 4-3 血液透析中心策略目標、衡量指標、指標值 49
表 4-4血液透析中心績效衡量指標前測數值 50
表 4-5 績效衡量指標之權重、門檻、中點、擴展 55
表 5-1 績效衡量指標門檻、中點、擴展達成表 59
表 5-2 血液透析中心實施平衡計分卡前後比較 60
表 5-3 修正後之策略主題與策略目標 64
表 5-4 顧客面衡量指標修正前後對照 67
表 5-5 財務面衡量指標修正前後對照 68
表 5-6 內部流程面衡量指標修正前後對照 70
表 5-7 學習成長面衡量指標修正前後對照 71
表 5-8 修正後之策略目標、衡量指標、指標值 72
表 5-9 修正後績效衡量指標之權重、門檻、中點、擴展 73

圖 1-1 研究流程圖 4
圖 2-1將組織使命轉化至所希望之成果 13
圖 2-2 平衡計分卡架構 15
圖 2-3 平衡計分卡發展與執行過程 17
圖 3-1 研究架構圖 25
圖 3-2 研究階段圖 28
圖 4-1 醫院組織與平衡計分卡團隊 31
圖 4-2 平衡計分卡團隊共識凝聚關係圖 33
圖 4-3 血液透析中心SWOT分析圖 37
圖 4-4 血液透析中心使命、核心價值、願景與策略 40
圖 4-5 血液透析中心平衡計分卡績效衡量指標 48
圖 4-6 血液透析中心策略地圖 51
圖 4-7 血液透析中心平衡計分卡構面績效權重 53
圖 5-1 修正後之血液透析中心使命、核心價值、願景與策略 62
圖 5-2 修正後之血液透析中心策略地圖 66

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