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研究生(外文):Li-Tien Chang
論文名稱(外文):An Ontology-based Document Clustering Methodology
指導教授(外文):Amy J.C. Trappey
外文關鍵詞:OntologyFuzzy inference controlDocument clustering
  • 被引用被引用:2
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A purpose of the thesis is to present a novel method in analyzing, synthesizing and managing knowledge documents. In general, the methodologies that synthesize and management patents are almost using the key phrases as indices of knowledge documents. But the key phrases extracted from patents are meaningless to computers. Thus a novel methodology to analyze and manage knowledge documents based on ontology is developed in this thesis research. The methodology in this thesis enables computers to understand the knowledge documents in some degree via ontology instead of key phrases in this thesis. The methodology is divided into several steps. First, experts have to construct the specific domain ontology schema and put some training data to train the system. Then a learning method from natural language texts is adapted to infer the principal ontology of the knowledge documents. Therefore we use the fuzzy logic control (FLC) to infer the relationship between the knowledge documents and a suitable document cluster via ontology. Finally, we will evaluate the effectiveness of this methodology, and compare with knowledge document clustering based on key phrases.
Table of Content
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
List of Figures V
List of Tables VI
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Thesis objective 4
2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Text mining 5
2.2 Ontology 7
2.3 Fuzzy logic control 10
2.4 Clustering methodology 11
3. Methodology Architecture and Functional Detail 14
3.1 Experts construct domain ontology schema 16
3.2 Terminology training 16
3.3 Natural language processing 18
3.4 Terminological analyzer 19
3.5 Knowledge extraction 20
3.6 Relationship generator of knowledge documents 22
3.7 Clustering of knowledge documents 31
4. Results and Evaluations of the Experiment 32
4.1 Data collection 32
4.2 Ontology construction 33
4.3 Result of terminology training 36
4.4 Results of knowledge extraction and clustering 42
4.5 Evaluation 47
5. Conclusions 52
Appendix 1. Schema of Business News 58
Appendix 2. Ontology of Business News in Protégé 59
Appendix 3. Schema of CMP Patent 60
Appendix 4. Ontology of CMP Patent in Protégé 64
Appendix 5. Clustering Result for Documents of Business News 65
Appendix 6. Clustering Result for Documents of CMP Patent 73

List of Figures
Figure 1. Two approaches (keyword-based and ontology-based) in knowledge document management on a computer platform 3
Figure 2. A graphic example of a statement in ontology 8
Figure 3. Architecture of fuzzy logic control 10
Figure 4. Tree structure of hierarchical clustering algorithm 12
Figure 5. Structure of neural network 13
Figure 6. Functional flow for the operation of FODM methodology 15
Figure 7. User interface of protege 16
Figure 8. An example of training data 18
Figure 9. Tagging process of a sentence 19
Figure 10. A chunked example 21
Figure 11. Process of filtering statement in ontology 22
Figure 12. Ontological comparison of two documents 24
Figure 13. Membership function of concept “many” 25
Figure 14. Membership function of concept “mediate” 26
Figure 15. Membership function of concept “few” 27
Figure 16. Inference process 28
Figure 17. Rules and concepts of fuzzy inference model 28
Figure 18. Membership function of concept “high” 29
Figure 19. Membership function of concept “mediate” 30
Figure 20. Membership function of concept “low” 31
Figure 21. Ontology of patent infringement, trade and application 34
Figure 22. Ontology of CMP 36
Figure 23. An ontological translation in business news 43
Figure 24. An ontological translation in CMP patent 44
Figure 25. Comparison of the results between two clustering methodologies 51

List of Tables
Table 1. RDF concepts 9
Table 2. Meaning of the tags 17
Table 3. Probability of lemma to concept 18
Table 4. An example of terminological analyzing 20
Table 5. Rules of fuzzy logic control for patent document analysis 23
Table 6. Profile of knowledge documents 33
Table 7. Terminology of business news (1) 37
Table 8. Terminology of business news (2) 38
Table 9. Terminology of CMP patent (1) 39
Table 10. Terminology of CMP patent (2) 40
Table 11. Terminology of CMP patent (3) 41
Table 12. Clustering result of business news 45
Table 13. Clustering result of CMP patent 46
Table 14. K-mean clustering result of CMP patent based on key phrases 47
Table 15. Relevant and retrieved sets 47
Table 16. Evaluation of knowledge extraction 49
Table 17. Precision and recall comparison between this research and TF*IDF 49
Table 18. Comparison between fuzzy logic control clustering based on ontology and K-mean clustering based on key phrases 51
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