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研究生(外文):Yu-Ching Chen
論文名稱(外文):Simulating phosphatic fossilization of the soft tissue with Xenopus laevis oocytes
指導教授(外文):Chia-Wei Li
外文關鍵詞:soft tissuephosphatic fossilizationsimulatefossil
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中國貴州省瓮安縣出土的生物化石群是屬於前寒武紀時的生物,在特殊的情況下突然被大量磷酸鈣入侵礦化而得以保存下來,此發現在演化史上具有相當重要的意義。目擊著這種精美的生命保存結果時,不禁觸動我們對其石化過程的好奇,於是也開啟在實驗室中利用Xenopus laevis的oocyte模擬生物軟組織遭磷酸礦化的研究。
Paleontologist, geologists and biologists use fossil records to learn about the past history of the earth. Through fossils, we gain the knowledge of the biodiversity and geological processes which still continue today.
Fossils from the Precambrian phosphorite rocks of the Doushantuo Formation in Southwest China have an age of ~580 million years ago. Analysis of the preservation of the fossils suggests that creatures were buried alive by catastrophic sediment incursions. Since the preservation of the morphological details of the soft tissues is so well, it triggers our interests in deciphering the mechanism of fossilization. We selected the Xenopus laevis oocytes as the subject in the study of mineralization simulation experiments.
Based on the theory in Taphonomy, we tried to create a sedimentary system in laboratory of different conditions, including temperatures, pH and time scales, in order to approach the situation which came extensive mineralization inside the oocytes. The results indicated the importance of cell membrane permeability in introducing sufficient minerals into the oocytes to protect the soft tissues.
Calcium phosphate usually involves in preservation of spectacular three-dimensional details of soft tissues. We also tried to demonstrate whether repeated sedimentation processes could increase the amount of crystals and lead to a higher preservation potential. The results showed that the content of crystals increased dramatically through the process. We suggest that the formation of Wengan fossils may be either the consequences of bio-permeability alternation, or evidences remaining in highly condensed and reworked deposits on ancient phosphorite rocks.
一、 簡介------------------------------------------1
1-1、 埋藏學----------------------------------------------------1
1-2、 化石的種類------------------------------------------------2
1-3、 化石形成的模式--------------------------------------------2
1-4、 礦化組織的分類--------------------------------------------3
1-5、 無機礦物如何提高生物巨分子的保存潛力----------------------3
1-6、 瓮安磷酸鈣化石--------------------------------------------4
1-7、 瓮安磷礦層的介紹------------------------------------------7
1-8、 Briggs提出可能的磷酸礦化機制-----------------------------8
1-9、 有利於磷酸鈣化石形成的條件--------------------------------9
2-1、 實驗材料-------------------------------------------------11
2-2、 實驗方法-------------------------------------------------11
2-3、 實驗觀察-------------------------------------------------13
3-1、 元素分析與分佈結果---------------------------------------16
3-2、 石蠟切片染色結果-----------------------------------------16
3-3、 穿透式電子顯微鏡觀察結果---------------------------------17
3-4、 感應耦合電漿質譜分析分析結果-----------------------------17
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