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研究生(外文):Chih-Tang Peng
論文名稱(外文):Design, Analysis and Experiment Validation of Structural Reliability and Microwave Signal Response of Advanced Microsystems Packages
指導教授(外文):Kuo-Ning Chiang
外文關鍵詞:Flip chip packageMicrowaveReliabilityLead-free solderIMC layerUnderfillAccelerated thermal cycle testingVNA microwave measurementFEMFactorial design
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本研究之測試載具採用具有良好電訊特性與可靠度的覆晶封裝,進行上述各封裝設計法則的分析與探討。本研究針對覆晶封裝結構中,可對其力學行為與電訊特性產生影響之設計參數進行一系列之實驗與有限單元分析。藉由有限單元之模擬分析,吾人可深入瞭解電子封裝結構之力學行為與電磁場分佈特性,再者,配合有限單元參數化分析以及因子設計法(Factorial Design),吾人即可針對電子封裝之效能進行更為深入之研究與設計。另一方面,為探討封裝結構焊錫接點之可靠度(可採用加速熱循環測試實驗)、金屬界層成長之效應(可採用高溫熱儲存實驗)以及其傳送微波訊號之效能(可採用向量網路分析儀量測),本研究設計、製造並量測下列之測試載具:(1)具不同焊錫凸塊結構且未上底膠(Underfill)之覆晶封裝結構、(2)具不同焊錫凸塊材料(錫鉛合金與錫銀無鉛合金)與結構之覆晶封裝、(3)採用銅晶片以及鈦/銅/鎳凸塊下金屬層(UBM)之錫鉛合金凸塊以及錫銀無鉛合金凸塊、(4)可用於微波訊號傳輸之覆晶封裝。研究結果顯示,在經過150oC、1,000小時之高溫熱儲存後,錫鉛合金凸塊之金屬界層成長厚度較錫銀合金凸塊為厚,而錫銀合金凸塊於金屬界層成長後之抗剪強度較錫鉛合金凸塊為佳。另,覆晶封裝結構可靠度之實驗結果顯示,底膠之填充、晶片與基板之墊片尺寸與錫球之體積對焊錫接點的可靠度具有深遠之影響。而在相同的幾何尺寸下,應用錫銀合金凸塊之覆晶封裝具有較應用錫鉛合金凸塊之覆晶封裝為佳的可靠度。於覆晶封裝之微波訊號量測方面,本研究設計之微波訊號傳輸用之覆晶封裝的操作頻率可達3.2GHz。另一方面,為驗證本研究所採用之有限單元分析法,文中亦針對有限單元之模擬分析結果與實驗測試之結果進行比較。其結果指出,無論是結構可靠度之力學行為有限單元分析或是封裝結構之電磁場有限單元分析皆與實驗結果相符,此亦驗證本研究所提出之設計/分析方法的可行性。再者,本研究以上述經驗證過之有限單元分析法針對焊錫接點外型、基板厚度以及底膠填充方式對覆晶封裝可靠度之影響進行因子設計分析,以探討前述設計參數對封裝結構可靠度之敏感度(Sensitivity)以及其交互作用(Interaction)之影響。
Due to the current trend of semiconductors toward higher frequency and better performance, both the structural reliability and the electrical performance of electronic packages can significantly affect the packaging system performance. Therefore, for the electronic packaging design, the mechanical behavior and the electrical performance should be taken into account simultaneously when designing IC chips that operate in the microwave frequency range. Based on the above, this investigation proposes methodologies to analyze and design the electronic packages regarding the mechanical as well as the electrical performance aspects, and to study and integrate the correlation between the reliability and microwave effects in the design methodology development of advanced electronic packaging applications.
A flip chip package, showing good electrical performance and high reliability is selected for this research. To study the aforementioned concerns, the design parameters that can influence the mechanical and electrical performance of a flip chip package are extensively investigated through finite element method (FEM) and several experiments. Through FEM simulation, the mechanical and electromagnetic behavior of the electronic packages could be comprehended and allowing for the parametric as well as factorial analyses of the packaging performance. Moreover, to investigate the solder joint reliability (applying accelerated thermal cycle testing (ATCT)), the IMC growth effect (applying high temperature storage experiment) and the microwave frequency response (applying vector network analyzer (VNA) microwave signal measurement), the following test vehicles: (1) no-underfill flip chip with different solder bump structure, (2) lead-free (96.5Sn/3.5Ag) and eutectic (63Sn/37Pb) solder flip chip with different solder bump structure, (3) lead-free and eutectic solder on Ti/Cu/Ni under bump metallurgy (UBM) layer fabricated upon a copper chip and (4) microwave signal transmission utilizing flip chip are designed, fabricated and tested. The experimental results for the IMC growth effect on the solder bump strength indicate that after isothermal aging treatment at 150oC for more than a 1,000 hours, the Sn/Ag solder reveals a better maintenance of bump strength than the Sn/Pb solder, and the Sn/Pb solder shows a higher IMC growth rate than the Sn/Ag solder. In terms of flip chip package reliability testing, the ATCT experimental results show that the underfilling, die/substrate-side pad size and solder bump volume do indeed play a significant role in the solder joint reliability. In addition, the flip chip utilizing Sn/Ag solder shows a slightly better solder joint reliability than that utilizing the Sn/Pb solder. For VNA microwave signal measurement, the designed microwave flip chip is proven to be feasible under the operation frequency of 3.2 GHz. In addition, to demonstrate the FEM analysis methodologies, the FEM simulation results are compared with the experimental data. The findings indicate that the FEM simulations have good agreement with the experimental results in both mechanical reliability and microwave electrical performance. This confirms the feasibility of the design/analysis methodology developed in this study. Furthermore, based on the validated FEM analysis, the FEM factorial design for the design parameters of the solder joint geometry, substrate thickness and underfill filleting type are employed to study the influence of the design factor sensitivity and the interaction among factors on the flip chip packaging reliability.
In order to investigate the correlation of the mechanical and electrical performance of the electronic package, the IMC layer growth and the underfill fillet type experiment are employed. As is known, the IMC layer formation apparently influences the solder bump mechanical strength, as is contrary to the mechanical impact, the microwave signal testing result shows that there is no significant microwave signal variation that is affected by IMC growth. On the other hand, the microwave signals of test vehicles with a different underfill fillet (without underfill, with peripheral underfill and with full underfill) are measured, and in addition, the solder joint reliabilities of the test vehicles with different underfill fillet are analyzed as well. The findings show that the flip chip with peripheral underfill, showing a qualified microwave signal performance and an excellent mechanical reliability, is recommended for the practical application.
Based on the above, the development of design/research methodologies of the mechanical reliability and the microwave signal performance of electronic packages, and moreover, the integrated discussions between the design considerations of mechanical and electrical aspects of electronic packages which are often investigated independently are the major contributions of this research.
1.1 Motivation of Research
1.2 Literature Survey
1.2.1 Flip Chip Package Design and Solder Joint Reliability Prediction
1.2.2 Lead-Free Solder Reliability and Intermetallic Compounds Effect
1.2.3 Analysis of Electronic Package Radio Frequency Effect
1.3 Research Goal and Methodology
2.1 Fundamental Theories of Electronic Package Reliability Prediction
2.1.1 Solder Joint Shape Prediction
2.1.2 Hardening Rule
2.1.3 Numerical Method and Convergence Criteria
2.1.4 Solder Joint Reliability Prediction
2.1.5 Statistical Analysis of Reliability Experimental Data
2.1.6 Factorial Design
2.2 Fundamental Theory of Intermetallic Compounds Growth
2.3 Theories for Microwave Electronic Package Design and Measurement
2.3.1 Transmission Line Design Fundamentals
2.3.2 Impedance Matching
2.3.3 Microwave Network Analysis and S parameters
2.3.4 Microwave Signal Measurement
2.3.5 Electromagnetic Field Analysis of Microwave Structure Using Finite Element Method
3.1 Flip Chip Package Design
3.2 Lead-Free Solder and No Underfill Flip Chip Package Fabrication
3.3 Microwave Flip Chip Package Design
3.4 Microwave Flip Chip Package Fabrication
4.1 Finite Element Analysis for Lead-Free Solder and No Underfill Flip Chip Package
4.2 Accelerated Thermal Cycle Testing for Lead-Free Solder and No Underfill Flip Chip Package
4.3 Analysis and Comparison between Finite Element Analysis and Thermal Cycle Testing
4.4 Finite Element Factorial Design for Flip Chip Package
5.1 Test Vehicle Specifications and Experimental Methodology
5.2 Intermetallic Compounds Experimental Results Analysis and Discussion
6.1 Analysis of Microwave Signal of Flip Chip Package
6.1.1 Finite Element Analysis of Microwave Signal
6.1.2 Microwave Signal Measurement Using Vector Network Analyzer
6.1.3 Analysis and Comparison between Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Measurement
6.2 Interactive Effect of Design Parameters between Microwave Signal and Reliability
6.2.1 High Temperature Storage Impact on Microwave Signal Performance
6.2.2 Underfilling Type Impact on Microwave Signal and Package Reliability of Flip Chip Package
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