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論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Sensorless Method for Brushless DC Motor
外文關鍵詞:Brushless DC MotorSensorless DriveBack-EMF Detection
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As the reduction in manufacture costs and popularity of power electronic devices in the recent years, today brushless DC motors have been employed for applications in aerospace, automotives, and home electronic products. By replacing the mechanical commutator in brush DC motors, brushless DC motors have been known for their advantages in low noise, long life, high efficiency, and maintenance free. However, brushless DC Motors have to rely on detecting rotor position for properly initiating the electronic commutation; hence, Hall elements are commonly employed for detection of rotor position whereas the life cycle and costs have become an important factor in applications. In this thesis, detection of rotor position for brushless DC motor has been implemented via back EMF monitoring which adopted pre-filters and phase-angle compensators so that the correct rotor position could be determined. Furthermore, compensation of phase-angle versus operational speeds have been established for adjusting the optimal commutation angles. The commutation angles were then used for the trigger signals on the power electronic switches to drive the brushless DC motors. Finally, two commercial models were employed for experimental verifications and comparisons on the proposed method which was implemented on a digital signal processor. Hopefully, the results can contribute valuable information for the industrial drive technology.
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.3 研究目的 4

第二章 無刷直流馬達基本理論 9
2.1 無刷直流馬達簡介 9
2.2 無刷直流馬達數學模式 10
2.2.1 d-q數學模式 10
2.2.2 馬達數學模式 12
2.3 無感測器驅動原理 14
2.3.1 反電動勢檢測驅動 16
2.3.2 零轉速起動驅動模式 16

第三章 驅動電路設計與分析 24
3.1 三相六步變頻電路 24
3.1.1 上下臂驅動電路 25
3.1.2 變頻器驅動策略 26
3.2 轉子位置檢測電路 26
3.2.1 類比濾波電路 27
3.2.2 濾波電路設計 28
3.3 相角補償與零起動 31
3.3.1 轉速與相角補償 31
3.3.2 馬達參數與零起動 32

第四章 實驗結果與分析 43
4.1 實驗設備 43
4.1.1 數位訊號處理器 44
4.1.2 無刷直流馬達 45
4.2 實驗規劃 46
4.3 實驗結果 47

第五章 結論與未來工作 62
5.1 結論與討論 62
5.2 未來工作 63

參考文獻 65

附錄 66
附錄A 電磁場分析理論介紹 66
附錄B 二維靜磁場分析結果 69
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