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研究生(外文):Su-Shen Hung
論文名稱(外文):The Self-stabilizing Edge-Token and Its Applications
指導教授(外文):Shing-Tsaan Huang
外文關鍵詞:Distributed SystemSelf-StabilizationEdge Token
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本論文首先提出邊緣標記(Edge Token)的觀念,同時採用自我穩定(Self-Stabilizing)演算法實施。邊緣標記可應用於許多傳統的分散系統問題上,如環狀同向問題( Ring Orientation ) 、主管選任問題( Leader Election )、標記環繞問題( Token Circulation )以及相鄰同步問題( Neighborhood Synchronization )。
無論系統起始狀態如何,自我穩定系統保證在有限時間內將系統收斂至穩定狀態(Legitimate State)。也就是說在系統發生錯誤時,無需外部介入自我穩定系統即可自行恢復正常。此特性是分散系統考慮容錯功能時非常重要的需求。
將分散系統視為一個含有節點(Node)與邊緣(Edge)連接的圖形。而邊緣標記就是在每一個邊緣上保持一個標記( Token ),此標記只能屬於由邊緣所連接的兩節點其中一個節點。邊緣標記可因應用需求在兩個節點間互傳。基於邊緣標記的互斥特性,運用不同的邊緣標記保留策略可以有效解決許多傳統的問題。
在論文裡,我們共提出四個應用邊緣標記觀念的自我穩定演算法,分別解決環狀同向問題、樹狀主管選任問題、樹狀標記環繞問題以及樹狀相鄰同步問題。這些演算法都是個體無差異演算法 (Uniform Algorithm),同時使用讀寫分制方法(Read/Write Atomicity)運作於分散排程系統。特別的是,在所提出的演算法中,每個節點只需參考自己的狀態就可以決定後續運作,因此方法非常簡單而且直覺。其結果不論在收斂速度或演算法精簡度上都超越既有的方法。此外,我們亦提出另外二個相關問題的自我穩定演算法,包括平面圖形塗色法以及非應用邊緣標記之相鄰同步演算法。
In this dissertation, we first propose the concept of edge token and present a self-stabilizing algorithm to implement it. Based on the concept of edge token, many traditional problems are reconsidered and are solved more elegantly, such as ring orientation problem, leader election problem, token circulation problem and neighborhood synchronization problem.
A self-stabilizing system guarantees to converge to a legitimate state in a finite time no matter what initial state it may start with. An attractive feature for a self-stabilizing system is that the system can recover from transient faults automatically without any outside intervention. This feature is highly desirable for distributed systems with fault-tolerance consideration.
Consider the distributed system as a connected graph with processes (or nodes) and edges. An Edge Token with respect to an edge is a token maintained by the two processes connected by the edge. The token is held by one of the two processes and is passed between them as needed. Due to the exclusive property of edge token, different kinds of strategies for edge token holding can be used to solve the traditional problems efficiently.
In the dissertation, we propose four self-stabilizing algorithms based on edge tokens: ring orientation, leader election for trees, token circulation for trees and neighborhood synchronization for trees. All the proposed algorithms are uniform and work under the distributed scheduler with read/write atomicity. Moreover, since each process only refers to its local state, these algorithms are simple and intuitive. The results are better than the previous works either in time complexity or in their elegancy. Beside that, a related self-stabilizing algorithm for planar graph coloring is proposed and the approach for neighborhood synchronization that does not use edge tokens is also given in Appendix for reference.
Chapter 1 Introduction………………………………………………1
1.1 The self-stabilization system………………………………2
1.2 The self-stabilization Edge Token and related problems5
1.2.1 Ring orientation problem……………………………………6
1.2.2 The leader election problem for uniform trees………7
1.2.3 The token circulation problem……………………………7
1.3 The related mutual exclusion problems……………………8
1.3.1 The neighborhood synchronization problem………………9
1.3.2 The planar graph coloring problem…………………… 10
1.4 Organization of the dissertation……………………………11
Chapter 2 The Self-Stabilizing Edge Token……………………13
2.1 Introduction………………………………………………………13
2.2 The self-stabilizing Edge Token algorithm………………15
2.3 Correctness proof and Time complexity analysis…………19
2.4 Conclusion………………………………………………………………21
Chapter 3 A self-stabilizing uniform ring orientation
algorithm by edge tokens…………………………22
3.1. Introduction……………………………………………………………22
3.2. The ring orientation algorithm……………………………23
3.3. Correctness proof and complexity analysis………………26
3.3.1 Correctness proof……………………………………………26
3.3.2 Complexity analysis…………………………………………29
3.4. Conclusion……………………………………………………………30
Chapter 4 A self-stabilizing leader election algorithm
for trees by edge tokens…………………………31
4.1. Introduction…………………………………………………………31
4.2. The leader election algorithm for trees………………32
4.3. Conclusion……………………………………………………35
Chapter 5 A self-stabilizing token circulation algorithm
for trees by edge tokens……………………………...36
5.2. The token circulation algorithm…………………………38
5.3. Correctness proof and complexity analysis……………41
5.3.1 Correctness proof…………………………………………42
5.3.2 Complexity analysis………………………………………43
5.4. Conclusion……………………………………………………46
Chapter 6 A self-stabilizing neighborhood synchronization
algorithm for trees by edge tokens …………………47
6.1 Introduction……………………………………………………47
6.2 The proposed algorithm………………………………………49
6.3 Correctness proof and Analysis……………………………50
6.4 Conclusions……………………………………………………52
Chapter 7 A uniform self-stabilizing planar graphs
coloring algorithm ……………………………………53
7.1 Introduction……….…………………………………………53
7.2 The proposed algorithm………………………………………55
7.3 The Correctness Proof and Analysis………………………60
7.4 Conclusion………………………………………………………64
Chapter 8 Conclusions and future works………………………65
8.1 Conclusions……………………………………………………65
8.2 Future works……………………………………………………67
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