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研究生(外文):Wang Hsiao-ling
論文名稱(外文):The Grammaticalization of Hao in Mandarin Chinese
指導教授(外文):Tsao Fung-fu
外文關鍵詞:haogrammaticalizationMandarin Chinese
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In this study, we examine the functions of hao in Mandarin and discuss these various uses in relation to its grammaticalization development. We propose that grammaticalization of hao proceed along three different directions, namely the development from a predicate into a resultative complement and then into a phase marker, the development from a predicate into an intensifier, and the development from a predicate into a discourse marker. From the discussion of hao, it can be observed that these variant uses are closely related to one another, as they primarily evolve from the predicate hao. In the process, hao preserves more lexical properties in the beginning and becomes more grammatical at a later stage. Besides, it originally means “good,” then arrives at its new sense of “satisfactory,” “very,” and “finish doing something.”

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------1
1.1. MOTIVATION AND AIMS -----------------------------------------------------------1
1.2. METHODOLOGY AND DATA COLLECTION ----------------------------------4
1.3. ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS ------------------------------------------------6

2.1.1. Semantic bleaching -------------------------------------------------------------------8
2.1.2. Three tendencies of semantic change ----------------------------------------------9
2.2. THE PRINCIPLE OF UNIDIRCTIONALITY -----------------------------------12
2.3. THE CLINE OF GRAMMATICALIZATION ------------------------------------14
2.4. THE CRITERIA FOR GRAMMATICALIZATION -----------------------------17
2.5. SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------19

CHAPTER THREE LITERATURE REVIEW ----------------------20
3.1. Miracle (1991): Discourse Markers in Chinese -----------------------------------20
3.2. Wang (2001): From Predicate to Discourse marker: The Grammaticalization of
hao in Mandarin Chinese ------------------------------------------------------------27
3.3. Biq (2003): From Collocation to Idiomatic Expression: The
Grammaticalization of hao Phrases/Constructions in Mandarin Chinese -----36
3.4. Wang and Tsai (2005): Hao in Spoken Chinese Discourse: Relevance and
Coherence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------41
3.5. SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------44

4.1. FROM PREDICATE TO PHRASE MARKER -----------------------------------45
4.1.1. From predicate to resultative complement -------------------------------------45 Resultative construction -------------------------------------------------------46 Compounding -------------------------------------------------------------------48 Hao in a resultative construction ---------------------------------------------50 The resultative complement hao and compounding -----------------------51
4.1.2. From complement to phase marker -----------------------------------------------52 Phase marker --------------------------------------------------------------------53 The cline of grammaticalization ----------------------------------------------54 Hao as a phase marker ---------------------------------------------------------56 Hao along the cline of grammaticality --------------------------------------57
4.2. FROM PREDICATE TO INTENSIFIER ---------------------------------------------60
4.2.1. Intensifiers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------61
4.2.2. Generalization -----------------------------------------------------------------------61
4.2.3. Hao as an intensifier ----------------------------------------------------------------63
4.2.4. Intensifier hao and generalization -------------------------------------------------64
4.3. FROM PREDICATE TO DISCOURSE MARKER ---------------------------------68
4.3.1. Discourse markers -------------------------------------------------------------------69
4.3.2. Discourse markers and grammaticalization --------------------------------------71
4.3.3. Hao: from predicate to discourse marker-----------------------------------------72 The nondiscourse use of hao -------------------------------------------------72 The discourse use of hao ------------------------------------------------------74 Hao: A model of grammaticalization ----------------------------------------82
4.4. SUMMARY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------92

CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION ------------------------------------93
5.1. Summary of the findings ----------------------------------------------------------------92
5.2. Suggestions for further research --------------------------------------------------------97

APPENDIX ---------------------------------------------------------------------98

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