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研究生(外文):Jeong-Hyun Lim
論文名稱(外文):Secondary Predicates in Chinese
指導教授(外文):Wei-Tien Dylan TsaiChih-Chen Jane Tang
外文關鍵詞:secondary predicatesresultativesdescriptivesdepictivesevaluatives
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本論文將對於漢語次要謂語進行精密的考察,並旁及英語與韓語中的相關現象,以力求解釋下列兩項核心議題:(一) 漢語次要謂語的句法結構與語意詮釋、(二) 不同語言類型中次要謂語的認可機制(licensing mechanism)。
有鑑於種種句法測驗,本研究指出,次要主語(secondary subject)的屬性在決定次要謂語的內部結構時扮演關鍵角色。根據次要主語的選擇性(selectedness)與否結果次要謂語(resultatives)的內部結構可分控制結構(control construction)與小子句結構(small clause construction); 並且,按照空的(empty)次要主語的不同屬性,把表面上相同的V得結構應該再細分為描述次要謂語(descriptives)與評估次要謂語(evaluatives)。本論文也從句法與詞法的平行關係來探討了V得結構與VV複合詞之間的相關關係。
秉持著理論句法的元則參數方法,本文先從準確描寫漢、英、韓語次要謂語裡所見的基本屬性著手,再進一步嘗試找出語言普遍的機制與個別語言特殊的語法現象。本文著重考察赤裸結果次要謂語(bare resultatives)的認可限制與描繪次要謂語(depictives)的出現分佈,來指出語言特殊的不同事象認可(event licensing)與詞組結構規律造成語言之間的差異。
This thesis deals with the syntax and semantics of Chinese secondary predicate construction with comparative extensions to English and Korean. The primary issue of this thesis, then, is twofold. First, we investigate the syntactic representations and semantic interpretations of the distinct subtypes of Chinese secondary predicates, focusing on the status and the nature of the secondary subject. Various syntactic tests present convincing arguments that both control construction and small clause construction are involved in the internal structure of resultatives according to the selectedness of the secondary subject; besides, the superficially same but actually different subtypes of Chinese secondary predicates, such as descriptives and evaluatives, are attributed to the different nature of the empty subject and the licensing mechanism of it. A special attention is also given to the correlation between the V-de construction and its corresponding V-V compound on the basis of the parallelism between the sentence-syntax and word-syntax in Chinese.
Second, we examine several properties peculiar to the secondary predicate construction, and try to provide a principled explanation for deriving cross-linguistic variations seen among Chinese, English and Korean. We argue that both resultatives and depictives share common syntactic and semantic properties among those three languages, but the actual realization of them, such as restriction on the bare resultatives and the distributional asymmetries, may be different depending on the language-specific phrase structure rule and event licensing mechanism.
Chapter 1. Preliminaries

1.1 Two Main Issues 1
1.2 Some Basic Properties of Secondary Predicates 7
1.2.1 Templates and Categorial Types of Secondary Predicates 7
1.2.2 Formal Condition on Secondary Predication 10
1.2.3 Primary vs. Secondary Predicates 13
1.2.4 Transitive vs. Intransitive Resultative Constructions 19
1.2.5 Summary 25
1.3 Outline of the Thesis 27

Chapter 2. Syntax and Semantics of
The Resultative Secondary Predicate

2.1 Previous Analyses on the Structure of Resultatives 29
2.1.1 Complex Predicate and Control Construction: Huang (1992) 29
2.1.2 Small Clause Construction: Sybesma (1999) 33
2.1.3 Dualistic Structures based on the Lexical Semantics: Li (1998) 35
2.2 Substance of the Secondary Subject 39
2.2.1 Secondary Subject in Korean Resultatives 39
2.2.2 Secondary Subject in English Resultatives 44
2.2.3 Secondary Subject in Chinese Resultatives 47
2.2.4 Consequences and Some Related Issues 55 The Priority of the Secondary Subject 55 Unaccusative Hypothesis and the DOR 59 The Phenomena 59 Resultatives with Additional/Unselected NP 62 Remaining Questions on Bare Resultatives 69
2.3 Event-into-Structure and the Function of Chinese DE 73
2.3.1 Semantics of Resultatives: Delimiting Event 73 Argument-Dependent Event Structure 73 Resultatives and Telicity 75
2.3.2 Language Typology based on the Event Structure 76
2.3.3 Chinese as a D-language 79 Evidence for D-language 79 Event Make-up Function of DE 82 Existing Analyses on the Syntactic Status of Chinese DE 82 DE as Delimiter 84
2.3.4 Korean as an I-language 88 Criteria for I-languages 88 Single Delimiting Constraint 89 The Grammatical Function of GE 91
2.3.5 Event Licensing and the Occurrence of Bare Resultatives 92

Chapter 3. Making a Difference:
Diversity of the Chinese V-de Construction

3.1 Subdivision of the Chinese V-de Construction 96
3.2 Syntactic Differences among the Three Types of the V-de Constructions 100
3.2.1 The Presence of the Secondary Subject 100
3.2.2 Categorial Type 100
3.2.3 Topicalization and Relativization 102
3.2.4 The Ba-/ Bei-construction 104
3.2.5 Verb Copying 105
3.2.6 Causativization 106
3.2.7 Summary and Additional Remarks 108
3.3 Homogeneous or Heterogeneous Structure? 111
3.3.1 V-de Takes Clausal Complement 111
3.3.2 Some Doubts 112
3.4 The Nature of the Empty Subject 116
3.4.1 Resultatives: Generalized Control Theory and Pro 116
3.4.2 Descriptives: Event as a kind of Generalized Control 118
3.4.3 Evaluatives: Context-bound Variable 121
3.5 Licensing Conditions on the Secondary Predicates 125
3.5.1 Formal Condition on Predication 125
3.5.2 Licensing of the Chinese Secondary Predicates 126

Chapter 4. Secondary Predicates
in Chinese Sentence-syntax and Word-syntax

4.1 Coverage of the Chapter 128
4.2 Defining Sentence-syntax and Word-syntax 133
4.2.1 The Definition 133
4.2.2 Properties Peculiar to Word-syntax 133
4.3 Parallelism between Sentence-syntax and Word-syntax 136
4.3.1 An Overview 136
4.3.2 Transitivity 137
4.3.3 Topicalization and Relativization 138
4.3.4 The Ba-/Bei-construction 140
4.3.5 Verb Copying 141
4.3.6 Causativization 141
4.3.7 Productivity 142
4.3.8 Semantic Ambiguity 143
4.4 Deriving Complex Predicates 145
4.4.1 The Formation of V-V Sequences 145
4.4.2 Some Consequences 149 Transitivity and Causativity 149 Semantic Ambiguity 153 Productivity 154
4.5 Cross-linguistic Perspectives 156
4.5.1 Restrictions on the Formation of Complex Predicates in Korean 156
4.5.2 The Absence of the English V-V Compound 157

Chapter 5. The Depictive Secondary Predicate:
Predication and Modification

5.1 Depictives vs. Resultatives 161
5.1.1 Semantic Differences 161
5.1.2 Syntactic Differences and Structural Positions of Depictives 163
5.2 Problems of Depictives in Chinese 168
5.2.1 Distribution of Object-oriented Depictives 168
5.2.2 Confusion with Adverbial Expressions 175
5.3 Chinese Depictives: Predicate or Modifier? 179
5.3.1 Literature Review 179 Depictives as Syntactic Predicates 179 Depictives as Adverbial Modifiers 182
5.3.2 A Mixture: Depictives as Predicative Adverbials 185 Predicative Nature 185 Adverbial Nature 188 Depictives as Predicative Adverbials and Related Issues 192 Case Study of Korean 195
5.4 Adjunct-Complement Dichotomy in Chinese 199

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