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研究生(外文):Yu-Rong Chen
指導教授(外文):Lung-Sheng Lee
外文關鍵詞:assessment centerdevelopment center
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Assessment center method (ACM) is an ever more complete and appropriate method with respect to human resource practice in this ever changing, global and technologically demanding business environment. However, the operation of ACM is relatively preliminary due to different business environments in Taiwan. Thus, the study was aimed to explore the current situation of applying ACM in Taiwan, to investigate the problems of implementation, to construct a comprehensive strategy to solve these problems and to provide the concrete conclusions and suggestions to practitioners and further studies. By using qualitative research method with multiple cases, the main problems of applying ACM on Taiwan found in this study were: (1) All aspects during application can not be ignored (2) Managerial capabilities need to be enhanced (3) Never think assessment center as ‘panacea’ (4)Effective assessment center in Taiwan has not been built. In addition, comprehensive solutions to cope with these problems concluded in this study were (1) Seek for support from executives (2) Make the purpose of application clear (3) Establish the system of assessment (4) Select suitable assessment center for your own company (5) Provide Training after assessment (6) Develop and modify materials during a period of time (7) Offer subsequent measures to leverage the assessment center.
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
Delimitations and Limitations
Basic concepts of Assessment Center Methods
Design and Procedures of Applying Assessment Center Methods
Implementation of Assessment Center Methods in Western countries and in Taiwan
Design of the Study
Population and Sample
Procedure 55
Data Management and Analysis
Introduction of Cases
Problems of applying Assessment Center Methods in Taiwan
Possible Solutions of Applying Assessment Center Methods in Taiwan
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