This study is designed to research how public junior high school math teachers understand ”General Guidelines of Grade 1-9 Curriculum” and “the field of math learning.” And this study further aims to how different the teaching behaviors of math teachers of various backgrounds turn out to be. In addition, the author researches and points out how public junior high school math teachers’ understanding of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum makes an influence on teaching behaviors. The author also studies the problems they confront and provide ways of solving the teaching problems.
Concerning the research methodology of the author, first to sort out and analyze the documents, setting up the complete frame of the study. And then the author uses a questionnaire (that is, “How the public junior high school math teachers in Taipei County understand ‘Grade 1-9 Curriculum math teaching’ and how their understanding affects the teaching behaviors”) to collect the needed data. Through the investigation, the author got 150 valid samples by targeting qualified math teachers of Grade 7, 8, and 9 in public junior high schools. The statistic methods the author got adopted include number distribution, percentage, average, standard margin, single sample t test, independent sample t test and one-way ANOVA. And then the author makes a comparison by Scheffe methodology, and use Person’s Product-Moment Correlation to study how curriculum understanding is related to teaching behaviors, sorting out and analyzing the collected data.
Through the research, it is discovered that the public junior high school math teachers of Taipei County as a while have a very positive understanding of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. And it also noted that the understanding and teaching behavior are distinctively affected by teachers’ gender, age, seniority, and research hours. Besides, the school’s location and size also make a great influence on teachers’ understanding and teaching of the math curriculum.
In addition, this study presents the ways of solving the problems which math teachers confront in teaching the curriculum.