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研究生(外文):Ching-Ching Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Assessment of Practical Intelligence on Science and its Relations to School Performance by High School Students
外文關鍵詞:practical intelligencetacit knowledgehigh school studentsgifted students
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The purposes of this study were twofold: (1) to develop instruments for measuring practical intelligence, and (2) to explore the relationship between practical intelligence on science and school performance by high school students. Participants consisted of regular students from grades 10 to 11 in public high schools as well as their gifted peers.
The “Practical Science Ability Test”(PSAT) and the “Inventory of Tacit Knowledge on Science”(ITKS) were developed and standardized for the purpose. In PSAT, there involve math and science subtests. Both content validity and discriminative validity were established for the PSAT, and its internal consistency and test-retest reliability were found acceptable. The PSAT was standardized through the norm group of 1,263 high school students. The ITKS contains three subtests: managing self, managing others, and managing task. The ITKS also showed adequate content, construct and criterion-related validities, and acceptable internal and test-retest reliabilities. Based on Sternberg's theory of practical intelligence, the researcher proposed a relationship model of practical intelligence on science (i.e., practical abilities and tacit knowledge on science) and school performance (i.e., achievement and school adjustment), which was first tested on the subjects mentioned above via a structural equation modeling. The result showed that the observed data fitted the theoretical model. The model was again tested by the goodness of fit of the subjects under different invariance hypotheses. The result revealed that the relationship between practical intelligence on science and school performance of gifted students was different from that of the regular ones. The primary models of two samples were modified, and the results showed that the modified models provided a better fit to the observed data. Main conclusions were made as follows based on the findings of the two studies:

1.The PSAT could be used to evaluate that to which extent the high school students apply principles in math and science to solve practical problems in real life;
2.The ITKS could be used to measure the tacit knowledge on science of high school students;
3.The relationship model between practical intelligence on science and school performance of gifted students was different from that of regular ones:
(1)The school achievement indicators of gifted high school students were more variable in terms of academic achievement in math, science, and other field of study and competitions than that of their regular counterparts;
(2)Gifted students’ practical abilities on science were highly related to their school achievement;
(3)Though armed with tacit knowledge as perspective scientific experts, gifted students failed to show the impact of the knowledge on both achievement and school adjustment; yet for the regular students, the tacit knowledge on science did show significant impact on school adjustment;
(4)For the regular students, there involved no significant relationship between practical abilities on science and tacit knowledge; however, it did show significant but little relationship between the two variables for the gifted students.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅴ
表次 Ⅶ
圖次 ⅩⅠ
第一章 緒論
第一節 問題背景與研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 7
第三節 研究架構 8
第四節 名詞釋義 10

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 實用智能的意義 13
第二節 實用智能的評量 23
第三節 實用智能的相關研究 26
第四節 實用智能中的「見識」 42

第三章 研究一:科學實用智能之評量研究
第一節 研究方法 53
第二節 「科學實用能力測驗」研究結果 68
第三節 「科學見識量表」研究結果 86
第四節 討論 122

第四章 研究二:科學實用智能與學校表現關係之研究
第一節 研究方法 129
第二節 結果與討論 140

第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論 169
第二節 研究限制 174
第三節 教育應用上之建議 175
第四節 未來研究的建議 178

參考文獻 181

附錄一 「科學實用能力測驗」專家審題意見 192
附錄二 科學實用能力測驗 194
附錄三 科學見識量表-專家評定問卷 204
附錄四 科學見識量表-高中生預試用 212
附錄五 科學見識量表-高中生用 216
附錄六 科學見識量表-大學生用 220
附錄七 「科學實用能力」常模對照表 224
附錄八 「科學見識量表」常模對照表 228
附錄九 學校表現評量 230
附錄十 競賽表現計分示例 234
附錄十一 「科學見識量表」專家學者回答反應(平均數) 235
附錄十二 科學見識量表計分程式(SPSS用) 236
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