Abstract The purposes of this study were to discuss the policy of the 1-9 curriculum program and its related issues. More specifically, it explored the policy of the 1-9 curriculum program and the implementation strategy of curriculum policy. In addition, this study also explored some related problems and improvements. The results of this study provided useful references to school. To achieve these purposes mentioned above, this study adopted the methods of literature analysis and semi-structure interview. Two principals of junior high school in Hsin-chu county and Hsin-chu city were interviewed. Data collected were analyzed by qualitative analysis. The main findings were as follows: 1.The principals of junior high school should advocate the new curricula concepts and contents and support the teachers to enhance students’ learning about basic ability. 2.The results indicated that teachers should be provided with on-job training to enhance their teaching methods. The principals should be as the chief curriculum leaders to development curriculum program and shape the goals and plans of a school. 3.According to the result, the principals should emphasize the importance of teaching and curriculum to facilitate teachers to develop their expertise and specialty. 4.The principals of junior high school should provide sufficient resources and set up internet system to evaluate the new curriculum program. 5.The results also indicated that the principals should supervise the performance of curriculum object and emphasize the feedback system of curriculum evaluation. 6.To promote teaching efficiency, the principals and teachers of junior high school should develop good interaction with the parents and communities. Based on the findings obtained from the above procedures, the results and suggestions for educational authorities, the principals and schools about the implementation strategy of curriculum policy and future research were discussed.