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研究生(外文):Pei-Chi Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):A Novel Method for Security Printing
指導教授(外文):Chu-Song Chen
外文關鍵詞:Anti-counterfeitingWatermarkingDigital HalftoningRandom Dot PatternNon-Photorealistic ImagingPartial MatchingGeometric HashingMachine-Readable
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As the developments of the information technology and duplication devices, it is easy to obtain a high quality duplication of printed document. Recently, it becomes a serious problem that the modern graphics art techniques, such as scanner or color copiers, are used to duplicate counterfeiting documents. Nowadays, security printings require more and more robust and anti-counterfeiting techniques to resist the guilty abuse. Previous works about watermarking/data hiding for printed images still lack of capability in practice. A novel method is proposed to apply on printed images to make its security features be machine-readable automatically. A random dot patterns are considered as a secret key and its geometric transformation are used to generate a halftone image. Since the partial halftone image is conducted by random dot patterns, the partial image is sufficient for authentication. After acquiring the digital image of printed document by scanner or other devices, a partial matching method, geometric hashing, is used for solving the localization problem automatically and secret key authentication.
The proposed method is not only a watermarking method, but also a process for halftoning. Due to added random parameters and at least two combined patterns in the encoding process, it is too complex to decipher the encoded code. In addition, decoding the partial image not only increases the efficiency of authentication, but also conquers the previous limitation of cropped and geometric transformations, such as rotation and scaling. The proposed method suits for combining the digital printing devise and generating the background image with various secret keys as fingerprinting. Experimental results reveal that the proposed method can resist the duplicating manner from scanner or color copiers in certain situation and be applied on print-and-scan documents in practice.

第一章 緒論/1
1.1 前言/1
1.2 文獻探討/4
1.2.1 數位網點的種類與特性/4
1.2.2 資料隱藏/6
1.2.3 半色調影像加密研究/7
1.3 論文綱要/11
1.4 論文架構/12

第二章 隨機點底紋影像之加密與驗證/13
2.1 隨機點圖樣/14
2.2 驗證方式/18
2.2.1 特徵萃取/19
2.2.2 以部分對應解決影像定位問題/20 幾何雜湊法/21 幾何不變量座標表示法/22 辨認階段/24
2.3 訓練與測試/26
2.3.1 訓練/26
2.3.2 測試/30

第三章 以網點為基礎的創新影像加密技術/33
3.1 影像分層/35
3.2 以圖樣的縮放形成不同階調/36
3.3 加密方法/37
3.6 加密流程/45
3.7 密碼驗證/47

第四章 實驗結果與討論/48

第五章 結論/56

第六章 未來工作/57

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