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研究生(外文):Chao-Ling Chen
論文名稱(外文):The effects of dietary β-glucan and vitamin C on non-specific immune responses and physiology of grouper(Epinephelus coioides)
指導教授(外文):Fan-Hua Nan
外文關鍵詞:GrouperVitamin CGlucanRespiratory burstPhagocytosisAlbuminGlobulinGlutamic oxaloacetate transaminaseGOTGlutamic pyruvate transaminaseGPT
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本論文研究將葡聚多醣體(β-glucan)以及維他命C(L-ascorbic acid, LAA)添加在飼料中投餵點帶石斑魚,探討對超氧陰離子的產生率(Superoxide anion production ratio)、超氧岐化酵素活性(Superoxide dismutase activity, SOD activity)、吞噬率(Phagocytic rate)、吞噬指數(Phagocytic index)、白蛋白濃度(Albumin)、球蛋白濃度(Globulin)、白蛋白/球蛋白的比值(albumin/globulin ratio)、GOT酵素活性(Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase activity)、GPT酵素活性(Glutamate pyruvate transaminase activity)等免疫指標及生理指標,探討其對點帶石斑魚非特異免疫反應及生理之影響。
研究結果顯示,在實驗進行的16天中,點帶石斑魚攝食含有維他命C及(或)β-glucan的飼料後,確實能增加點帶石斑魚白血球O2-的產生量、提高SOD酵素活性以及提高吞噬能力,因此維他命C及(或)β-glucan可作為有效的免疫刺激物。投餵含有維他命C、共同添加維他命C與β-glucan或β-glucan的組別,雖然有逐漸降低白蛋白/球蛋白的比值,但是白蛋白濃度增加,球蛋白濃度也會增加,反之則白蛋白濃度減少時,球蛋白的濃度也減少,暗示維他命C及(或) β-glucan可能不具有促進點帶石斑魚免疫球蛋白增生的能力。投餵含有維他命C或共同添加維他命C與β-glucan的組別,能降低血清中的GOT及GPT酵素活性,推測是由於維他命C對點帶石斑魚受傷組織的具有修復能力。
綜合本研究的結果顯示添加維他命C及β-glucan於飼料中,對於點帶石斑魚非特異性免疫反應具有加成的效果,且在實驗進行的第4至第16天以添加2g/kg維他命C及2g/kg β-glucan對於點帶石斑魚非特異性免疫反應最好。
The purpose of this thesis was evaluate the effect of vitamin C and β-glucan on the non-specific immune response of grouper(Epinephelus coioides) by oral administration. Therefore, the non-specific immune immunological parameters and physiology parameters such as the superoxide anion (O2-) production ratio, superoxide dismutase activity (SOD), phagocytic rate, phagocytic indexes, albumin, globulin, albumin/globulin ratio (A/G ratio), glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase activity (GOT) and glutamate pyruvate transaminase activity (GPT).
The result showed that superoxide anion, peroxide dismutase activity and phagocytosis were significantly enhanced in groupers fed the with diets containing vitamin C and/or β-glucan during sixteen days. Therefore, it is demonstrated that vitamin C and/or β-glucan are useful immunostimulants. The albumin/globulin ratio gradually decreased in serum after groupers fed the experimental diets containing vitamin C , mixture of β-glucan and vitamin C or β-glucan along respectively. When albumin was increased, globulin was also increased. On the other hand, albumin was decreased, globulin was also decreased. This result indicated that vitamin C and/or β-glucan can’t increase immunoglobulin of grouper. The enzyme activity of GOT and GPT gradually decreased in serum after groupers fed the experimental diets containing vitamin C or mixture of β-glucan and vitamin C. This result indicated that vitamin C were helpful to wound healing of grouper.
The result also showed that the groupers had higher non-specific immune response when vitamin C was used together with β-glucan. And the groupers fed with mixture of 2g/kg vitaimin C and 2g/kg β-glucan were significantly enhanced non-specific immune immunological parameters from 4-16 days.
◆第一章 前言---------------------------1
◆第二章 文獻整理-----------------------3
◆第三章 材料與方法--------------------14
◆第四章 結果--------------------------22
◆第五章 討論--------------------------45
◆第六章 結論--------------------------56
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