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研究生(外文):Sana Bouda
論文名稱(外文):Primary-level Use of Duckweed and its Meal, Rice Bran, and Blood Meal as Feedstuff for Tilapia Culture
指導教授(外文):Chien Yew-Hu
外文關鍵詞:TilapiaDuckweedRice branBlood meal
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  試驗1-在不同的環境下比較測試Lemna perpusilla及Spirodela polyrrhiza的生產力,浮萍在春天的生產力比在冬天高。Lemna perpusilla的生產力比Spirodela polyrrhiza高。底泥是營養穩定的供應者,因此有利於浮萍的生產力。僅施肥一次對水中氮營養及浮萍生產力並無影響。培養浮萍時,除了選擇具生產力的品種外,適當成長季節、底泥營養營的貢獻、以及例行的收獲都應該要考慮在內。
  試驗2-我們探討三種大小的幼吳郭魚對L. perpusilla及S. polyrrhiza的攝食喜好。吳郭魚較喜好L. perpusilla。浮萍葉片寛度似乎是攝食喜好的因素。
  試驗4-我們評估新鮮L. perpusilla、僅乾燥的L. perpusilla製成的粒狀飼料、以及以L. perpusilla與米麩製成的粒狀飼料三者的餵食效率,與新鮮浮萍相比,乾燥浮萍製成的飼料的攝食表現較差,然而後者與25%米麩混合後,粒狀飼料的表現反而增加,此改善可歸諸於米麩提供了methionine。
In developing countries not having aquaculture industry, it is very necessary to develop relevant fish diets based on locally available and low cost foodstuffs. Five experiments were conducted indoor to determine best ways to produce duckweed, and its use with rice bran and blood meal to efficiently feed juvenile tilapia at farm level.

Experiment 1- Productivity of Lemna perpusilla and Spirodela polyrrhiza was comparatively tested in various environments. Duckweed productivity in spring was higher than that in winter. L. perpusilla had higher productivity than S. polyrrhiza. Sediment was a steady nutrient provider and consequently favored duckweed productivity. One-time fertilization did not have effects on nitrogen nutrient in water nor duckweed productivity. Besides productive species, optimal growing season, contribution of nutrients from sediment, and routine harvesting should be also taken into account in duckweed culture.

Experiment 2- We studied feeding preference of 3 sizes of juvenile tilapia for L. perpusilla and S. polyrrhiza. Fish preferred L. perpusilla. Duckweed fronds width appeared as a factor affecting such preference.

Experiment 3- We assessed the effect of fish stocking density on ingestion of duckweed at 2 temperatures. At 24oC, ingestion rate increased with stocking density but not in the case at 27oC. Specific and various behaviors that affected feeding of fish were observed at 1 and 2 fish/bucket.

Experiment 4- The efficiency of fresh L. perpusilla, pure L. perpusilla pellet and L. perpusilla mixed with rice bran pellet was determined. Pelletization of L. perpusilla reduced dietary performance as compared to fresh material, while 25% rice bran incorporation increased pellet dietary performance. Methionine supplement through rice bran inclusion could explain such improvement.

Experiment 5- The optimal percent of blood meal in rice bran pellet in terms of palatability, and food utilization, between 5, 12, 20, 27, 33, 40% was determined. Blood meal inclusion negatively affected feed intake rate; 7.9% blood meal level was found as maximum giving highest feed intake rate. Among the diet types tested, one with 12% blood meal gave the best fish growth and food utilization.
Chinese abstract……………………………………………………ii
English abstract……………………………………………………iv
Table of contents……………………………………………………vi
List of tables………………………………………………………ix
List of figures………………………………………………………xi

Part 1 General introduction………………………………………1

Part 2 Literature review……………………………………………3

Part 3 Experiments

Chapter 1: Productivity Comparison between Duckweed Lemna perpusilla and Spirodela polyrrhiza Cultured under Varied Environment……………………………………………………………14

Chapter 2: Feeding Preference of Juvenile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) for Two Duckweed Species Lemna perpusilla and Spirodela polyrrhiza……………………………29

Chapter 3: Effects of Juvenile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Stocking Density on Ingestion of Fresh Duckweed (Lemna perpusilla)…………………………………………………38

Chapter 4: Comparative Study of Dietary Performance of Three Types of Lemna-based Diets for Nile Tilapia Juvenile………………………………………………………………44

Chapter 5: Comparative Palatability and Food Utilization of Juvenile Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) for Rice Bran-based Diet containing Different Levels of Blood meal … …………………………………………………………………………54

Part 4 Conclusion and recommendations…………………………64

Part 5 References……………………………………………………66
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