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研究生(外文):Cheng-Wei Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Modelling Approach on the Conversion of Injected Free Astaxanthin and Vitamin A in the body of Litopenaeus vannamei
指導教授(外文):Yew-Hu Chien
外文關鍵詞:astaxanthinvitamin Acrustaceaninjecttransformwhite shrimpLitopenaeus vannamei
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維生素A(vitamin A, VA)對於甲殼類的生理功能已有較完整的瞭解,並已認定為成長必需的營養素。蝦紅素(astaxanthin, AX)為類胡蘿蔔素(carotenoids, CD)的一種,在甲殼類中除較受重視的揚色功能外,其他生物功能中尤以提升抗氧化及抗緊迫的能力也越來越受重視。各種CD間及CD轉換成VA已有較多的研究,而VA是否能轉換成AX則並不清楚。甲殼類體內的AX與VA,在揚色及其他生物功能上是否能相互替代一直是值得探討的主題。
為了要瞭解AX與VA之間是否有轉換的關係,我們將4種濃度(0、1、2及4μg/g b.w.)的自由態AX(free astaxanthin, FA)或VA注射進入白蝦,不給予餵食,並測定7日間蝦體內各式AX及VA的含量,以探討其間的動態關係。
結果發現白蝦體中的AX以雙酯化AX(diester astaxanthin, DA)及單酯化AX(monoester astaxanthin, MA)為主,約佔總AX(total astaxanthin, TA)的94%,FA僅約佔TA的6%。由於FA及VA注射量已很不確定,所以可從蝦體各式AX及VA的減少量來比較其代謝速率,其結果為AX的代謝速率較VA快,且AX中FA及MA代謝速率較DA快,推測FA為功能型的AX,DA為較穩定的儲存型的AX,而MA為過渡型的AX。注射FA後,隨時間增加,蝦體中FA減少,相對的VA上升;因此在第1天時,據估計1莫耳的FA約可以轉換成7.5莫耳的VA。注射VA後,蝦體中的FA及MA皆會上升,表示VA可能會轉變成AX;在第1天時,據估計1莫耳的VA約可以轉換成0.1莫耳的FA。
The knowledge of physiological functions of vitamin A (VA) in crustaceans is relatively well established as compared to those of carotenoids (CD). VA is already recognized as a nutritional requirement for growth. Astaxanthin (AX) is one kind of CD. In crustacean, besides its roles on pigmentation, its physiological functions, especially on the enhancement of antioxidant capacity and stress resistance has received increasing attention. Numerous studies have been conducted on the transformation between the CD and the conversion from CD to VA; however, whether VA can be converted into AX is not clear. In crustaceans, if AX and VA are exchangeable or substitutable in terms of pigmentation and other physiological functions has become an interesting area to be explored.
To understand if AX and VA are convertible between each other, we injected 4 concentrations (0, 1, 2, and 4 μg/g body weight) of free astaxanthin (FA) or VA into white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and monitored closely the content of several types of AX and VA for the following 7 days to find out relationships among them. No food was given during the monitoring.
The results showed about 94% of the total AX (TA) was presented as diester astaxanthin (DA) and monoester astaxanthin (MA); the rest was FA. Since the quantity of injected FA or VA was sure, the metabolism of them could be understood by comparing the changes among each AX and VA. It was found that the metabolism of AX was faster than VA, and among the AX, FA and MA was faster than DA. We suggested that FA be functional AX, DA depositional AX, and MA transitional AX. Since after FA was injected, the decrease of FA corresponded to the increase of VA as time elapsed, it could be estimated that 1 mole FA be transformed to 7.5 mole VA in the first day. Through the same method, it was estimated that 1 mole VA be transformed to 0.1 mole FA in the first day.
In this study, AX and VA was injected into shrimp body of shrimp. The results remained to be confirmed by feeding experiment for the practical application on crustacean feed and nutrition and cost-benefit analysis.
1. 維生素A(VA)與類胡蘿蔔素(CD)簡介……………..……3
2. VA與CD的代謝……………………………………………..…..3
3. CD轉換成VA之情形……………………………………………5
4. CD的分布………………………………………………………...7
5. 蝦紅素(AX)簡介……………………….……………..………8
6. AX的轉換……………………………………….………………..8
1. 實驗設計…………………………………………………...…….11
2. 注射液配製……………………………………………………....11
2.1 自由態AX(FA)的配製…………………………………...11
2.2 VA的配製………………………………………………….....11
3. 白蝦注射實驗……………………………………………………12
4. AX的萃取及分析……………….……………………………..…13
4.2 蝦體樣品的萃取與分析……………………………………..13
4.3 HPLC分析條件與操作步驟…………………………………14
4.3.1 分析系統………………………….……………………14
4.3.2 HPLC操作條件…………………….…..………………14
4.3.3 HPLC 操作步驟………………………………………..14
5. VA的萃取與分析………………………………………………...15
5.1 標準品……………………………………………………..…15
5.2 蝦體樣品的萃去與分析………….………………………….15
5.3 HPLC分析條件與操作步驟……………………..…………..16
5.3.1 分析系統……………………………………………….16
5.3.2 HPLC操作條件……………………………………...…16
5.3.3 HPLC操作步驟……………………………………...…16
6. 統計分析………………………………………………………....17
6.1 變方分析……………………………………………………..17
6.2 實驗模式建構………………………………………………..17
1. 為注射組與注射生理食鹽水組兩組各式AX及VA的比較.…18
2. 注射FA後蝦體各式AX及VA的變化………………………..18
3. 注射VA後蝦體各式AX及VA的變化…………………..……20
4. 注射FA後蝦體各式AX及VA的實驗模式……………………21
5. 注射VA後蝦體各式AX及VA的實驗模式…………………..24
1. 實驗方法…………………………………………………………26
1.2 注射對蝦體的影響………….……………………………….26
1.3 當量之使用………………………………….……………….27
2. 蝦體中DA、MA、FA及VA的含量分布………………...……….27
3. 輸入FA之轉變…………………………………….…………….28
3.1 各式AX及VA隨時間的變化………………………………28
3.2 各式AX及VA隨注射濃度的變化…………………………29
3.3 實驗模式…………………………………………………..…30
4. 輸入VA之轉變………………………………………………….31
4.1 各式AX及VA隨時間的變化……………………………...32
4.2 各式AX及VA隨注射濃度的變化………………………….32
4.3 實驗模式……………………………………………………..33
5. 輸入FA與輸入VA之比較……………………………………..34
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