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研究生(外文):Hui-Lan Wu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of zebrafish cad2 gene 5’ upstream regulatory sequence
指導教授(外文):Ching-Fong ChangSheng-Ping L. Hwang
中文關鍵詞:斑馬魚消化道啟動子分析homeobox genescad2
外文關鍵詞:zebrafishgutpromoter analysishomeobox genescad2
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近年來斑馬魚成為研究脊椎動物遺傳及胚胎發育的重要模式生物,一些研究報告顯示斑馬魚消化道不同器官的形成與哺乳類有相同亦有相異之處。先前實驗室爲研究斑馬魚消化道形成之分子機制選殖了一homeodomain轉錄因子,Cad2。利用全覆式原位雜合反應來觀察Cad2 mRNA在斑馬魚胚胎不同時期之表現顯示,在受精後24小時,Cad2 mRNA開始專一的表現在斑馬魚腸道內。此結果顯示斑馬魚Cad2在腸道發育後為專一表現在腸道的基因。因此本論文欲探討Cad2基因在腸道的表現是如何被調控的。
之前實驗室以Cad2 coding region為探針由斑馬魚λ genomic DNA library得到一13 kb genomic DNA含有Cad2 5’端上游區域並選殖入pBluescript載體,並將9 kb之Xho I DNA片段連接到EGFP載體,命名為Cad2 9k pEGFP-1。但將此質體以顯微注射1-cell zygote後,無法觀察到被注射的胚胎有綠色螢光表現,可能因Cad2 5’端調節區域含有部分Cad2基因之轉譯區域,導致連結之GFP蛋白質無法形成,為將Cad2基因之轉譯區域去除,使用EXO III deletion。使用EXO III deletion後得到不包含Cad2 轉譯區域的Cad2 9k pEGFP#9-78。但Cad2 9k pEGFP#9-78經注射後雖有GFP螢光表現,但GFP的表現皆侷限在24 hpf到96 hpf胚胎的表皮與肌肉而沒有在腸道表現,推測此9kb 5’端調節區域太長,或許有些repressor domain存在而導致GFP螢光無法專一在腸道表現。再次進行EXO III deletion,以每500 bp為單位挑選21個deletion constructs分別進行顯微注射。deletion constructs Cad2 9k pEGFP # 2-29 (-10107) 到Cad2 9k pEGFP # 10-3 (-2502) 之間,所注射之質體DNA皆有相同的螢光表現模式,表現皆侷限在胚胎的表皮與肌肉。當以位於-1585 bp到-290 bp之間之deletion constructs如Cad2 9k pEGFP# 6-8 (-1585)、Cad2 9k pEGFP# 11-9 (-290) 來進行顯微注射時,觀察被注射之24 hpf到72 hpf胚胎中皆無螢光表現。推測在-2502 bp到-1585 bp之間存在有基礎的啟動子區域,如TATA box等,而這些deletion constructs因為缺乏基礎啟動子區域,所以無法驅動螢光表現。推論已分析的約9 kb Cad2 5’端上游區域仍太短,缺乏可調節GFP螢光表現在腸道的DNA序列。
先前實驗室所選殖到之Cad2 13 kb genomic DNA片段,因為沒有適當的限制酶酵素剪切位置,無法直接與EGFP載體結合;因此利用coinjection之方法來探討Cad2 5’端最上游的5.3 kb是否具有可調節GFP表現在腸道的DNA序列。將線性化Cad2 9k pEGFP #11-16質體DNA及相同莫耳數之5.3 kb Not I-PpuM I DNA片段一起顯微注射入1-cell zygote,所觀察到在不同發育時期胚胎GFP螢光表現情形與單獨注射線性化Cad2 9k pEGFP #11-16質體DNA表現類似:GFP表現皆侷限在胚胎的表皮與肌肉。綜合以上實驗結果,實驗室所選殖到13 kb genomic DNA所包含的Cad2 5’端上游區域並不具有能調節GFP專一表現在腸道的DNA序列。
以北方點墨法來分析Cad2 mRNA在不同胚胎發育時期之表現情形顯示,Cad2 RNA探針可成功的在斑馬魚72 hpf胚胎以及96 hpf胚胎的全量RNA或是mRNA中雜合到三種不同大小的mRNA,分別為5.11 kb,2.17kb以及1.69kb,以5.11 kb為主要mRNA產物,與Cad2在果蠅及人類同源性基因所合成mRNA之長度比較要大的許多。此結果亦反應出斑馬魚Cad2基因調控的複雜性及與其他生物的不同。
In the past decade, zebrafish becomes a model organism to study vertebrate genetic and development. Studies have shown that both conserved and diverged molecular mechanisms involved in zebrafish digestive tract development as compared with those of mammals. A homeodomain transcription factor, Cad2, was cloned previously in order to investigate molecular mechanisms involved in zebrafish gastrointestinal development. Results of whole mount in situ hybridization showed that Cad2 is expressed in the intestine after 24 hpf stages, indicating that Cad2 is a gut-specific gene. The main goal of this thesis is to investigate how Cad2 gut-specific expression is regulated.
A 13 kb genomic DNA containing Cad2 5’ upstream region was obtained and cloned into pBluescript vector by genomic DNA library screening using Cad2 coding region as probe. In addition, a 9 kb Xho I DNA fragment was cloned into EGFP vector and named Cad2 9k pEGFP-1. However, we can not detect any GFP expression in the embryos when injecting this plasmid into 1-cell zygote. This result may be due to the presence of partial Cad2 coding region in the 9 kb Xho I DNA fragment causing GFP not in frame. We used Exo III deletion to remove Cad2 partial coding region, resulting a plasmid named Cad2 9k pEGFP#9-78. Still, we detected GFP expression only in the epidermis and muscle of 24 hpf to 96 hpf embryos injected with Cad2 9k pEGFP#9-78. We speculated that some repressor domain may be present in the 9 kb Cad2 5’ upstream region and used Exo III deletion to generate various lengths of deletion constructs. Deletion constructs ranging from Cad2 9k pEGFP#2-29 (-10107) to Cad2 9k pEGFP# 10-3 (-2502) yielded GFP expression in the epidermis and muscles of injected embryos. Whereas injecting deletion constructs ranging from Cad2 9k pEGFP # 6-8 (-1585) to Cad2 9k pEGFP # 11-9 (-290) generated no GFP expression in injected embryos. We considered the presence of TATA box sequences within -2502 bp to -1585 bp Cad2 5’ upstream regions. Thus, we concluded that the 9 kb Cad2 5’upstream region is still too short to include gut-specific regulatory DNA element.
Previously obtained 13 kb genomic DNA fragment containing Cad2 5’ upstream region can not be ligated directly into EGFP vector due to lack of suitable restriction enzymes. Therefore, we used coinjection method to investigate possible involvement of 5.3 kb most 5’ Cad2 upstream region in regulating GFP to be expressed in the intestine. We compared GFP expression in embryos injected with either linearlized Cad2 9k pEGFP # 11-16 alone or coinjected with equal moles of 5.3 kb Not I-Ppu M I DNA fragment. We still detected GFP expression only in the epidermis and muscles of those injected embryos. Taken together, the 13 kb genomic DNA fragment containing Cad2 5’ upstream region did not include any gut-specific regulatory DNA fragment.
We also used northern blot to analyze Cad2 mRNA expression during different developmental stages. Three mRNA with sizes of 5.11 kb, 2.17 kb, and 1.69 kb can be hybridized with two different Cad2 RNA probes and 5.11 kb appeared to be the major Cad2 mRNA product. Comparing with sizes of mRNA from Drosophila and human Cad2 homologous genes, the size of Cad2 mRNA is rather large. This result reflected the complexity and difference of zebrafish Cad2 gene regulation as compared with those of homologous genes from other organisms.
表目錄………………………………………………………………… x
圖目錄………………………………………………………………… xi
結果…………………………………………………………………… 41
參考文獻……………………………………………………………… 55
圖表…………………………………………………………………… 61
附錄…………………………………………………………………… 77
附圖…………………………………………………………………… 80
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