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研究生(外文):Hsin-Hung Chen
論文名稱(外文):Notch Tensile Properties and Fatigue Crack Growth of PH 13-8 Mo Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel
指導教授(外文):Leu-Wen Tsay
外文關鍵詞:sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC)retained austenite
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本研究目的為探討PH 13-8 Mo固溶母材( Solution Annealing,SA )與427℃/4hr ( 800℉)、482℃/4hr ( 900℉)、593℃/4hr ( 1100℉)三組時效溫度處理後,在氣態氫的環境下,對缺口拉伸與疲勞裂縫成長的影響,以及PH 13-8 Mo經CO2二氧化碳氣體雷射銲接後,將銲件( As Welded,AW )施以427℃/4hr ( 800℉ ),482℃/4hr ( 900℉ ),538℃/4hr ( 1000℉ ),593℃/4hr ( 1100℉)四組時效溫度處理,觀察微觀組織與硬度變化,和針對銲道取缺口拉伸試片,並比較在大氣環境與飽和硫化氫水溶液作用下的銲件缺口拉伸性質。
缺口拉伸破斷面,母材在大氣與氣態氫中以延性的窩穴狀( Dimple )為主,只有在B900試片中,可觀察到脆性的破斷區;而在疲勞試驗中,大氣環境下的疲勞破斷面呈現穿晶為主的破裂模式,氫態氫環境的疲勞破斷面也是穿晶為主,且伴隨大量受氫影響的quasi-cleavage脆性破斷面。銲件大氣環境下的缺口拉伸破斷面,以平坦面破斷( Flat Fracture )和傾斜面( Slant Fracture )破斷為主;在飽和硫化氫水溶中的破斷面則呈現較多受硫化氫影響的平坦面破斷區,且是quasi-cleavage的脆性破斷面。
The influence of aging treatment on the fatigue crack growth behavior and sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC) of PH 13-8 Mo alloy was investigated in this work. Microstructural observations showed that both the solution-treated alloy and as-welded laser weld revealed lath martensite with a high dislocation density as well as little plate-like retained austenite present at lath boundaries. The obvious increase in specimen’s hardness was associated with the precipitation of ultra-fine precipitates within lath martensite matrix after aging at the temperature range between 426 to 538 ℃. Significant change in austenite quantity and morphology for the specimen aged at the temperature above 593 ℃accounted for the obvious decrease in hardness. Generally, the hardness of the fusion zone was always slightly lower than that of the base metal. Such consequences could be attributed to the segregation of strengthening elements to columnar boundaries during solidification. Regardless of specimens, 482 ℃ aged samples had the highest hardness, whereas the solution-treated alloy or as-welded laser weld had the lowest hardness among the samples.
All aged welds were susceptible to SSCC to various degrees. The high notch tensile strength (NTS) of variously welds aged in the temperature range between 426 ℃ to 538 ℃ was expected to show high susceptibility to SSCC, especially for W900. The extra amount of austenite in the W and W1100 specimens was associated with the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement. Under the same testing condition, the laser weld behaved higher susceptibility to SSCC than that of the counterpart alloy aged at the same temperature.
The FCGR (da/dN) vs. the stress intensity factor range (△K) curves for the PH 13-8 Mo SS after various aging treatments in air showed 426 ℃ and 482 ℃ aged alloy had similar FCGR in air. Moreover, it was apparent that over-aged specimens, especially 593 ℃ aged alloy, showed a higher resistance to crack growth than others. The decrease in FCGR with increasing aging temperature could be attributed to the decline in strength/ brittleness and increase in ductility/fracture toughness of the alloy after aging at high temperature. In case of the alloy tested in gaseous hydrogen, the FCGR was clearly enhanced as compared to the counterpart tested in air. As a whole, the over-aged specimen still showed a higher resistance to hydrogen-accelerated crack growth. Tensile and fatigue fracture appearance for those specimens suffered from hydrogen embrittlement all revealed quasi-cleavage fracture.
第一章 簡介 1
第二章 文獻回顧 2
2-1 PH 13-8 Mo析出硬化型不�袗�之材料性質 2
2-2 雷射銲接原理 3
2-2-1 雷射銲接參數 6
2-3疲勞裂縫成長理論簡介 8
2-3-1 疲勞裂縫成長特性 11
2-3-2 顯微結構對 之影響 11
2-4 氫脆理論簡介 13
2-4-1 氫脆機構 13
2-4-2 氫脆對材料機械性質之影響 17
第三章 實驗方法 32
3-1 實驗材料 32
3-2 雷射銲接 32
3-3 熱處理程序 33
3-4 顯微組織分析及硬度量測 33
3-5 拉伸試驗 34
3-6 疲勞試驗 35
3-7 SEM破斷面分析 38
3-8 TEM 觀察 38
3-9 Ferrite Scope鐵磁性量測 38
3-10 示差式熱量分析儀( DSC ) 39
第四章 結果與討論 47
4-1 顯微組織觀察 47
4-2 硬度試驗 48
4-3-1 PH 13-8 Mo 母材氣態氫環境下之缺口拉伸性質 49
4-3-2 PH 13-8 Mo銲件缺口拉伸性質 49
4-3-3 PH 13-8 Mo 缺口拉伸破斷面觀察 52
4-4-1 PH 13-8 Mo疲勞裂縫成長特性 54
4-4-2 PH 13-8 Mo疲勞裂縫破斷面觀察 55
第五章 結論 81
第六章 文獻回顧 82
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