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研究生(外文):Wen-Hau Shiu
論文名稱(外文):A study of the performance-based seismic design for harbor structures
指導教授(外文):Jing-Jong Jang
外文關鍵詞:performance-based seismic designgravity-based wharfsheet pile wharftrestle bent wharf
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Taiwan locates at the Pacific Ocean Rim where earthquake occurred frequently. The earthquake always is the great natural disaster in Taiwan. Though the science and technology development regarding the earthquake rapidly, the earthquake are still unable to forecast and the control accurately. So we study only regarding the building seismic design. The design goal that requested under strong earthquake can be achieved in the tradition seismic design method, but the damage degree is unable to anticipate. By the Performance-Based seismic design method, not only the damage degree can be controlled, but the secure, the economical, and the using demands also can conform to consumers’ needs. Hence, the Performance-Based seismic design method is the new target of the structure seismic design.
The Performance-Based seismic design method has taken in the seismic design standards of buildings and bridges. However, the category of wharf structure still uses working stress design method. There are lots of improvements needed to be done to upgrade to current design codes.
This research use the seismic appraisal method by PIANC. By Taichung Harbor’s No.1~3 gravity-based wharf, Anping Harbor’s No.31 sheet pile wharf, and Keelung Harbor’s East No.11 trestle bent wharf for examples appraisal seismic ability. The spirit of the Performance-Based seismic design method will be introduces the harbor’s structure to promotion that method application and development.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機與目的
1.2 文獻回顧
1.3 研究內容架構
第二章 功能性耐震設計
2.1 設計法演進
2.2 功能性耐震設計流程
3.3 功能目標之選定
3.4 工址可建性分析
3.5 耐震設計方法之探討
第三章 碼頭功能性耐震評估方法
3.1 碼頭結構型式及其特性
3.2 重力式碼頭耐震評估法
第四章 重力式碼頭耐震評估實例
4.1 重力式碼頭之設計條件
4.2 重力式碼頭簡便分析
4.3 重力式碼頭簡便動力分析
4.4 評估結果與分析
第五章 板樁式碼頭耐震評估實例
5.1 板樁式碼頭之設計條件
5.2 板樁式碼頭簡便分析
5.3 板樁式碼頭簡便動力分析
5.4 評估結果與分析
第六章 板樁式碼頭耐震評估實例
6.1 棧橋式碼頭之設計條件
6.2 棧橋式碼頭簡便分析
6.3 棧橋式碼頭簡便動力分析
6.4 評估結果與分析
第七章 結論與建議
7.1 結論
7.2 建議
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