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研究生(外文):Yuan-Yu Cai
論文名稱(外文):Electricity Generation in Microbial Fuel Cells from Wastewater and Glucose
指導教授(外文):Chi-Yuan Lee
外文關鍵詞:microbial fuel cellpower densitycoulomb efficiencymediatorelectrodemetal-reducing bacteria
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本研究進行無載具之微生物燃料電池產電試驗。試驗內容分別使用污水與葡萄糖合成液為燃料,以石墨氈作為電極,生活污水中之細菌作為菌種來源,且各試程之水利停留時間為12小時。當以葡萄糖為燃料,在名義初始濃度為 (nominal concentration) 130、260及585 mg COD/L之負荷下,平均輸出功率密度分別為2.5、6.2及2.3 mW/m2,庫侖效率分別為7、5及2 %。上述結果顯示,平均功率密度與進流COD濃度相關性不大,而庫侖效率則隨著進流COD濃度增加而降低。當以污水為燃料,在名義初始濃度為122、294及580 mg COD/L之負荷下,平均功率密度分別為0.6、1.0及2.0 mW/m2,庫侖效率則分別為5、4及2 %。結果顯示,平均功率密度會隨著進流COD濃度越高而增加。而庫侖效率則隨著進流COD濃度越高而降低。以試驗所得結果與文獻值相比較,其產電成果較低。可能原因為本試驗未添加載具、未植種特定金屬還原菌及未使用鉑金電極材質。所以若針對上述操作條件加以改良,預計能得到較理想之產電量。
In this study, we examined power generation in mediator-less microbial fuels cells (MFCs) from glucose and wastewater. Bacteria present in domestic wastewater were used as the biocatalyst. For each fuel, three influent concentrations were tested at hydraulic retention time of 12 hours. While nominal concentrations of glucose were 130, 260 and 585 mg COD/L, the obtained average power densities were 2.5, 6.2 and 2.3 mW/m2 and the coulombic efficiencies were 7, 5 and 2 % respectively. The results indicated that the power density was unrelated to the influent COD concentration but the coulombic efficiency increased with the increasing concentration of influent COD. For wastewater, when nominal concentrations were 122, 294 and 580 mg COD/L, the average power densities were 0.6, 1.0 and 2.0 mW/m2 and the coulombic efficiencies were 5, 4 and 2 % respectively. These Results implied that the power density increased and the coulomb efficiency decreased as influent COD concentration increased. As is compared with those reported in literature, the power output in our study is low. The possible reasons can be attributed to that we did not add mediators, did not supplement specific metal-reducing bacteria, and did not use electrode coated with platinum. For increasing power output, future research should seek to understand the mechanism of bioelectricity generation and to optimize the operating condition of MFC.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的與內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 微生物燃料電池發展 3
2.2 微生物燃料電池之介紹 4
2.3 微生物燃料電池之三種系統 5
2.3.1 海岸底泥微生物燃料電池系統 5
2.3.2 單純有機物燃料之電池系統 6
2.3.3 廢水燃料電池系統 8
2.4 影響微生物燃料電池效能之操作參數 9
第三章 實驗材料與方法 14
3.1 微生物之來源 14
3.2 燃料與電解液 14
3.2.1 燃料 14
3.2.2 陰極電解液 15
3.3 實驗方法 15
3.3.1 微生物燃料電池之組件前處理 15
3.3.2 微生物燃料電池構造 16
3.3.3 電力產生試驗 16
3.4 分析方法 17
3.4.1 分析試驗 17
3.4.2 檢量線製作 22
3.4.3 電能分析 25
3.5 實驗儀器設備 26
第四章 結果與討論 29
4.1 污水基本性質 29
4.2 以葡萄糖為燃料之產電試驗 29
4.2.1 Test Ⅰ–葡萄糖名義初始濃度為130 mg COD/L 29
4.2.2 Test Ⅱ–葡萄糖名義初始濃度為260 mg COD/L 31
4.2.3 Test Ⅲ–葡萄糖名義初始濃度為585 mg COD/L 32
4.2.4 比較Test Ⅰ、Ⅱ與Ⅲ之產電潛能及試驗結果 34
4.2.5 試驗結果與文獻比較 34
4.3 以污水為燃料之產電試驗 36
4.3.1 Test Ⅳ–污水名義初始濃度為294 mg COD/L 36
4.3.2 Test Ⅴ–污水名義初始濃度為580 mg COD/L 37
4.3.3 Test Ⅵ–污水名義初始濃度為122 mg COD/L 38
4.3.4 比較Test Ⅳ、Ⅴ與Ⅵ之產電潛能及試驗結果 39
4.3.5 試驗結果與文獻比較 39
第五章 結論與建議 42
5.1 結論 42
5.2 建議 43
參考文獻 44
環檢所網站 Http://www.niea.gov.tw/

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