This paper studies the application of base isolator for rehabilitation of historical buildings. The traditional structure seismic-resistant design is to increase the strength, stiffness and the ductility of the construction material. It takes enormous works and the economic burden to repair the damaged structures done by earthquake. Moreover, the brick construction material makes the historical building a rigid and non-ductile structure body. Therefore, most historical buildings suffer serious destruction during the 921 Chi-Chi earthquakes. Will it be safe for future earthquake when the seismic zone factor for Tai Chung area (Z=0.33) becomes the essential research topic? This research will focus on how to install base isolators at the historical buildings and the reinforced the brick structure destruction. There are three types of works for historical building’s repair, such as enhance the material strength, change the change structure system and reduce the input earthquake force. The use function, the original design preservation and the reuse activation demand are taken into account. We may choose the following methods: improve the structure system, cover the steel plate, cover the reinforced concrete, cover the compound material, as well as additionally dampers to dissipate energy. Most of the historical buildings are brick or stone construction. The strength and the earthquake resistance performance needed to be examined. First, the horizontal direction mechanics behavior is studied, then the beginnings and ends rigidity and the brittle high load-bearing brick wall. The wood roof superstructure makes a stable triangle system, which is not a major earthquake resistance structure. It only support the roof load, transmits the weight to down to the foundation. The historical building constructed by the brick wall or stone is key point of this research. This paper evaluates the seismic capacity of Taichung train station which is a historical building brick structure. First, it is computed by Japan’s seismic index method. Then, by Cheng Daliu’s method, the brick to make with strengths the brick to make the building to bear shakes the diagnosis, to carry out the diagnosis. It is desired that the seismic capacity to meet the seismic zone factor 0.33 and important factor 1.25. The historical brick structure many suffer damages in the earthquake disaster. The brick structure as the main material of historical building. Because, its rigid stiffness is high, also when analysis is regarded as the non- structure body to neglect its stiffness. Therefore, it is underestimated that the brick which makes the construction to influence the overall construction. Therefore, in order to protect the historical site and avoid the earthquake damage from damage. The foundation base isolators are used to increase the earthquake resistance ability and to dissipate the earthquake energy.