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研究生(外文):Chun-Cheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):Iron requirements and its effect on immune responses of juvenile grouper, Epinephelus malabaricus
指導教授(外文):Shi-Yen Shiau
外文關鍵詞:grouperferrous sulfateiron amino acid compleximmune response
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本研究為探討石斑魚稚魚對硫酸亞鐵(ferrous sulfate)及複合式胺基酸鐵(iron amino acid complex)之利用並以之估計鐵之需求量及其對免疫反應之影響。
研究一:石斑魚稚魚(平均初重為6.13 ± 0.11 g)餵予基礎飼料中添加硫酸亞鐵0、20、40、70、100、150、200與400 mg Fe/kg diet,其實際分析值分别為3、25、49、85、138、198、257與413 mg Fe/kg diet等,總共八組,每組三重覆,於密閉循環系統中飼養八週。石斑魚餵食85 mg Fe/kg之魚體增重百分率顯著(p < 0.05)高於餵食3、49與413 mg Fe/kg各組。魚體血紅素濃度以餵食49、85、198、257與413 mg Fe/kg各組高於3 mg Fe/kg組。肝臟鐵蓄積量以餵食413 mg Fe/kg組最高,198與257 mg Fe/kg組次之,138 mg Fe/kg組再次之,餵食≦ 85 mg Fe/kg組最低。白血球超氧陰離子產率以餵食85與138 mg Fe/kg組高於餵食413 mg Fe/kg組。溶菌酶活性以餵食85 mg Fe/kg組高於餵食25、49、198、257與413 mg Fe/kg之各組。以飼料實際鐵含量分析魚體增重百分率與白血球超氧陰離子產率,估得石斑魚稚魚之鐵最適需求量為127 mg Fe/kg diet。
研究二:石斑魚稚魚(平均初重為14.04 ± 0.03 g)餵予基礎飼料中添加複合式胺基酸鐵0、20、40、70、100、150與200 mg Fe/kg diet,其實際分析值分别為53、97、152、248、328、439與628mg Fe/kg diet,等七組;另以前研究一所得結果,即硫酸亞鐵127 mg Fe/kg (514 mg Fe/kg)作為對照。總共八個實驗組,每組三重覆,於密閉循環系統中飼養八週。石斑魚餵食97及152 mg Fe/kg之魚體增重百分率顯著高於439、628及514 mg Fe/kg各組。魚體血紅素濃度以餵食53 mg Fe/kg組顯著低於其他各組。白血球超氧陰離子產率以餵食152 mg Fe/kg組高於53、628與514 mg Fe/kg各組。溶菌酶活性以餵食97及152 mg Fe/kg組最高,其次248 mg Fe/kg組,53 mg Fe/kg組,再其次328及514 mg Fe/kg組,而以餵食≧439 mg Fe/kg各組最低。由於硫酸亞鐵對照組之成長低於其他各組,故無法估求石斑魚對複合式胺基酸鐵之需求及無法比較其與硫酸亞鐵間利用率之差異性。

Two experiments were conducted to quantify the optimum dietary ferrous sulfate and iron amino acid complex requirements and its effect on immune response of juvenile grouper (Epinephelus malabaricus).
Experiment Ⅰ. Semi-purified basal diet supplemented with ferrous sulfate at 0, 20, 40, 70, 100, 150, 200 and 400 mg Fe/kg diet providing the actual dietary value of 3, 25, 49, 85, 138, 198, 257 and 413 mg Fe/kg diet, respectively. Each diet was fed to triplicate groups of E. malabaricus (initial body weight 6.13 ± 0.11g) in a recirculated rearing system for 8 weeks. Fish fed diet with 85 mg Fe/kg had significantly higher (p<0.05) weight gain than fish fed diets with 3, 49 and 413 mg Fe/kg. Hemoglobin concentration was higher in fish fed diets with 49, 85, 198, 257 and 413 mg Fe/kg than fish fed diet with 3 mg Fe/kg. The hepatic iron concentration was highest in fish fed 413 mg Fe/kg, followed by 198 and 257 mg Fe/kg, then 138mg Fe/kg and lowest in fish fed ≦ 85 mg Fe/kg. Leukocyte superoxide anion production ratio was higher in fish fed diets with 85 and 138 mg Fe/kg than fish fed diet with 413 mg Fe/kg. The plasma lysozyme activity was higher in fish fed the diet with 85 mg Fe/kg than fish fed diets with 25、49、198、257 and 413 mg Fe/kg. Analysis by polynomial regression (cubic) of weight gain and leukocyte superoxide anion production ratio against the analyzed dietary iron concentration indicated that the optimum dietary iron requirements for growing grouper is 127 mg Fe/kg.
Experiment Ⅱ. Semi-purified basal diet supplemented with iron amino acid complex at 0, 20, 40, 70, 100, 150 and 200 mg Fe/kg diet providing the actual dietary value of 53, 97, 152, 248, 328, 439 and 628 mg Fe/kg of diet, respectively. Diet with 127 mg ferrous sulfate/kg diet (514 mg Fe/kg diet) was also included in the study for comparison. Each diet was fed to triplicate groups of E. malabaricus (initial body weight 14.04 ± 0.03g) in a recirculated rearing system for 8 weeks. Fish fed diet with 97 and 152 mg Fe/kg had higher weight gain than fish fed diets with 439, 628 mg Fe/kg and 514 mg Fe/kg. Hemoglobin concentration was lower in fish fed diet with 53 mg Fe/kg than other dietary groups. Leukocyte superoxide anion production ratio was higher in fish fed diet with 152 mg Fe/kg than fish fed diets with 53 and 628 mg Fe/kg. The plasma lysozyme activity was highest in fish fed 97 and 152 mg Fe/kg, followed by 248 mg Fe/kg, 53 mg Fe/kg, then 328 and 514 mg Fe/kg and lowest in fish fed diets with ≧439 mg Fe/kg. The comparison between ferrous sulfate and iron amino acid complex in meeting the requirement for grouper was not made due to the exceptional low growth performance in fish fed diet with 127 mg Fe/kg from ferrous sulfate.
目 錄


研究二: 石斑魚稚魚對複合式胺基酸鐵之利用及其對免疫反應之影響
表十六、以不同複合胺基酸鐵含量及127 mg/kg diet之硫酸亞鐵餵食石斑魚稚魚八週後之增重百分率、飼料效率及存活率••••••••••••••••••••68
表十七、以不同複合胺基酸鐵含量及127 mg/kg diet之硫酸亞鐵餵食石斑魚稚魚八週後之蛋白質利用率及肝體比•69
表十八、以不同複合胺基酸鐵含量及127 mg/kg diet之硫酸亞鐵餵食石斑魚稚魚八週後之體組成••••••••70
表十九、以不同複合胺基酸鐵含量及127 mg/kg diet之硫酸亞鐵餵食石斑魚稚魚八週後之血液中紅血球計數、血紅素濃度及血比容••••••••••••••••71
表二十、以不同複合胺基酸鐵含量及127 mg/kg diet之硫酸亞鐵餵食石斑魚稚魚八週後之血液中平均血紅球體積、平均血紅球血紅素含量與平均血紅球血紅素濃度••72
表二十一、以不同複合胺基酸鐵含量及127 mg/kg diet之硫酸亞鐵餵食石斑魚稚魚八週後血清鐵、未飽和鐵結合能力、總鐵結合能力及運鐵蛋白飽和度•••••73
表二十二、以不同複合胺基酸鐵含量及127 mg/kg diet之硫酸亞鐵餵食石斑魚稚魚八週後魚體及肝臟中鐵濃度•74
表二十三、以不同複合胺基酸鐵含量及127 mg/kg diet之硫酸亞鐵餵食石斑魚稚魚八週後白血球超氧陰離子產率與溶菌酶活性••••••••••••••••75
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