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研究生(外文):Bo-Shen Wu
論文名稱(外文):Antioxidative activity in extracts of oyster and the variations in season and cultured area
指導教授(外文):Tze-Kuei Chiou
外文關鍵詞:oysterantioxidative activity
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本研究探討牡蠣肉之抽出條件、酵素水解及產地與季節變動對於抗氧化活性之影響。牡蠣原料經煮熟、均質及真空凍結乾燥製成乾物後作為實驗之用。包括熱水抽出、熱水抽出-乙醚處理、熱水抽出-80% 酒精處理、80% 酒精抽出及 80% 酒精抽出-乙醚處理等五組抽出條件,比較血紅蛋白催化亞麻油酸氧化抑制能力、α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) 自由基清除能力、還原力及亞鐵離子螯合能力等抗氧化活性。亞麻油酸過氧化抑制率、DPPH 清除力及亞鐵離子螯合能力均以熱水抽出組較高,還原力則各組間無明顯差異,顯示牡蠣抽出物中大分子物質亦具有抗氧化活性。
就酵素水解之影響,牡蠣肉乾物中分別加入消化酵素 (pepsin 及 trypsin) 及食品用酵素 (Prozyme 6、Protease A、Protease N、Flavourzyme、papain、Alcalase與Protamex) 等,並於37℃ 或50℃ 水解6及12小時,以 Prozyme 6、Protease A 及 Protease N 等三組水解液之抗氧化活性較高;其次進行水解時間 (0~12 小時) 的影響,以9小時水解為較佳的條件。
依據上述結果,經 Prozyme 6、Protease A 及 Protease N 等三種酵素水解9小時所得的水解液,以及水解液再經80%酒精沉澱處理所得低分子量區分 LMW-I 及 LMW-II 等製成乾物,亞麻油酸氧化抑制率以水解液組 (IC50 為 0.40~0.68 mg/mL) 較高,DPPH 清除力以 LMW-II 組 (IC50 為 0.97~1.34 mg/mL) 較高,還原力以 LMW-I 組 (IC50 為 2.24~3.45 mg/mL) 較高,而亞鐵離子螯合能力以水解液組 (IC50 為 0.37~0.71 mg/mL) 較高。較之分光法,以 HPLC 法分析 DPPH 清除力所得之 IC50 值低 20%~31%,可能原因為 DPPH 自由基被樣品作用後的產物在 517nm 下仍有吸光值。
牡蠣肉乾物熱水抽出液之抗氧化活性受季節與產地不同之影響大,尤其亞麻油酸過氧化抑制率,以彰化七月份樣品 (99.5%) 最高,而嘉義一月份樣品 (2.2%) 最低。整體上,以彰化產地牡蠣抗氧化活性高於嘉義產地;季節變動上則以春、夏兩季樣品的抗氧化活性較高。
This study investigates the antioxidative activity in oyster (Crassostrea gigas) meat in relation to the effects of extraction condition, enzymatic treatment, fractionation, and variation in season and cultured area. The specimens were cooked in boiling water, homogenized, and freeze-dired in vacuum to obtain a lyophilized meat powder as the sample for experiments. The extraction conditions including hot water (HW), HW-ether, HW-80% ethanol, 80% ethanol, and 80% ethanol-ether were used to prepare extracts from the meat sample. The extracts were then compared for the inhibition on hemoglobin-induced linoleic acid (C18:2) peroxidation, scavenging α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, reducing power, and Fe2+-chelating effect. Among the five extracts, the HW extract exhibited a higher inhibition on C18:2 peroxidation, scavenging DPPH effect, and Fe2+-chelating effect. However, there was no significant difference in reducing power. The data showed that the high-molecular-weight substances in oyster meat extract also contributed to antioxidative activity.
To oyster meat powder, the digestive enzymes (pepsin and trypsin) and proteases from commercial sources (Prozyme 6, Protease A, Protease N, Flavourzyme, papain, Alcalase, and Protamex) were added and hydrolyzed at 37℃ or 50℃ for 6 and 12 hours. Among the enzymes used, the Prozyme 6, Protease A, and Protease N hydrolysates were relatively high in antioxidative activity. The effect of hydrolysis time (0-12 hours) by Prozyme 6, Protease A, and Protease N was examined further. The data showed that the hydrolysis is for 9 hours was a better condition..
Accordingly, the 9-hour hydrolysates of Prozyme 6, Protease A, and Protease N together with their low-molecule-weight fractions (LMW-I and LMW-II) separated by 80% ethanol extraction wereprepared and lyophilized to measure in antioxidative activity at different concentrations. In comparison, the hydrolysates were the highest in the inhibition on C18:2 peroxidation IC50 0.40~0.68 mg/mL and Fe2+-chelating effect IC50 0.37~0.71 mg/mL, LMW-IIs were the highest in scavenging DPPH effect IC50 0.97~1.34 mg/mL, and LMW-Is were the highest in reducing power IC50 0.37~0.71 mg/mL. The IC50 values of scavenging DPPH radical determined by HPLC method decreased by 20~31% as compared with that by photometric method. The difference might be due to a reaction product of DPPH radical after being scavened is absorbance at 517 nm , it maybe caused error on photometric method.
The oyster specimens collected from different seasons and cultured areas were also measured for antioxidative activity using their HW extracts. The antioxidative activities varied largely, Especially the inhibition on C18:2 peroxidation in Chang-Hua samples ranged from the highest in Jul. (99.5%) to the lowest in Jan. (2.2%). On the whole, the Chang-Hua sample than Chia-Yi sample, the sample in spring and summer than other seasons tended to be high in antioxidative activity.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
目錄 V
壹、研究背景與目的 1
貳、文獻回顧 3
一、牡蠣之簡介 3
(一) 牡蠣之生態與養殖現況 3
(二) 化學成分與季節變化 6
二、蛋白質酵素水解物的性質與利用 8
(一) 抗氧化的功能 9
(二) 其他生理活性 10
三、影響蛋白質水解之因子 11
(一) 水解的方式 11
(二) 酵素的種類 12
(三) pH值與溫度 13
(四) 酵素濃度 14
(五) 其他 14
四、胜肽與胺基酸於腸道的吸收作用 14
(一) 細胞間路徑 15
(二) 細胞路徑 15
五、氧化作用與自由基 16
(一) 自由基的來源 16
(二) 氧化作用與生物體的關係 17
(三) 氧化作用與食品的關係 19
(四) 抗氧化劑 21
參、材料與方法 27
一、實驗原料 27
二、實驗方法 28
(一) 不同抽出條件對牡蠣抽出物抗氧化活性之影響 29
(二) 酵素水解對牡蠣抽出物抗氧化活性之影響 30
1. 酵素種類之影響 30
2. 水解時間之影響 31
3. 水解液及低分子量區分乾物不同濃度之抗氧化活性 31
(三). 離子交換樹脂層析分離 32
(四). 季節與產地不同之牡蠣抽出物抗氧化活性 33
三、分析方法 33
(一) 抗氧化活性測定 33
1. 抑制血紅蛋白催化亞麻油酸過氧化之能力 33
2. DPPH自由基清除能力測定 34
3. 還原力測定 34
4. 亞鐵離子螯合能力 35
(二) 可溶蛋白質含量測定 35
(三) 胺基含量測定 35
四、統計分析 35
肆、結果與討論 37
一、不同抽出條件對牡蠣抽出物抗氧化活性之影響 37
二、酵素水解對牡蠣抽出物抗氧化活性之影響 40
(一) 酵素種類之影響 40
(二) 水解時間之影響 45
(三) 水解液及低分子量區分乾物不同濃度之抗氧化活性 49
三、離子交換樹脂層析分離 52
四、季節與產地不同之牡蠣抽出物抗氧化活性 54
伍、結論 58
陸、參考文獻 59
柒、表 75
捌、圖 85
附表一、臺灣保健食品的分類 113
附表二、本實驗用酵素之性質一 114
附表三、本實驗用酵素之性質二 115
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