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研究生(外文):Chun Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):Upper-Ocean Thermal Variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool
指導教授(外文):Chung-Ru, Ho
外文關鍵詞:Western Pacific Warm Poolheat storageEl Niño/ La Niña eventregional warmingEmpirical Mode Decomposition
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本論文分析1992到2003年TOPEX/POSEIDON衛星高度計資料及1982到2003年衛星遙測及現場實測混合之海表溫度資料,藉以推估西太平洋暖池海域上層熱變化,並由經驗模態分解法分析其各週期成分及長期趨勢。由西太平洋暖心(表面溫度 ≧ 29.5℃)位移及分析熱含量變化得知,西太平洋暖心在10oN到10oS和120oE到140oE間為最具變化的區域。暖心緯向移動方向對反聖嬰有較高的敏感度,在反聖嬰期間,暖心向北跨越10oN;經向則與聖嬰較有關,聖嬰期間,暖心向東超過175oE。1982至2003年研究區域內西太平洋暖池海面溫度上升約0.13±0.01 ℃/decade,大於全球平均溫升0.08 ℃/decade,且溫度呈現3階段的變化,1982到1990年溫度緩慢增加,1991到1997年,溫度幾乎沒有改變,1998到2003年溫度增加最迅速,達到約0.22 ℃/decade。暖池面積增加 (2.0±0.02) x 106 km2/decade,也呈現類似溫度的3階段分佈。而從各週期成分所代表的能量來看,影響SST變化的主要為半年及年週期成分;而3∼7年跨年之聖嬰變化為影響面積變化之主因。研究區域內熱含量變化以跨年變化為主,1992至2003年上層海洋的暖化趨勢為1.45±0.23 W/m2,也大於全球平均約0.86±0.12 W/m2,且熱含量在西太平洋12oN附近呈現劇烈的變動。從西太平洋暖池溫度、面積及熱含量均顯示出1998到2003年為暖化最劇烈的階段。
The purpose of this thesis is to use 10 years of sea surface height anomaly data and 22 years of Reynolds sea surface temperature (SST) data have been used to study the thermal variability of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP). The periods of variability and its trend are extracted by the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method. The core of WPWP is defined as the area where the SST is higher than 29.5°C. From the centroid movement of the warm core and the heat storage anomaly, we find that the most variable area within WPWP is between 10oN-10oS and 120oE-140oE. The zontal component of the centroid of the warm core is more sensitive to El Niño events, but the meridional component is sensitive to La Niña events. The centroid of the warm core moves eastward across 175oE during El Niño events, however, the centroid of the warm core moves northward across 10oN during La Niña events. The SST trend of the WPWP between 1982 and 2003 is 0.13±0.01 °C/decade which is larger than the global mean trend of 0.08 °C/decade. However, the SST trend is not uniform. It increases slowly from 1982 to 1990, but almost increases without change from 1991 to 1997, and rapidly increase is 0.22 °C/decade between 1998 and 2003. The increasing rate of mean trend of WPWP area is (2.0±0.2) x 106 km2/decade between 1982 to 2003. It has a similar trend to the SST. Observing from the energy of individual component, the semi-annual and annual components play the main roles on SST variation. What’s more, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon through every 3-7 years basically determines the variation of WPWP size. The inter-annual signals dominate HSA variation in the study area. The HSA rise rate of upper ocean is 1.45±0.23 W/m2 from 1992 to 2003, which is greater than the global mean of 0.86±0.12 W/m2. Moreover, the HSA variation also performs dramatically dynamics around 12oN in the western Pacific. From the results of SST, WPWP area, and HSA variation, they all indicate that, the severest period of warming in the Western Tropical Pacific is from 1998 to 2003.
第一章 前言………………………………………………………01
第二章 資料與研究方法………………………………………………07
2.1 資料蒐集…………………………………………………………07
2.1.1 衛星高度計資料……………………………………………07
2.1.2 衛星海表面溫度資料…………………………………………08
2.1.3 熱帶大氣海洋觀測陣列資料…………………………………08
2.2 研究方法……………………………………………………………09
2.2.1 熱含量的估算…………………………………………………09
2.2.2 經驗模態分解法………………………………………………13
第三章 結果…………………………………………………………16
3.1 西太平洋暖池的範圍與表面溫度變化………………………16
3.2 西太平洋暖池面積變化………………………………………20
3.3 西太平洋暖池重心變化………………………………………23
3.4 西太平洋暖池熱含量變化與暖化趨勢………………………28
3.5 西太平洋暖池分區之探討……………………………………35
第四章 結論與展望……………………………………………………39
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