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研究生(外文):Shu-Chang Liu
論文名稱(外文):Satellite Observations on the Oil Spill in the Waters Adjacent to Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chung-Ru Ho
外文關鍵詞:SAROil spillTaiwan sea areaRemote sensing
  • 被引用被引用:3
  • 點閱點閱:457
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  • 下載下載:59
  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:2
摘 要

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the situation of oil spill from ship navigations in the waters adjacent to Taiwan by satellite imagery. About 136 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images from the European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS) taken from 1993 to 1997 are used to perform this study. There are 46 images showing the possibility of oil spill, based on the position and the shape of the discharge, the path of the ship, the sea characteristics of the area, and the weather conditions. The result shows that oil spill occurs most frequently in spring and least in winter. One possible reason is that navigation conditions are better during spring and summer, and as such, traffics of fishing boats, and oil and cargo freighters increasing at this time. The sea area off eastern Taiwan has a probability which far surpassed the other areas, followed by the western sea area, the northern sea area, and the southern sea area. This can be explained by the fact that navigations and weather conditions are well in the eastern sea area all year round, resulting in increasing marine activity. Also, the eastern sea area contains many international waterways, frequently navigated by large-scale oil and cargo freighters. For these reasons, the high probability for oil spill in the area is understandable. Regarding the oil spill in the different regions with the distance to the shore, the oil spill in the western sea area, with an average distance of 28 nautical miles (50 kilometers), is closer than those in the other areas. Possible explanations are: navigation conditions in the western sea area are constantly poor, the tonnage of the working fishing boats in the area is smaller, or the distance of the fishing area and the fishery is closer to shore. All of those factors can help to explain the proximity of the oil spill to the shore in the western sea area. The statistical analysis demonstrates that the oil spill around Taiwan mostly occurred over 24 nautical miles (44 kilometers) away from shore. Therefore, it is obvious that the probability of oil spill occurring as a ship leaves the harbor is not high. Instead, the majority of oil spill takes place from middle to long distance navigating fishing boats and from oil and cargo freighters navigating international waterways.

Keywords: SAR, Oil spill, Taiwan sea area, Remote sensing
謝辭 Ⅰ
中文摘要 Ⅱ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅴ
表目錄 Ⅶ
圖目錄 Ⅷ
第一章、緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3國內外油污染衛星監測之研究進展 3
1.4章節簡介 4
第二章、海面油污簡介 5
2.1海面油污染 5
2.2海面油污染的成因 5
2.3海面油污染的物理特性與作用 8
2.4海面油污染對環境生態的影響 13
第三章、遙測技術及SAR影像 14
3.1遙測技術 14
3.1-1遙測技術之定義 14
3.1-2遙測技術之原理 15
3.2 SAR影像簡介 17
3.2-1應用SAR遙測海上油污染之原理 18
3.2-2海洋現象在合成孔徑雷達影像上的應用 21
第四章 臺灣附近海域SAR影像研究分析 23
4.1 疑似油污染影像判別方式 23
4.2 臺灣海域四季油污染狀況之統計分析 24
4.3 臺灣附近各區海域油污染狀況之研究比較 26
4.3-1海域劃分與各海域油污染發生率之統計 26
4.3-2春、夏二季油污染發生海域之統計 27
4.4 各油污染發生離岸距離之統計及判因 29
第五章 總結與建議 31
5.1 總結 31
5.2 未來方向與建議 32
參考文獻 34
陳錕山、陳繼藩、林依依,2001,應用遙測技術於目標導向油污染監測系統之建立,行政院環保署88/08-89/12 委託研究案報告。
Brekke, C. and A. H. S. Solberg, 2005, Oil spill detection by satellite remote sensing, Remote Sensing of Environment, 95, 1-13.
Doerffer, J. W, 1992 , Oil spill response in the marine environment, Pergamon Press, 395p.
Fingas, M. F., 2001, Oil spill: why do they happen and how often, The Basic of Oil Spill Clean up, 2nd edited, 10-14.
Fingas, M. F. and C. E. Brown, 1997, Review of oil spill remote sensing, Spill Science & Technology Bulletin, 4, 199-208.
Gade, M. and W. Alpers, 1999, Using ERS-2 SAR images for routine observation of marine pollution in European coastal waters, The Science of the Total Environment, 237/238, 441-448.
Grierson, I. T., 1998, Use of airborne thermal imagery to detect and monitor inshore oil spill residues during darkness hours, Environmental Management, 6, 905-912.
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