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研究生(外文):Wen-Kai Liu
論文名稱(外文):Applications of Hybrid Fuzzy-GA Controller and FPGA Chip to TRMS
指導教授(外文):Jih-Gau Juang
外文關鍵詞:Fuzzy SystemGenetic AlgorithmTwim Rotor MIMO SystemFPGA chip
  • 被引用被引用:2
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This thesis presents a new approach based on PID controller and Fuzzy compensator to an experimental propeller setup that is called the twin rotor multi-input multi-output system (TRMS). The goal of control is to stabilize the TRMS in significant cross coupling condition and to reach desired set-point and trajectory efficiently. The control scheme includes four Fuzzy compensators and four PID controllers with independent inputs. In order to reduce total error and control energy, all parameters of the controllers are obtained by real-type genetic algorithm (RGA) with system performance index as fitness function. The system performance index applies the integral of time multiplied by the square error criterion (ITSE) to build a suitable fitness function in RGA. We also investigate a new method for RGA to solve control parameters. This new method leads chromosomes in RGA to converge to optimal solutions in complicated hyperplan more quickly. Computer simulations show that the proposed control scheme can overcome system nonlinearities and influence between two rotors successfully. For real-time control, the Xilinx Spartan II SP200 FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) is employed to construct a hardware-in-the-loop system. We built a linear-like fuzzy PID controller in coupled condition through writing VHDL on this FPGA. Performance of the hardware controller is demonstrated by real-time experiments.
Abstract (Chinese) i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement (Chinese) iii
Content iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivation and Goal 1
1.2 Papers Review 2
1.2.1 Research on TRMS Control 2
1.2.2 Research on Fuzzy Controller 3
1.2.3 Research on the Genetic Algorithm 3
1.3 Thesis Contribution 4
1.4 Thesis Overview 4
Chapter 2 Mathematical Model of the TRMS 6
2.1 Introduction of the TRMS 6
2.2 Mathematical Model 7
2.2.1 Non-Linear Model 8
2.3 Mathematical Model and Parameter of TRMS
Decoupled 18
2.3.1 Mathematical Model of Vertical Part of
2.3.2 Mathematical Model of Horizontal Part of
2.4 Simulink Models of the TRMS 20
2.4.1 Simulink Model of the Horizontal Part of the
2.4.2 Simulink Model of Vertical Part of the
2.4.3 Simulink Model of the 2-DOF TRMS 24
Chapter 3 Fuzzy PID Controller Structure 25
3.1 Structure of Fuzzy Controller 25
3.1.1 Preprocessing 25
3.1.2 Fuzzification 26
3.1.3 Rule Base 27
3.1.4 Connectives 29
3.1.5 Modifiers 29
3.1.6 Membership Function 30
3.1.7 Inference Engine 34
3.1.9 Defuzzification 37
3.2 Structure of Fuzzy PID Controller 39
3.3 Fuzzy PID Control 42
3.4 Fuzzy Compensator and PID Controller with TRMS
Model 48
3.4.1 Fuzzy Compensator and PID Controller in
decoupled condition 48
3.4.2 Fuzzy Compensator and PID Controller in Cross
Coupled Condition of TRMS 52
Chapter 4 Genetic Algorithms and TRMS Control 54
4.1 Introduction to Genetic Algorithms 54
4.2 Real Type Genetic algorithms 55
4.2.1 Fundamental of RGA 55
4.2.2 Procedure of RGA 58
4.3 System performance index 60
4.4 Parameters Optimizing for TRMS Control 62
4.4.1 Parameters Optimizing for PID in Horizontal
Plane 62
4.4.2 Parameters Optimizing for PID in Vertical
Plane 65
4.4.3 Parameters Optimizing for Fuzzy Controller in
Horizontal Plane 67
4.4.4 Parameters Optimizing for Fuzzy Controller in
Vertical of Plane 70
4.4.5 Parameters Optimizing for Fuzzy Compensator and
PID Controller in Horizontal Plane 72
4.4.6 Parameters Optimizing for Fuzzy Compensator and
PID Controller in Vertical Plane 75
4.4.7 Parameters Optimizing PID Controller in Cross-
Coupled Condition 79
4.4.8 Parameters Optimizing for FLC and PID Controller
in Cross-Coupled Condition 84
4.4.9 Summary 88
Chapter 5 Implementation of Controller 90
5.1 Introduction of HCTL-2016 91
5.2 Xilinx Spartant II XC2S200 FPGA 93
5.2.1 Introduction 93
5.2.2 Development System 94
5.3 Implementation of controller 96
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations 102
6.1 Conclusion 102
6.2 Future Work 103
Appendix 104
Appendix B 109
References 111
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