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研究生(外文):Jun-Yen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Direction of Arrival Estimation of Signals by Adaptive Eigendecomposition Algorithms
指導教授(外文):Lena Chang
外文關鍵詞:Direction of Arrival (DOA)near fieldmultipathDigital Signal ProcessorAdaptive Eigendecomposition algorithmwatertank
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The estimation of direction-of-arrival (DOA) has been widely applied in the field of radar, sonar, communications and seismology. Recently, high-resolution eigenspace-based techniques have been developed for DOA estimation. These eigenspace-based methods, such as MUSIC, have been verified to be efficient in estimating the bearings of signals by some computation simulations. However, these methods are suffered from some realistic problems, such as near-field sources, multipath interference and computation complexity when they are applied in real environments. In the thesis, we propose a fast adaptive eigenspace-based algorithm for DOA estimation and tracking. To verify the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed method in underwater environments, we implement the adaptive DOA estimation method by utilizing the TI’s TMS320C6701 Digital Signal Processor.
The proposed DOA estimation method is based on a real-valued forward-backward adaptive eigendecomposition(RFBAE) algorithm, which requires only real operations in calculating the eigencomponents of signal subspace. To alleviate the performance degradation caused by near-field sources and multipath interference, we develop a far-field revision procedure and a smoothed based RFBAE algorithm. The far-field revision procedure can adjust the near-field steering vector to be the far-field steering vector with same DOA allocation. The smoothed based RFBAE algorithm combines the spatial smoothing method and the RFBAE for coherent sources estimation. Moreover, to facilitate the DOA estimation in real-time implementation, we derive the closed form for the roots of null spectral polynomial in Root-MUSIC. Utilizing the derivational roots as the initial values of Newton method, we may accelerate the DOA estimation. Simulations validate the proposed adaptive DOA estimation method can resolve the coherent near-field sources efficiently.
Then, we implement the proposed method by TI’s TMS320C6701 Digital Signal Processor. The program realization of the proposed method requires only real operations and less computation complexity in each iteration. The rapid convergence rate of the proposed method provides the accuracy of DOA estimation and tracking. Watertank experiments confirm the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed adaptive DOA estimation method in underwater environments.

第一章 緒論
1.1 陣列訊號處理簡介
1.2 方位估測背景及文獻回顧2
1.3 研究動機4
1.4 各章節內容概述

第二章 以特徵結構為基礎之方位估測
2.1 均勻線性陣列模型
2.2 MUSIC演算法
2.3 Root-MUSIC演算法
2.4 一般膨脹演算法
2.5 適應性特徵分解演算法
2.6 電腦模擬
2.6.1 模擬2.1
2.6.2 模擬2.2
2.6.3 模擬2.3
2.6.4 模擬2.4
2.6.5 模擬2.5
2.6.6 模擬2.6
2.7 討論與分析

第三章 數位信號處理簡介與實現設計
3.1 數位信號處理的發展
3.2 DSP在各領域的應用
3.3 TMS320C6701簡介
3.4 發展環境
3.5 硬體實現設計
3.5.1 TMS320C6701的資料型態
3.5.2 定點數與浮點數
3.5.3 DSP設計工具與輸入方式

第四章 適應性方位估測之實現
4.1 近場訊號模型
4.1.1 遠場近似法
4.1.2 遠場校正法
4.2 多重路徑資料模型
4.2.1 空間平滑法
4.2.2 空間平滑適應性特徵分解演算法
4.3 軟體架構
4.3.1 Hilbert轉換
4.3.2 牛頓法求解多項式根及角度計算
4.3.3 正割法求解多項式根
4.3.4 公式求解多項式根
4.4 硬體架構
4.5 電腦模擬
4.5.1 模擬4.1
4.5.2 模擬4.2
4.5.3 模擬4.3
4.5.4 模擬4.4
4.5.5 模擬4.5
4.5.6 模擬4.6
4.5.7 模擬4.7
4.5.8 模擬4.8
4.5.9 模擬4.9
4.6 水槽實驗
4.6.1 實驗(一)
4.6.2 實驗(二)
4.6.3 實驗(三
4.7 討論與分析
4.7.1 近場訊號源模擬結論
4.7.2 同調訊號源模擬結論
4.7.3 近場且同調訊號源及近場且同調移動訊號源模擬結論
4.7.4 水槽實驗結論
4.7.5 綜合分析與討論

第五章 結論及未來研究方向
5.1 結論
5.2 未來研究與發展方向

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