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研究生(外文):Pei Yu Che
論文名稱(外文):Optimized Slot Allocation for A Single Liner Service
指導教授(外文):Ching-Wu ChuHua-An Lu
外文關鍵詞:Slot AllocationContainerJoint venture
  • 被引用被引用:12
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While facing increasingly competitive market on ship enlargement and uncertain cargo demands, most liner companies would increase the usage of container space through Slot Allocation so as to maximize the margins for the company. It is expected that slot allocation would be the major strategic issue for those liner companies. However, the study of slot allocation is less discussed on previous literature and academic research. Therefore, in the beginning of the chapters, Single liner service is used as the foundation, and to evaluate the effects of different container allocation, upon either Joint venture or Self-Operation.
Among those chapters, slot allocation will be first discussed under Self-Operation business, and go through changing the freight charge and container demands to observe the effects on slot allocation. Secondly, by way of Joint-Operation mode, a mathematical model is constructed to calculate the ideal number of ship dispatch and space commerce.
In terms of past literature review and those un-solved questions, this research is aimed at pursuing the maximum profits based on proposing a suitable mathematical model. Those related generators and algorithm were coded in Visual C++ and this CPLEX software is used to provide an adequate solution. This is expected to verify the accuracy and appropriateness of the whole assumption and preset testing model. By comparing the situation upon estimated results and real slot allocation, it would not only help to testify the reliability of this mathematical model; it would also help to figure out the factors that would affect the slot allocation via detailed analysis of the outcome. Upon the cooperation with real business operation, this research is believed to benefit those liner companies by offering a well-calculated model and targeted to raise the profit margins.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與範圍 2
1.3 研究方法與流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 收益管理與艙位分配之定義與應用 7
2.2 艙位分配問題運用在各產業上之相關文獻 8
2.2.1 航空產業 8
2.1.2 鐵路產業 9
2.1.3 海運產業 9
2.3 定期航商之策略聯盟 15
2.3.1 定期航商策略聯盟的型態 15
2.3.2 策略聯盟的優點 17
2.4 小結 18
第三章 實務艙位分配作業 19
3.1 定期航線之艙位分配特性 19
3.2 影響艙位分配之主要因素 21
3.3 艙位分配之規劃概念 26
3.4 小結 28
第四章 自營航線艙位分配模式與實證分析 29
4.1 模式構想 29
4.2 數學模式 33
4.3 實例驗證與分析 36
4.3.1 案例背景說明 36
4.3.2 測試與分析 40
4.4 敏感度分析 52
4.4.1 冷凍櫃需求之敏感度分析 52
4.4.2 空櫃機會收益之敏感度分析 53
4.4.3 20呎乾櫃價格之敏感度分析 54
4.5 小結 55
第五章 共同派船聯營艙位規劃模式與實證分析 56
5.1 模式構建 56
5.2 實例測試結果 59
5.3 敏感度分析 70
5.3.1 買賣艙位價格之敏感度分析 70
5.3.2 營運成本減少 72
5.4 小結 74
第六章 結論與建議 75
6.1 結論 75
6.2 建議 76
6.3 研究貢獻 77
參考文獻 78
附錄一 模式產生器程式 80
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