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研究生(外文):Huang-Huei Guo
論文名稱(外文):The study of sound pressure distribution of three dimensional enclosure based on a Time Domain Boundary Element Method with a new time interval algorithm
外文關鍵詞:Boundary Element MethodTime Domaintime interval
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The aim of this dissertation is to develop a time domain acoustic computation theory, which is calculating the sound pressure distribution of three dimensional enclosure for boundary integral equation with a new time interval algorithm.
In order to ensure the accuracy of the boundary integral program compared with the image method for a three dimensional enclosed source field. Based on the equation developed are a calculation procedure BIE for the direct sound and the first reflected sound, and a time domain boundary element method (BEM) for calculating the subsequent part of the sound pressure. The sound pressure, which exhibits notoriously large oscillations in bath space and time domains, it is proposed that interpolations are always carried out on boundary pressure with triangular element and quadrangle element in geometric and physical properties. The time domain interpolations are carried out with Fourier series expansion function compared with linear. The convergence problems can be improved based on the above calculation in the BIE and BEM procedures.
第一章 導論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 本文介紹與架構 3
第二章 室內三維聲場時間域邊界積分方程 5
2.1 三維聲場時間域聲波傳播邊界積分方程 5
2.2 脈衝響應函數的模擬 8
2.3 脈衝響應函數之邊界積分方程 10
第三章 分析方法 12
3.1 具體求法概論 12
3.2 一次反射音在邊界的影響區域 12
3.3 直接音及一次反射音 27
3.3.1 一次反射的邊界積分方程 27
3.4 一次以上反射音 30
3.4.1 空間內插函數 30
3.4.2 時間內插函數 31
3.4.3 邊界元素離散化推導 34

第四章 長方體數值計算 36
4.1 映像法解析解 36
4.1.1音源時間項以單頻表示 36
4.1.2音源時間項以頻帶表示 37
4.2 以諧波穩定聲場對傅立葉項數改變之分析 37
4.3 邊界積分與邊界元素法計算 38
4.3.1音源時間項以諧波表示 38
4.3.2音源時間項以頻帶表示 39
4.3.3邊界積分方程計算流程 39
4.4 數值計算結果 41
4.4.1原尺寸空間與縮小尺寸0.4的影響 41
4.4.2映像法與邊界元素法之聲壓大小比較 42
4.4.3映像法與邊界元素法之聲壓實部與虛部 44
4.4.4傅立葉級數改變N之影響 44
第五章 結果與討論 46
參考文獻 47
附錄A 映像法 85
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