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研究生(外文):Po-Hua Lai
論文名稱(外文):Application of Experimental Statistical Energy Analysis Method to The Estimation Loss Factors
指導教授(外文):R.J. Shyu
外文關鍵詞:Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA)Power Injection Method (PIM)Composite MaterialsDamping Loss Factor (DLF)
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在航空及汽車等量產型產業中,統計能量法(SEA, Statistical Energy Analysis)於噪音預估之應用上已有相當完備之發展,而遊艇因具客製化之產業特性,能量統計法對其之應用尚屬萌芽階段。雖然現有不少針對統計能量法之論述,惟多著重於統計能量理論及簡單構件之實驗方法推導,對實驗方法進行探討的文獻就較少。
本文自理論應用之觀點出發,由實驗角度探討複合材料損失因子(DLF, Damping Loss Factor)於統計能量法之應用。文中即以功率注入法(PIM, Power Injection Method)為主軸,並以等向性(Homogeneous)鋼板為導引,探討統計能量法計算損失因子時的合理實驗配置,進而逐步探討遊艇FRP複合材料複雜結構之損失因子特性,及其在統計能量法中之適用性,據此建立軟體之評估模型,與50噸級高速巡邏艇之實船測試資料,進行艙間噪音比對。經由噪音實際測試值及計算值之比較,得知實驗統計能量法在遊艇設計的應用上,可以獲得不錯的噪音預估效果。
Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) has been widely applied to the prediction of noises level in industries such as automobile and aerospace. But the application of SEA to the yacht-building industry is still under development due to the complexity of custom-made demands. There are many papers discussing SEA most of them emphasize on theories and the deduction of experiment methods for simple structures. But less papers conduct systematic analyses and studies on the topic of experiment methods.
Therefore, this thesis focuses on the application of Damping Loss Factor (DLF) to SEA from the point of view of experiments and tests. The Power Injection Method (PIM) is used in this research. A homogeneous steel plate is studied first to determine the best experimental arrangement for estimating DLF. The applicability of SEA and the characteristics of DLF for yachts with FRP composite materials, are therefore studied in follow-up experiments, Modeling and experiments of cabin noises of a 50-ton high-speed patrol boat were also conducted, and the comparison of test data with predictions from SEA model confirms the applicability of ESEA to the aconstic design of yachts.
1. 前 言
2. 理論摘要及實驗規劃
2.1. 統計能量法
2.1.1. SEA法原理簡介
2.1.2. SEA法所需參數
2.2. PIM實驗法
2.2.1. PIM理論簡介
2.2.2. PIM實驗方法
2.3. 實驗規劃
2.3.1. 材料實驗
2.3.2. 實船實驗
2.4. 實驗方法確認
2.4.1. 能量輸入點數(衝擊錘敲擊點數)的影響
2.4.2. 附加質量的影響
2.4.3. 測量點數(加速規數量)的影響
2.4.4. 敲擊平均次數的影響
2.4.5. 不同頻率響應範圍的衝擊錘的影響
2.4.6. 邊界條件的影響
3. 等向性材料損失因子實驗
3.1. 平面板件(S-1)
3.2. L型板件(S-2)
3.3. 耦合損失因子的理論解與實驗值(S-3、S-4)
4. FRP積層板損失因子實驗
4.1. 板材結構組成對損失因子的影響
4.2. 鋁合金板對損失因子的影響
5. FRP快艇實船實驗
5.1. 結構材料特性測量與驗証
5.2. 實船振動噪音測量
6. 統計能量法噪音評估驗證
6.1. SEA法求解過程
6.2. SEA預估值與實測值之比對
7. 結論與展望
8. 參考文獻
9. 附錄:FRP損失因子實驗結果
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