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研究生(外文):Bo-Wen Hou
論文名稱(外文):Large Power System Stabilization by Wide Area Measurement
外文關鍵詞:Synchronized Phasor MeasurementsPower System Small Signal StabilityPower System Stabilizer
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Wide area measurements in large-scale power systems have become feasible due to the technology of GPS-based Synchronized Phasor Measurement Units. Synchronized phasor measurements have been proven useful for many control and monitoring applications in power system.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the improvement for system damping in Taipower system by installing power system stabilizers with wide area measurement. Furthermore, this thesis also includes the criteria of realistic application of the stabilizer such as: installation location, the selection of signals, and the impact to the whole system stability due to the signals transmission delay. In addition, the thesis analyzed the Inter-area mode in Taipower system, and verified the feasibility of installing such stabilizers in large power system.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機及目的 1
1.2 研究方法 4
1.3 研究工具軟體 6
1.4 分章內容 6
第二章 動態穩定度分析理論與方法 9
2.1 前言 9
2.2 電力系統動態穩定度 10
2.3 電力系統之低頻振盪分析 11
2.4 頻域分析法 12
2.5 時域模擬分析 23
第三章 系統介紹 25
3.1 台灣電力系統架構概述 25
3.2 發電機控制設備 30
3.3廣域相量量測單元介紹 33
3.4 電力系統穩定器 35
3.4.1 電力系統穩定器簡介 35
3.4.2 穩定器的輸入訊號型態 38
3.4.3 電力系統穩定器之設計 39
3.4.4 具備廣域量測值之電力系統穩定器 46
第四章 系統模擬分析 49
4.1 系統未裝設電力系統穩定器 49
4.2 發電機裝設電力系統穩定器 59
4.3 發電機裝設具備擷取廣域量測訊號之電力系統穩定器 63
4.4 綜合考量訊號傳輸過程延遲下之系統響應分析 77
4.5 移除具有嚴重訊號延遲之遠端訊號下之系統響應分析 85
第五章 結論 89
5.1總結 89
5.2 未來研究方向 90
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